# | ID | Card Name | Short Name | Original Set | Current Set | Color | Type | Subtype | AI Group | Occurance | Mana Costs | Pow | Tuff | Trade Value | Type Text | Artist | Rule Text | Flavor Text | Ability 1 | Ability 2 | Ability 3 | Ability 4 | Ability 5 | Ability 6
1 | 0000 | Luftelementar | Luftelementar | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Elemental | None | Uncommon | 000023 | 4 | 4 | 120 | BeschwΣrung eines Elementarwesens | Richard Thomas | Fliegend | Diese Luftgeister sind lieblich und wild, doch keiner kann sie richtig verstehen. Nur ansatzweise intelligent ersetzen sie planvolles Vorgehen durch Grillenhaftigkeit und ergΣtzen sich an Possen und bΣsen SpΣ▀en. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
2 | 0001 | Erinnerung der Ahnen | Erinnerung der Ahnen | Unlimited | Restricted | Blue | Instant | na | Draw | Special | 000010 | na | na | 4500 | Spontanzauber | Mark Poole | Ein Spieler Deiner Wahl zieht drei Karten. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
3 | 0002 | Artefaktbelebung | Artefaktbelebung | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Artifact | None | Uncommon | 000013 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Artefakt | Douglas Shuler | Das verzauberte Nicht-Kreatur-Artefakt wird zu einer Artefaktkreatur mit sowohl StΣrke als auch Widerstandskraft in H÷he der Spruchkosten des Artefakts. Es behΣlt allerdings alle seine Originaleigenschaften. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
4 | 0003 | Belebung der Toten | Belebung der Toten | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000101 | na | na | 100 | Verzauberung | Anson Maddocks | WΣhle eine Kreaturenkarte in einem der FriedhΣfe, wenn Du die Belebung der Toten sprichst. Wenn die Belebung der Toten ins Spiel kommt, bringe diese Kreatur unter Deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel, und die Belebung der Toten wird zu einer Kreaturenverzauberung, die auf diese Kreatur zielt. Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt -1/-0. Wenn die Belebung der Toten das Spiel verlΣ▀t, begrabe die Kreatur. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
5 | 0004 | Mauerbelebung | Mauerbelebung | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Rare | 100000 | na | na | 300 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Dan Frazier | Sprich diese Verzauberung nur auf eine Mauer.\\Die verzauberte Kreatur kann angreifen, als wΣre sie keine Mauer. | ôWenn Du erst einmal von ZΣhnen aus Granit gebissen worden bist, sehnst Du Dich selbst nach den ElfenbeinsΣbelzΣhnen der Tiger.ö\\ùNorin der Kriegerische | None | None | None | None | None | None |
6 | 0005 | Mishras Ankh | Mishras Ankh | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000002 | na | na | 350 | Artefakt | Amy Weber | Immer wenn ein Land ins Spiel kommt, fⁿgt Mishras Ankh dem Beherrscher dieses Lands 2 Schadenspunkte zu. | Tawnos l÷ste schlie▀lich das RΣtsel: die seltsamen Strukturen beherbergten nicht Mishras ⁿbelwollende Kreaturen, sondern geh÷rten selbst zu seinen Kreationen. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
7 | 0006 | G÷tterdΣmmerung | G÷tterdΣmmerung | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Sorcery | na | LandDestruct | Rare | 100003 | na | na | 500 | Hexerei | Jesper Myrfors | Zerst÷re alle LΣnder. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
8 | 0007 | Wolfsblut | Wolfsblut | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Enchant | Creature | None | Rare | 010001 | na | na | 500 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Jeff A. Menges | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +*/+*, wobei * der halben Anzahl der |H1WΣlder, die Du kontrollierst, entspricht. Runde fⁿr die StΣrke ab und fⁿr die Widerstandskraft auf. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
9 | 0008 | Mondschatten | Mondschatten | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 000101 | na | na | 600 | Verzauberung | Jesper Myrfors | Alle |Sschwarzen Kreaturen erhalten +1/+1. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
10 | 0009 | Badlands | Badlands | Unlimited | | Grey | Land | na | None | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 700 | Land | Rob Alexander | |T: add |R or |B to your mana pool. Counts as both a swamp and a mountain and is affected by spells which affect either. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
11 | 0010 | Balance | Balance | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Sorcery | na | LandDestruct | Rare | 100001 | na | na | 500 | Hexerei | Mark Poole | Alle Spieler opfern soviele LΣnder, bis alle Spieler gleichviele LΣnder im Spiel haben. Der Spieler, der die wenigsten LΣnder hat, darf aber jetzt keine LΣnder opfern. Dann gleichen alle Spieler die Anzahl der Karten, die sie auf der Hand haben und die Anzahl der Kreaturen, die sie im Spiel haben, nach der selben Methode einander an. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
12 | 0011 | Basalt Monolith | Basalt Monolith | Unlimited | | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000003 | na | na | 100 | Artifact | Jesper Myrfors | |T: add |3 to your mana pool. Does not untap as normal during untap phase. \\|3: Untap Basalt Monolith. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
13 | 0012 | Bayou | Bayou | Unlimited | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 600 | Land | Jesper Myrfors | |T: add |G or |B to your mana pool. Counts as both a swamp and a forest and is affected by spells which affect either. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
14 | 0013 | Benalische Heldin | Benalische Heldin | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Summon | Hero | None | Common | 100000 | 1 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung einer Heldin | Douglas Shuler | BⁿndnisfΣhigkeit | Benalia hat ein kompliziertes Kastensystem, das jeweils mit dem Mondjahr wechselt. UnabhΣngig von den Jahreszeiten ist nur eine einzige Kaste, die weder durch Geburt noch durch Geld erreicht werden kann: die Kaste der Helden. | Banding | None | None | None | None | None |
15 | 0014 | Berserker | Berserker | Unlimited | Restricted | Green | Instant | na | None | Special | 010000 | na | na | 2000 | Spontanzauber | Dan Frazier | Spiele sie nur vor dem Ende einer Sprich diesen Zauberspruch nur vor dem Ende des Kampfes.\\Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl erhΣlt Trampeln und +X/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges, wobei X gleich der StΣrke der Kreatur ist.\\Zerst÷re die Kreatur am Ende des Zuges, wenn sie in diesem Zug angegriffen hat. | None | xTrample | None | None | None | None | None |
16 | 0015 | Paradiesv÷gel | Paradiesv÷gel | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Mana Birds | ManaSource | Rare | 010000 | 0 | 1 | 600 | BeschwΣrung von Manav÷geln | Mark Poole | Fliegend\\|T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
17 | 0016 | Schwarzer Ritter | Schwarzer Ritter | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Knight | None | Uncommon | 000200 | 2 | 2 | 200 | BeschwΣrung eines Ritters | Jeff A. Menges | Erstschlag, Schutz vor |S2Wei▀ | Kampf braucht keinen Anla▀; Kampf ist der Anla▀ selbst. Man fragt ja auch nicht, warum sich eine Seuche ausbreitet oder warum ein Feld brennt, also frage mich auch nicht, warum ich kΣmpfe. | First Strike | Protection from White | None | None | None | None |
18 | 0017 | Schwarzer Lotus | Schwarzer Lotus | Unlimited | Restricted | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Special | 000000 | na | na | 15000 | Artefakt | Christopher Rush | |T: opfere den Schwarzen Lotus: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um drei Mana einer beliebigen Farbe. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
19 | 0018 | Todespresse | Todespresse | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 200 | Artefakt | Richard Thomas | WΣhle einen Deiner Gegner. Hat dieser Gegner am Ende seiner Versorgungsphase mehr als vier Karten in der Hand, fⁿgt die Todespresse ihm fⁿr jede ⁿber vier hinausgehende Karte 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
20 | 0019 | Schwarzer Schutz | Schwarzer Schutz | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 80 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Dan Frazier | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt Schutz gegen |S2Schwarz. Dieser Schutz zerst÷rt allerdings diese Verzauberung nicht. | None | xProtection from Black | None | None | None | None | None |
21 | 0020 | Blaze of Glory | Blaze of Glory | Unlimited | | White | Instant | na | None | Rare | 100000 | na | na | 3000 | Instant | Richard Thomas | Target defending creature can and must block all attacking creatures it can legally block. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
22 | 0021 | Segen | Segen | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | PowerUp | Rare | 200000 | na | na | 500 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Julie Baroh | |W: Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
23 | 0022 | Blauer Urknall | Blauer Urknall | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Interrupt | na | Counterspell | Common | 000010 | na | na | 30 | Unterbrechungszauber | Richard Thomas | Neutralisiert einen |Sroten Zauberspruch oder zerst÷rt eine bleibende |S1rote Karte im Spiel. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
24 | 0023 | Blauer Schutz | Blauer Schutz | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 60 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Dan Frazier | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt Schutz gegen |S2Blau. Dieser Schutz zerst÷rt allerdings diese Verzauberung nicht. | None | xProtection from Blue | None | None | None | None | None |
25 | 0024 | Todlose Moorleiche | Todlose Moorleiche | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Wraith | None | Uncommon | 000103 | 3 | 3 | 160 | BeschwΣrung eines Wraith | Jeff A. Menges | |HSumpftarnung | Es war im Moor von Cannelbrae\\Wo mein GefΣhrte fand jΣh sein Grab\\Fⁿr uns zu retten es nichts gab\\In den morast'gen Sⁿmpfen von Cannelbrae. | Swampwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
26 | 0025 | Geistesblitz | Geistesblitz | Unlimited | Restricted | Blue | Sorcery | na | Draw | Special | 00002X | na | na | 500 | Hexerei | Mark Tedin | Ein Spieler Deiner Wahl zieht X Karten. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
27 | 0026 | Wege des Maulwurfs | Wege des Maulwurfs | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 001000 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Mark Poole | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt |HGebirgstarnung. | None | xMountainwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
28 | 0027 | Camouflage | Camouflage | Unlimited | | Green | Instant | na | None | Rare | 010000 | na | na | 700 | Instant | Jesper Myrfors | Rearrages your attacking creatures and places them face down in opponent's view. Creatures are then revealed to opponent after defense is chosen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
29 | 0028 | Burg | Burg | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | None | Uncommon | 100003 | na | na | 100 | Verzauberung | Dameon Willich | Alle ungetappten Kreaturen, die Du kontrollierst, erhalten +0/+2, solange sie nicht angreifen. | ôEin jeder lebe still bei sich daheim; / Dem Friedlichen gewΣhrt man gern den Frieden.ö\\ùFriedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell | None | None | None | None | None | None |
30 | 0029 | Himmelsprisma | Himmelsprisma | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000003 | na | na | 100 | Artefakt | Amy Weber | |2, |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um ein Mana einer Farbe Deiner Wahl. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
31 | 0030 | Blutzoll | Blutzoll | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Sorcery | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 020000 | na | na | 110 | Hexerei | Richard Thomas | Bis zum Ende des Zuges kannst Du Deinen Manavorrat um farbloses Mana aufstocken û zum Preis von einem Lebenspunkt pro farblosem Mana. Spiele diese Aufstockungen wie einen Unterbrechungszauber. Effekte, die Schaden verhindern oder umleiten, k÷nnen hier nicht angewendet werden, um den Verlust der Lebenspunkte zu verhindern. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
32 | 0031 | Chaos Orb | Chaos Orb | Unlimited | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000002 | na | na | 5000 | Artifact | Mark Tedin | |1: Orb may randomly destroy a number of cards in play | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
33 | 0032 | Chaosgewebe | Chaosgewebe | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Interrupt | na | None | Rare | 001000 | na | na | 230 | Unterbrechungszauber | Dameon Willich | Die Farbe einer entweder sich im Spiel befindlichen oder gerade gespielten Karte verΣndert sich in |S2Rot. V÷llig unberⁿhrt davon bleiben der Gebrauch einer bestimmten FΣhigkeit und die Kosten des Zauberns, des Tappens oder der Versorgung des Ziels. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
34 | 0033 | Schutzkreis gegen Schwarz | Schutzkreis gegen Schwarz | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | Healing | Common | 100001 | na | na | 30 | Verzauberung | Jesper Myrfors | |1: Verhindere allen Schaden, der Dir aus einer |Sschwarzen Quelle zugefⁿgt wird. Weiterer Schaden aus dieser Quelle wird normal behandelt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
35 | 0034 | Schutzkreis gegen Blau | Schutzkreis gegen Blau | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | Healing | Common | 100001 | na | na | 30 | Verzauberung | Dameon Willich | |1: Verhindere allen Schaden, der Dir aus einer |Sblauen Quelle zugefⁿgt wird. Weiterer Schaden aus dieser Quelle wird normal behandelt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
36 | 0035 | Schutzkreis gegen Grⁿn | Schutzkreis gegen Grⁿn | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | Healing | Common | 100001 | na | na | 30 | Verzauberung | Sandra Everingham | |1: Verhindere allen Schaden, der Dir aus einer |Sgrⁿnen Quelle zugefⁿgt wird. Weiterer Schaden aus dieser Quelle wird normal behandelt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
37 | 0036 | Schutzkreis gegen Rot | Schutzkreis gegen Rot | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | Healing | Common | 100001 | na | na | 30 | Verzauberung | Mark Tedin | |1: Verhindere allen Schaden, der Dir aus einer |Sroten Quelle zugefⁿgt wird. Weiterer Schaden aus dieser Quelle wird normal behandelt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
38 | 0037 | Schutzkreis gegen Wei▀ | Schutzkreis gegen Wei▀ | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | Healing | Common | 100001 | na | na | 30 | Verzauberung | Douglas Shuler | |1: Verhindere allen Schaden, der Dir aus einer |Swei▀en Quelle zugefⁿgt wird. Weiterer Schaden aus dieser Quelle wird normal behandelt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
39 | 0038 | Mechanische Bestie | Mechanische Bestie | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Rare | 000006 | 0 | 4 | 400 | Artefaktkreatur | Drew Tucker | Wenn die Mechanische Bestie ins Spiel kommt, lege sieben +1/+0 Marken darauf. Entferne am Ende eines Kampfes, in dem die Mechanische Bestie angegriffen oder geblockt hat, eine dieser Marken.\\|X, |T: Lege X +1/+0 Marken auf die Mechanische Bestie. Du kannst nicht mehr als sieben dieser Marken auf der Mechanischen Bestie haben. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
40 | 0039 | Clone | Clone | Unlimited | | Blue | Summon | Clone | None | Uncommon | 000013 | 0 | 0 | 200 | Summon Clone | Julie Baroh | Upon summoning, Clone acquires all normal characteristics of any one creature in play | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
41 | 0040 | Wolpertinger | Wolpertinger | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Cockatrice | None | Rare | 020003 | 2 | 4 | 600 | BeschwΣrung eines Wolpertingers | Dan Frazier | Fliegend\\Zerst÷re am Ende eines Kampfes alle Nicht-Mauerkreaturen, die der Wolpertinger geblockt hat oder die ihn geblockt haben. | None | Flying | Stoning | None | None | None | None |
42 | 0041 | Consecrate Land | Consecrate Land | Unlimited | | White | Enchant | Land | None | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 200 | Enchant Land | Jeff A. Menges | All enchantments on target land are destroyed, no further enchantments can be played on this land while consecrated. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
43 | 0042 | Conservator | Conservator | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | Healing | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 100 | Artefakt | Amy Weber | |3, |T: Verhindere bis zu 2 Schadenspunkte gegen Dich. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
44 | 0043 | Contract from Below | Contract from Below | Unlimited | | Black | Sorcery | na | Ante | Rare | 000100 | na | na | 300 | Sorcery | Douglas Shuler | Discard current hand and draw 8 new cards adding the first card to your ante. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
45 | 0044 | Kontrollzauber | Kontrollzauber | Unlimited | Fourth | Blue | Enchant | Creature | Control | Uncommon | 000022 | na | na | 200 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Dameon Willich | ▄bernimm die Herrschaft ⁿber eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
46 | 0045 | Umwandlung | Umwandlung | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | LandDestruct | Uncommon | 200002 | na | na | 100 | Verzauberung | Jesper Myrfors | Alle |H1Gebirge werden zu Standard-|H2Ebenen.\\Zahle wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase |W|W oder vernichte die Umwandlung. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
47 | 0046 | Copper Tablet | Copper Tablet | Unlimited | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000002 | na | na | 300 | Artifact | Amy Weber | Does 1 damage to each player during his or her upkeep. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
48 | 0047 | Artefaktduplikat | Artefaktduplikat | Unlimited | Restricted | Blue | Enchant | na | None | Special | 000011 | na | na | 500 | Verzauberung | Amy Weber | W÷hle ein Zielartefakt, das als Artefakt ins Spiel kam. Das Artefaktduplikat nimmt alle Charakteristika dieses Artefakts, au▀er der Farbe, an und z÷hlt zus÷tzlich noch als Verzauberung. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
49 | 0048 | Gegenzauber | Gegenzauber | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Interrupt | na | Counterspell | Uncommon | 000020 | na | na | 250 | Unterbrechungszauber | Mark Poole | Neutralisiere einen Zauberspruch Deiner Wahl. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
50 | 0049 | Tatzelwurm | Tatzelwurm | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Wurm | None | Common | 020004 | 6 | 4 | 30 | BeschwΣrung eines Wurms | Daniel Gelon | None | Das Schrecklichste am Tatzelwurm ist das furchtbar krachende GerΣusch, wenn er durch den Wald rast. Der LΣrm ist so laut, da▀ sein Echo von den BΣumen zurⁿckgeworfen wird und von ⁿberall her gleichzeitig zu kommen scheint. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
51 | 0050 | Kreaturenbindung | Kreaturenbindung | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 000011 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Anson Maddocks | Wenn das verzauberte Wesen auf dem Friedhof landet, fⁿgt es durch die Bindung seinem Beherrscher Schaden in H÷he seiner Widerstandskraft zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
52 | 0051 | Kreuzzug | Kreuzzug | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 200000 | na | na | 600 | Verzauberung | Mark Poole | Alle |Swei▀en Kreaturen erhalten +1/+1. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
53 | 0052 | Kristallstab | Kristallstab | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 100 | Artefakt | Amy Weber | |1: Du erhΣltst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur, wenn ein |Sblauer Zauberspruch erfolgreich gesprochen wurde, und nur einmal pro Spruch. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
54 | 0053 | Verfluchtes Land | Verfluchtes Land | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | Land | None | Uncommon | 000202 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Land | Jesper Myrfors | WΣhrend der Versorgungsphase des Beherrschers des verzauberten Landes fⁿgt ihm das Verfluchte Land 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
55 | 0054 | Cyclopean Tomb | Cyclopean Tomb | Unlimited | | Brown | Artifact | na | LandDestruct | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 4000 | Artifact | Anson Maddocks | |T, |2: Turn target land into a swamp. This ability may only be used during controller's upkeep and may not target swamps. If Tomb is destroyed, lands revert to original state 1 per controller's upkeep. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
56 | 0055 | Schwarzer Ritus | Schwarzer Ritus | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Interrupt | na | ManaSource | Common | 000100 | na | na | 30 | Manaquelle | Sandra Everingham | Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |B|B|B. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
57 | 0056 | Darkpact | Darkpact | Unlimited | | Black | Sorcery | na | Ante | Rare | 000300 | na | na | 200 | Sorcery | Quinton Hoover | Swap the top card of your library with either card of the ante. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
58 | 0057 | Wundersame Heilung | Wundersame Heilung | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Instant | na | Healing | Common | 100000 | na | na | 30 | Spontanzauber | Mark Poole | Regeneriere eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl. | None | xRegeneration | None | None | None | None | None |
59 | 0058 | Todesgriff | Todesgriff | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | na | Counterspell | Uncommon | 000200 | na | na | 100 | Verzauberung | Anson Maddocks | |B|B: Neutralisiere einen |Sgrⁿnen Zauberspruch Deiner Wahl. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie einen Unterbrechungszauber. | ôJeder Waldboden ist ein Teppich aus den Leichen von tausenden BΣumen.ö\\ùBaron Sengir zu Herbstweide | None | None | None | None | None | None |
60 | 0059 | Todesgewebe | Todesgewebe | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Interrupt | na | None | Rare | 000100 | na | na | 200 | Unterbrechungszauber | Sandra Everingham | Die Farbe einer entweder sich im Spiel befindlichen oder gerade gespielten Karte verΣndert sich in |S2Schwarz. V÷llig unberⁿhrt davon bleiben der Gebrauch einer bestimmten FΣhigkeit und die Kosten des Zauberns, des Tappens oder der Versorgung des Ziels. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
61 | 0060 | Demonic Attorney | Demonic Attorney | Unlimited | | Black | Sorcery | na | Ante | Rare | 000201 | na | na | 300 | Sorcery | Daniel Gelon | Opponent must concede game or each player ante's an additional card immediately | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
62 | 0061 | Demonic Hordes | Demonic Hordes | Unlimited | | Black | Summon | Demon | LandDestruct | Rare | 000303 | 5 | 5 | 700 | Summon Demon | Jesper Myrfors | |T: to destroy a land. During your upkeep, pay |B|B|B or Hordes become tapped and you lose a land of opponents choice. | Created to destroy Dominia, Demons can sometimes be bent to a more focused purpose. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
63 | 0062 | D÷monischer Lehrmeister | D÷monischer Lehrmeister | Unlimited | Restricted | Black | Sorcery | na | None | Special | 000101 | na | na | 200 | Hexerei | Douglas Shuler | Durchsuche Deine Bibliothek nach einer beliebigen Karte und nimm diese Karte auf Deine Hand. Mische Deine Bibliothek danach neu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
64 | 0063 | Dingusei | Dingusei | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 350 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | Immer wenn ein Land aus dem Spiel auf dem Friedhof landet, fⁿgt das Dingusei dem Beherrscher dieses Lands 2 Schadenspunkte zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
65 | 0064 | Entzauberung | Entzauberung | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Instant | na | None | Common | 100001 | na | na | 30 | Spontanzauber | Amy Weber | Zerst÷re ein Artefakt oder eine Verzauberung Deiner Wahl. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
66 | 0065 | Zersetzung | Zersetzung | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Common | 00100X | na | na | 30 | Hexerei | Anson Maddocks | Die Zersetzung fⁿgt einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler Deiner Wahl X Schadenspunkte zu. Die Kreatur kann in diesem Zug nicht regenerieren. Wenn der Kreatur in diesem Zug t÷dlicher Schaden zugefⁿgt wird, entferne sie ganz aus dem Spiel. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
67 | 0066 | Zwiespaltsszepter | Zwiespaltsszepter | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | Discard | Rare | 000003 | na | na | 300 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | |3, |T: Ein Spieler Deiner Wahl wΣhlt eine Karte und wirft diese ab. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur wΣhrend Deines Zuges. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
68 | 0067 | Drachenjunges | Drachenjunges | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Dragon | PowerUp | Uncommon | 002002 | 2 | 3 | 200 | Beschw÷rung eines Drachen | Amy Weber | Kann fliegen.\\|R: +1/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Gibst Du in einem Zug dabei mehr als |R|R|R aus, vernichte das Drachenjunge am Ende des Zuges. | ôOh ein Drache zu seinà riesengro▀ oder ganz kleinàö\\---Marianne Moore, ôOh ein Drache zu seinö | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
69 | 0068 | Dunkler Sog | Dunkler Sog | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Common | 000101 | na | na | 30 | Hexerei | Douglas Shuler | |X: Der Dunkle Sog fⁿgt einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler Deiner Wahl X Schadenspunkte zu. Du kannst nur schwarzes Mana auf diese Art ausgeben. Du erhΣltst 1 Lebenspunkt fⁿr jeden Schadenspunkt, der auf diese Art zugefⁿgt wird. Du kannst nicht mehr Lebenspunkte, als die Widerstandskraft der Kreatur betrΣgt oder als die Anzahl der Lebenspunkte des Spielers, dem mit dem Dunklen Sog Schaden zugefⁿgt wurde, erhalten. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
70 | 0069 | Kraftsog | Kraftsog | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Sorcery | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000020 | na | na | 480 | Hexerei | Douglas Shuler | Ein Spieler Deiner Wahl mu▀ alles Mana aus seinen verfⁿgbaren LΣndern ziehen. Alles Mana, das dieser Spieler in seinem Manavorrat hat, flie▀t nun in Deinen Manavorrat. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
71 | 0070 | Heer der geplagten Skelette | Heer der geplagten Skelette | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Skeletons | None | Common | 000101 | 1 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Skeletten | Sandra Everingham | |B: Regeneration | ôDie Toten geben gute Soldaten ab. Sie widersetzen sich keinen Befehlen, sie ergeben sich nie und sie hΣren nicht auf zu kΣmpfen, wenn ihnen mal ein Teil ihres KΣrpers abgeschlagen wird.ö\\ùNevinyrral, Handbuch der TotenbeschwΣrung | Regeneration:B | None | None | None | None | None |
72 | 0071 | Dwarven Demolition Team | Dwarven Demolition Team | Unlimited | | Red | Summon | Dwarves | None | Uncommon | 001002 | 1 | 1 | 300 | Summon Dwarves | Kev Brockschmidt | |T: Target wall is destroyed. | Foolishly, Najib retreated to his castle at El-Abar; the next morning, he was dead. In just one night, the dwarven forces had reduced the mighty walls to mere rubble. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
73 | 0072 | Zwergenkrieger | Zwergenkrieger | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Dwarves | None | Common | 001002 | 1 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Zwergen | Douglas Shuler | |T: Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl mit StΣrke kleiner oder gleich 2 wird unblockbar bis zum Ende des Zuges. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
74 | 0073 | Erdelementar | Erdelementar | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Elemental | None | Uncommon | 002003 | 4 | 5 | 100 | Beschw÷rung eines Elementarwesens | Dan Frazier | None | Erdelementare besitzen die ewige StΣrke der Steine und die Dauerhaftigkeit der Berge. Von Urbeginn an mit dem Land verbunden, das sie bewohnen, betrachten sie die Welt mit langfristigem Blick und verachten die ungestⁿme Hast der kurzlebigen und sterblichen Wesen. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
75 | 0074 | Earthbind | Earthbind | Unlimited | | Red | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 001000 | na | na | 30 | Enchant Creature | Quinton Hoover | Deals 2 damage to target flying creature which loses ability to fly. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
76 | 0075 | Erdbeben | Erdbeben | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Rare | 00100X | na | na | 400 | Hexerei | Dan Frazier | Das Erdbeben fⁿgt allen nichtfliegenden Kreaturen und allen Spielern X Schadenspunkte zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
77 | 0076 | Bogenschⁿtzen der Elfen | Bogenschⁿtzen der Elfen | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Elves | None | Rare | 010001 | 2 | 1 | 450 | BeschwΣrung von Elfen | Anson Maddocks | Erstschlag | Es schwirrten soviele Pfeile durch die Luft, da▀ sie die Sonne verdunkelten. Da sprach ich zu Angus: ôNun denn, immerhin kΣmpfen wir jetzt im Schatten!ö | First Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
78 | 0077 | Gegenwart des B÷sen | Gegenwart des B÷sen | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | Land | LandDestruct | Uncommon | 000100 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Land | Sandra Everingham | Das verzauberte Land ist |H1ein Sumpf. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
79 | 0078 | False Orders | False Orders | Unlimited | | Red | Instant | na | None | Common | 001000 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Anson Maddocks | You decide whether and how target defending creature blocks. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
80 | 0079 | Farmstead | Farmstead | Unlimited | | White | Enchant | Land | GainLife | Rare | 300000 | na | na | 300 | Enchant Land | Mark Poole | |W|W: Controller of land enchanted by Farmstead gains one life. This ability may only be used during controller's upkeep and only once per turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
81 | 0080 | Fastbond | Fastbond | Unlimited | | Green | Enchant | na | ManaSource | Rare | 010000 | na | na | 400 | Enchantment | Mark Poole | You may put as many lands as you wish into play each turn, but take 1 damage for every land above 1 per turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
82 | 0081 | Furcht | Furcht | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 000200 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Mark Poole | Die verzauberte Kreatur kann nur von |Sschwarzen Kreaturen oder Artefaktkreaturen geblockt werden. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
83 | 0082 | Rⁿckkopplung | Rⁿckkopplung | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Enchantment | None | Uncommon | 000012 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Verzauberung | Quinton Hoover | WΣhrend der Versorgungsphase des Beherrschers der verzauberten Verzauberung fⁿgt die Rⁿckkopplung diesem 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
84 | 0083 | Feuerelementar | Feuerelementar | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Elemental | None | Uncommon | 002003 | 5 | 4 | 100 | Beschw÷rung eines Elementarwesens | Melissa Benson | None | Feuerelementare sind unbarmherzige Infernos. Sie vernichten und verzehren ihre Feinde wie ein rasendes Brandopfer. Knisternd und lichterlohend verheeren sie das Land und hinterlassen es vollkommen verwⁿstet. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
85 | 0084 | Feuerball | Feuerball | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Common | 00100X | na | na | 40 | Hexerei | Mark Tedin | Zahle |1 fⁿr jedes Ziel ⁿber das erste hinaus: Der Feuerball fⁿgt X Schadenspunkte zu, die Du gleichmΣ▀ig (abgerundet) auf eine beliebige Anzahl von Kreaturen und/oder Spieler Deiner Wahl verteilen kannst. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
86 | 0085 | Feuerodem | Feuerodem | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Enchant | Creature | PowerUp | Common | 001000 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Dan Frazier | |R: Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +1/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | ôUnd wankt umher im ÷den Westen / Fern ragt die Burg im Flammenmeer.ö\\ùAlfred Lord Tennyson, ôIn Memoriamö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
87 | 0086 | Steppenbrand | Steppenbrand | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Sorcery | na | LandDestruct | Uncommon | 001003 | na | na | 100 | Hexerei | Dameon Willich | Zerst÷re alle |H1Ebenen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
88 | 0087 | FlugfΣhigkeit | FlugfΣhigkeit | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 000010 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Anson Maddocks | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt FlugfΣhigkeit. | None | xFlying | None | None | None | None | None |
89 | 0088 | Nebel | Nebel | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Instant | na | None | Common | 010000 | na | na | 30 | Spontanzauber | Jesper Myrfors | Kreaturen fⁿgen in diesem Zug keinen Kampfschaden zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
90 | 0089 | Naturgewalten | Naturgewalten | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Force | None | Rare | 040002 | 8 | 8 | 1000 | BeschwΣrung der Gewalten | Douglas Shuler | Verursachen Trampelschaden\\Zahle wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase |G|G|G|G oder die Naturgewalten fⁿgen Dir 8 Schadenspunkte zu. | ôEs zwinkerte, und BlⁿtenblΣtter fielen ab wie TrΣnen. Harthar, der eine SchwΣche vermutete, griff anùund sein Blut benetzte die BlΣtter.ö\\ùShesul Fass, Feenbardin | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
91 | 0090 | Kraftfeld | Kraftfeld | Unlimited | Restricted | Brown | Artifact | na | Healing | Special | 000003 | na | na | 5000 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | |1: Verhindere allen bis auf 1 Schadenspunkt, der Dir im Kampf von einer nicht geblockten, angreifenden Kreatur zugefⁿgt wird. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
92 | 0091 | Wald | Wald | Unlimited | Fourth | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Common | 000000 | na | na | 0 | Land | Christopher Rush | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |G. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
93 | 0092 | Verdoppelung | Verdoppelung | Unlimited | Restricted | Red | Interrupt | na | None | Special | 002000 | na | na | 1000 | Unterbrechungszauber | Amy Weber | Eine Hexerei oder ein Spontanzauber Deiner Wahl, der gerade ausgespielt wird, wird verdoppelt.\\Die Verdoppelung ist, bis auf die Farbe und die Ziele, eine exakte Kopie des verdoppelten Zauberspruchs. W÷hle alle Ziele des Zauberspruchs normal. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
94 | 0093 | Schauriger Schatten | Schauriger Schatten | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Shade | PowerUp | Common | 000102 | 0 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung eines Schattens | Douglas Shuler | |B: +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges | ôEs gibt Begriffe, Dinge kΣrperlos, / Urbilder jener Zwillingswesenheit, / Welcher der urzeitliche SchΣpferscho▀ / von Stoff und Geist Gestalt und Leben leiht.ö\\ùEdgar Allan Poe, ôSchweigenö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
95 | 0094 | Fungusaurus | Fungusaurus | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Fungusaur | None | Rare | 010003 | 2 | 2 | 500 | BeschwΣrung eines Fungusaurus | Daniel Gelon | Der Fungusaurus erhΣlt am Ende eines Zuges, in dem er Schaden erhalten hat, eine +1/+1 Marke. | Anstatt ihre Jungen zu beschⁿtzen, verletzt das Fungusaurusweibchen oft ihren eigenen Nachwuchs, um ihn schneller flⁿgge werden zu lassen. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
96 | 0095 | Gaeas Vasall | Gaeas Vasall | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Gaea's Liege | LandDestruct | Rare | 030003 | 100 | 100 | 800 | Beschw÷rung von Gaeas Vasall | Dameon Willich | StΣrke und Widerstandskraft des Vasallen entsprechen der Anzahl der |H1WΣlder, die sein Beherrscher im Spiel hat; doch wenn Gaeas Vasall angreift, dann entsprechen seine StΣrke und Widerstandskraft der Anzahl der |H1WΣlder, die der angegriffene Spieler im Spiel hat.\\|T: Verwandle ein beliebiges Land in |H2einen Wald. Diese Verwandlung hΣlt solange an, bis Gaeas Vasall das Spiel verlΣ▀t. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
97 | 0096 | Gauntlet of Might | Gauntlet of Might | Unlimited | | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 7000 | Artifact | Christopher Rush | All red creatures gain +1/+1 and all mountains provide an extra red mana. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
98 | 0097 | Riesenwuchs | Riesenwuchs | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Instant | na | None | Common | 010000 | na | na | 30 | Spontanzauber | Sandra Everingham | Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl erhΣlt +3/+3 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
99 | 0098 | Riesenspinne | Riesenspinne | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Spider | None | Common | 010003 | 2 | 4 | 30 | BeschwΣrung einer Spinne | Sandra Everingham | Die Riesenspinne kann fliegende Kreaturen blocken. | Obwohl sie ⁿber starkes Gift verfⁿgt, entscheidet sich die Riesenspinne oft dazu, ihre Opfer nicht zu lΣhmen. Vielleicht genie▀t sie ja die sanften schaukelnden Bewegungen, die entstehen, wenn ihre Opfer versuchen, dem Netz zu entfliehen. | Web | None | None | None | None | None |
100 | 0099 | Urzas Brille | Urzas Brille | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 100 | Artefakt | Douglas Shuler | |T: Schau Dir die Hand eines Spielers Deiner Wahl an. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
101 | 0100 | Dⁿsternis | Dⁿsternis | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | na | Counterspell | Uncommon | 000102 | na | na | 130 | Verzauberung | Dan Frazier | |S1Wei▀e Zaubersprⁿche kosten zusΣtzlich |3. Aktivierungskosten von |Swei▀en Verzauberungen kosten zusΣtzlich |3. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
102 | 0101 | Ballonbrigade der Goblins | Ballonbrigade der Goblins | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Goblins | PowerUp | Uncommon | 001000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Beschw÷rung von Goblins | Andi Rusu | |R: Erhalten bis zum Ende des Zuges FlugfΣhigkeit | ôVon hier oben k÷nnen wir Steine, Steine und noch mehr Steine fallen lassen!ö \\ôΣh, ja, Chef, aber wie kommen wir wieder runter?ö | xFlying | None | None | None | None | None |
103 | 0102 | Goblink÷nig | Goblink÷nig | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Lord | None | Rare | 002001 | 2 | 2 | 800 | BeschwΣrung eines Herrschers | Jesper Myrfors | Alle Goblins erhalten +1/+1 und |HGebirgstarnung. | Um K÷nig zu werden, t÷tete Numsgil Blog, der Unkful get÷tet hatte, der Viddle get÷tet hatte, der Loll get÷tet hatte, der Alrok get÷tet hatte... | xMountainwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
104 | 0103 | Granite Gargoyle | Granite Gargoyle | Unlimited | | Red | Summon | Gargoyle | PowerUp | Rare | 001002 | 2 | 2 | 580 | Summon Gargoyle | Christopher Rush | Flying. \\|R: +0/+1 until end of turn. | ôWhile most overworlders fortunately don't realize this, Gargoyles can be most delicious, providing you have the appropriate tools to carve them.ö --- The Underworld Cookbook, by Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
105 | 0104 | Grauer Oger | Grauer Oger | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Ogre | None | Common | 001002 | 2 | 2 | 30 | Beschw÷rung von Ogern | Dan Frazier | None | Gnerdel, die Oger-Philosophin, glaubte, da▀ es der Zweck des Lebens sei, so weit oben wie m÷glich an der Spitze der Nahrungskette zu stehen. Sie weigerte sich, Vegetarier zu essen und lebte lieber von Wesen, die fⁿhlende Wesen fra▀en. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
106 | 0105 | Grⁿner Schutz | Grⁿner Schutz | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 80 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Dan Frazier | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt Schutz gegen |S2Grⁿn. Dieser Schutz zerst÷rt allerdings diese Verzauberung nicht. | None | xProtection from Green | None | None | None | None | None |
107 | 0106 | GrizzlybΣren | GrizzlybΣren | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Bears | None | Common | 010001 | 2 | 2 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von BΣren | Jeff A. Menges | None | Versuche nicht, vor einem Dominiagrizzly davonzulaufen. Er wird Dich einholen, niederwerfen und fressen. Du kannst Dich freilich auf einen Baum flⁿchten. Dann hast Du wenigstens eine nette Aussicht, bis der BΣr den Baum umrei▀t und Dich am Ende doch fri▀t. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
108 | 0107 | Guardian Angel | Guardian Angel | Unlimited | | White | Instant | na | Healing | Common | 10000X | na | na | 30 | Instant | Anson Maddocks | Prevents X damage to any target, further damage may be prevented this turn for |1 each. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
109 | 0108 | Heilbalsam | Heilbalsam | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Instant | na | Healing | Common | 100000 | na | na | 30 | Spontanzauber | Dan Frazier | Ein Spieler Deiner Wahl erhΣlt 3 Lebenspunkte dazu, oder verhindere bis zu 3 Schadenspunkte bei einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
110 | 0109 | Katzuks Helm | Katzuks Helm | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | PowerUp | Rare | 000001 | na | na | 350 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | |1, |T: Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl erhΣlt BⁿndnisfΣhigkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. | Egal, ob sie durch Angst oder aus Ehre begrⁿndet ist: LoyalitΣt verleiht Macht. | xBanding | None | None | None | None | None |
111 | 0110 | Hⁿgelriese | Hⁿgelriese | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Giant | None | Common | 001003 | 3 | 3 | 30 | BeschwΣrung eines Riesen | Dan Frazier | None | Glⁿcklicherweise haben Hⁿgelriesen gro▀e tote Winkel, in denen sich ein Mensch leicht verstecken kann. Leider jedoch befinden sich diese toten Winkel genau unter ihren Fu▀sohlen. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
112 | 0111 | Heilige Rⁿstung | Heilige Rⁿstung | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | PowerUp | Common | 100000 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Melissa Benson | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +0/+2.\\|W: Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +0/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
113 | 0112 | Heilige StΣrke | Heilige StΣrke | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 100000 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Anson Maddocks | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +1/+2. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
114 | 0113 | Heulen aus dem Jenseits | Heulen aus dem Jenseits | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Instant | na | PowerUp | Common | 00010X | na | na | 30 | Spontanzauber | Mark Poole | Die Zielkreatur erhΣlt +X/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
115 | 0114 | Verborgenes Wissen | Verborgenes Wissen | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | Draw | Rare | 000002 | na | na | 500 | Artefakt | Mark Poole | Jeder Spieler zieht wΣhrend seiner Kartenziehphase eine zusΣtzliche Karte. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
116 | 0115 | Hurloon Minotaurus | Hurloon Minotaurus | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Minotaur | None | Common | 002001 | 2 | 3 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Minotauren | Anson Maddocks | None | Die Minotauren des Hurloongebirges sind bekannt fⁿr ihre Kampfeslust. Sie sind auch berⁿhmt fⁿr ihre Hymnen an die Toten, egal ob Freund oder Feind. Diese Hymnen dauern manchmal tagelang und erfⁿllen die TΣler mit ihren tiefen, klagenden GesΣngen. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
117 | 0116 | Hurrikan | Hurrikan | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Uncommon | 01000X | na | na | 100 | Hexerei | Dameon Willich | Der Hurrikan fⁿgt allen Spielern und allen fliegenden Kreaturen X Schadenspunkte zu. | ôUnd kalt her blΣst es aus dem Wetterloch; / Der Sturm, ich mein', wird da sein, eh wir's denken.ö\\ùFriedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell | None | None | None | None | None | None |
118 | 0117 | Hypnotisierendes Gespenst | Hypnotisierendes Gespenst | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Specter | Discard | Uncommon | 000201 | 2 | 2 | 200 | Beschw÷rung eines Gespensts | Douglas Shuler | Kann fliegen.\\Fⁿgt das Gespenst einem Spieler Schaden zu, so mu▀ dieser eine zufΣllig ausgewΣhlte Karte aus seiner Hand abwerfen. Hat derjenige Spieler keine Karten auf der Hand, ignoriere diesen Effekt. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
119 | 0118 | Ice Storm | Ice Storm | Unlimited | | Green | Sorcery | na | LandDestruct | Rare | 010002 | na | na | 1000 | Sorcery | Dan Frazier | Destroy target land. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
120 | 0119 | Icy Manipulator | Icy Manipulator | Unlimited | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 4300 | Artifact | Douglas Shuler | |T, |1: Tap target land, creature or artifact in play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
121 | 0120 | Illusionary Mask | Illusionary Mask | Unlimited | | Brown | Artifact | na | PowerUp | Rare | 000002 | na | na | 3250 | Artifact | Amy Weber | You may choose to summon creatures face down in opponent's view. Creatures summoned in this manner remain obscured until they are used in any way. Additional mana may be spent to cast summons spells in order to further hide their identity. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
122 | 0121 | Energieschub | Energieschub | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 010000 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Dameon Willich | Fⁿr die verzauberte Kreatur gilt die EinsatzverzΣgerung nicht.\\|0: Enttappe die verzauberte Kreatur. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur wΣhrend Deines Zuges und auch nur einmal pro Zug. | None | xQuickness | None | None | None | None | None |
123 | 0122 | Invisibility | Invisibility | Unlimited | | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 000020 | na | na | 100 | Enchant Creature | Anson Maddocks | Target creature can be blocked only by walls. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
124 | 0123 | Eisenstern | Eisenstern | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 90 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | |1: Du erhΣltst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur, wenn ein |Sroter Zauberspruch erfolgreich gesprochen wurde, und nur einmal pro Spruch. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
125 | 0124 | Orks von der eisernen Klaue | Orks von der eisernen Klaue | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Orcs | None | Common | 001001 | 2 | 2 | 100 | BeschwΣrung von Orks | Anson Maddocks | Die Orks von der eisernen Klaue k÷nnen nicht zum Blocken einer Kreatur mit StΣrke gr÷▀er oder gleich 2 deklariert werden. | Durch einige Generationen genetischer Aussonderung ist der verschlagene, hinterhΣltige und feige Eisenklauen-Clan entstanden. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
126 | 0125 | Baumvolk des Eisenwurzler | Baumvolk des Eisenwurzler | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Treefolk | None | Common | 010004 | 3 | 5 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Baumhirten | Jesper Myrfors | None | ôIch werde euch schon zeigen, wie man mit Baumhirten umgeht!÷ prahlte der Riese, und stapfte in den Wald. Zwei Tage spΣter kam er zurⁿck, sein Gesicht harzbeschmiert und mit einem Vogelnest hinter seinem Ohr. Niemand traute sich zu fragen, wer gewonnen hatte.ö\\ùAzeworai, ôDer BΣumlingö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
127 | 0126 | Insel | Insel | Unlimited | Fourth | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Common | 000000 | na | na | 0 | Land | Mark Poole | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |U. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
128 | 0127 | Inselheiligtum | Inselheiligtum | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 100001 | na | na | 400 | Verzauberung | Mark Poole | ▄bergehe das Ziehen einer Karte: Bis zum Beginn Deines nΣchsten Zuges k÷nnen Dich nur fliegende Kreaturen oder Kreaturen mit |HInseltarnung angreifen.\\Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur wΣhrend Deiner Kartenziehphase, und nur einmal pro Zug. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
129 | 0128 | Elfenbeinkelch | Elfenbeinkelch | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 100 | Artefakt | Anson Maddocks | |1: Du erhΣltst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur, wenn ein |Swei▀er Zauberspruch erfolgreich gesprochen wurde, und nur einmal pro Spruch. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
130 | 0129 | Jademonolith | Jademonolith | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | Healing | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 300 | Artefakt | Anson Maddocks | |1: Leite allen Schaden, den eine Kreatur erhΣlt, auf Dich um. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
131 | 0130 | Jade Statue | Jade Statue | Unlimited | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 900 | Artifact | Dan Frazier | |2: Jade statue becomes a 3/6 creature until the end of the current combat phase. This ability may only be used during the combat phase. | ôSome of the other guys dared me to touch it, but I knew it weren't no ordinary hunk o' rock.ö --- Norin the Wary | None | None | None | None | None | None |
132 | 0131 | Ketos' Zauberbuch | Ketos' Zauberbuch | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | Draw | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | |4, |T: Ziehe eine Karte. | Im Bergdorf, in dem Ketos lebte, tauchten nach und nach immer mehr seltsame Wesen auf, selbst Wombats und Wolpertinger... | None | None | None | None | None | None |
133 | 0132 | Juggernaut | Juggernaut | Unlimited | | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000004 | 5 | 3 | 150 | Artifact Creature | Dan Frazier | Must attack each turn if possible and cannot be blocked by walls. | We had taked refuge in a small cave, thinking the entrance was too narrow for it to follow. To our horror, its gigantic head smashed into the mountainside, ripping itself a new entrance. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
134 | 0133 | Sprung | Sprung | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Instant | na | None | Common | 000010 | na | na | 30 | Spontanzauber | Mark Poole | Die Zielkreatur kann bis zum Ende des Zuges fliegen. | None | xFlying | None | None | None | None | None |
135 | 0134 | Karma | Karma | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | None | Uncommon | 200002 | na | na | 130 | Verzauberung | Richard Thomas | Das Karma fⁿgt jedem Spieler wΣhrend seiner Versorgungsphase Schadenspunkte in H÷he der Anzahl der |H1Sⁿmpfe, die dieser Spieler kontrolliert, zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
136 | 0135 | Keldonischer Kriegsfⁿrst | Keldonischer Kriegsfⁿrst | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Lord | None | Uncommon | 002002 | 100 | 100 | 180 | BeschwΣrung eines Herrschers | Kev Brockschmidt | StΣrke und Widerstandskraft des Kriegsfⁿrsten entsprechen der Anzahl an Nicht-Mauerkreaturen, die Du kontrollierst. | Stell Dir vor, es ist Krieg, und jeder geht hin. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
137 | 0136 | Kormusglocke | Kormusglocke | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 430 | Artefakt | Christopher Rush | Alle |H1Sⁿmpfe werden zu 1/1 Kreaturen. Sie zΣhlen immer noch als LΣnder, und Du kannst sie fⁿr Mana tappenûallerdings nicht in dem Zug, in dem sie ins Spiel kommen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
138 | 0137 | Kudzu | Kudzu | Unlimited | | Green | Enchant | Land | LandDestruct | Rare | 020001 | na | na | 280 | Enchant Land | Mark Poole | When target land enchanted by Kudzu becomes tapped for any reason, it is destroyed. Kudzu is then moved to another land chosen by the controller of the last land destroyed in this manner. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
139 | 0138 | Lance | Lance | Unlimited | | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 100 | Enchant Creature | Rob Alexander | Target creature gains First Strike. | None | xFirst Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
140 | 0139 | Leydruide | Leydruide | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Cleric | ManaSource | Uncommon | 010002 | 1 | 1 | 100 | BeschwΣrung eines Klerikers | Sandra Everingham | |T: Enttappe ein Land Deiner Wahl. | Nach Jahren der ⁿbung wird der Druide eins mit der Natur: Er bezieht Macht aus dem Land und gibt sie zurⁿck, sobald sie gebraucht wird. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
141 | 0140 | Bibliothek von Leng | Bibliothek von Leng | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 100 | Artefakt | Daniel Gelon | ▄bergehe Deine Abwurfphase.\\Immer wenn ein Zauberspruch oder ein Effekt Dich dazu zwingt, eine Karte abzuwerfen, kannst Du diese Karte stattdessen oben auf Deine Bibliothek abwerfen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
142 | 0141 | Lich | Lich | Unlimited | | Black | Enchant | na | Draw | Rare | 000400 | na | na | 4000 | Enchantment | Daniel Gelon | You lose all life. If you gain life, you must draw a card for each life gained. If you lose life, you must destroy a permanent you control for each life lost. You immediately lose the duel if Lich leaves play for any reason. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
143 | 0142 | Lebenskraft | Lebenskraft | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Enchant | na | Counterspell | Uncommon | 020000 | na | na | 100 | Verzauberung | Dameon Willich | |G|G: Neutralisiere einen |Sschwarzen Zauberspruch Deiner Wahl. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie einen Unterbrechungszauber. | ôJeder gefΣllte Baum ernΣhrt eintausend SprΣ▀linge.ö\\ùHerbstweide zu Baron Sengir | None | None | None | None | None | None |
144 | 0143 | Lebensgewebe | Lebensgewebe | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Interrupt | na | None | Rare | 010000 | na | na | 230 | Unterbrechungszauber | Amy Weber | Die Farbe einer entweder sich im Spiel befindlichen oder gerade gespielten Karte verΣndert sich in |S2Grⁿn. V÷llig unberⁿhrt davon bleiben der Gebrauch einer bestimmten FΣhigkeit und die Kosten des Zauberns, des Tappens oder der Versorgung des Ziels. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
145 | 0144 | Lebenszeichen | Lebenszeichen | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 000020 | na | na | 100 | Verzauberung | Anson Maddocks | Immer wenn |H1ein Wald, den ein Gegner Deiner Wahl kontrolliert, getappt wird, erhΣltst Du 1 Lebenspunkt. | ôBehalte einen grⁿnen Baum in Deinem Herzen, und vielleicht kommt ein V÷gelchen vorbei.ö\\ùChinesisches Sprichwort | None | None | None | None | None | None |
146 | 0145 | Blitzschlag | Blitzschlag | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Instant | na | DirectFire | Common | 001000 | na | na | 30 | Spontanzauber | Christopher Rush | Der Blitz fⁿgt einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler 3 Schadenspunkte zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
147 | 0146 | Lebendes Artefakt | Lebendes Artefakt | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Enchant | Artifact | GainLife | Rare | 010000 | na | na | 380 | Verzaubere Artefakt | Anson Maddocks | Lege fⁿr jeden Schadenspunkt, der Dir zugefⁿgt wird, eine Lebensmarke auf das Lebende Artefakt.\\Entferne eine Lebensmarke vom Lebenden Artefakt: Du erhΣltst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase und auch nur einmal pro Zug. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
148 | 0147 | Erwachen der WΣlder | Erwachen der WΣlder | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 010003 | na | na | 400 | Verzauberung | Jesper Myrfors | Alle |H1WΣlder werden zu 1/1 Kreaturen. Diese Kreaturen zΣhlen allerdings immer noch auch als Land. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
149 | 0148 | Living Wall | Living Wall | Unlimited | | Brown | Artifact | Wall | None | Uncommon | 000004 | 0 | 6 | 100 | Artifact Creature | Anson Maddocks | |1: Regenerates. | Some fiendish mage had created a horrifying wall of living flesh, patched together from a jumble of still-recognizable body parts. As we sought to hew our way through it, some unknown power healed the gaping wounds we cut, denying us passage. | Regeneration:1 | None | None | None | None | None |
150 | 0149 | Llanowarelfen | Llanowarelfen | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Elves | ManaSource | Common | 010000 | 1 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Elfen | Anson Maddocks | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |G. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | Ein gebrochener Knochen fⁿr jeden zertretenen Zweig.\\ùStrafe der Llanowar fⁿr Waldfriedensbruch | None | None | None | None | None | None |
151 | 0150 | Lord von Atlantis | Lord von Atlantis | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Lord | None | Rare | 000020 | 2 | 2 | 600 | BeschwΣrung eines Herrschers | Melissa Benson | Alles Meervolk erhΣlt +1/+1 und |HInseltarnung. | ôWir haben keine Beine,ö sagte der Krieger, ôdenn wir haben aufgehΣrt wegzulaufen.ö\\ùVodalische Sage | xIslandwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
152 | 0151 | Fⁿrst der Unterwelt | Fⁿrst der Unterwelt | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Demon | None | Rare | 000304 | 7 | 7 | 900 | BeschwΣrung eines DΣmonen | Mark Tedin | Fliegend, verursacht Trampelschaden\\Opfere wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase eine Kreatur au▀er dem Fⁿrsten der Unterwelt. Wenn Du dies nicht kannst, fⁿgt Dir der Fⁿrst der Unterwelt 7 Schadenspunkte zu. | None | Trample | Flying | None | None | None | None |
153 | 0152 | K÷der | K÷der | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 020001 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Anson Maddocks | Alle Kreaturen, die die verzauberte Kreatur blocken k÷nnen, tun dies. | ôWenn man seine Schlingen auslegt, hΣngt der Erfolg meist nicht von der QualitΣt der Falle, sondern von der QualitΣt des KΣders ab.ö\\ùGeyadrone Dihada | None | None | None | None | None | None |
154 | 0153 | Kupferstecher | Kupferstecher | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Interrupt | na | None | Rare | 000010 | na | na | 600 | Unterbrechungszauber | Julie Baroh | ─ndere den Text einer bleibenden Karte oder eines Zauberspruchs Deiner Wahl, indem Du alle Vorkommen eines Basislands durch ein anderes ersetzt.\\Du kannst so zum Beispiel ôSumpftarnungö durch ôEbenentarnungö ersetzen. Wenn dieser Zauberspruch auf eine bleibende Karte zielt, spiele ihn wie einen Spontanzauber. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
155 | 0154 | Mahamoti-Dschinn | Mahamoti-Dschinn | Unlimited | Fourth | Blue | Summon | Djinn | None | Rare | 000024 | 5 | 6 | 750 | Beschw÷rung eines Dschinns | Dan Frazier | Kann fliegen. | Der Mahamoti-Dschinn ist ein Luftgeist von k÷niglichem Geblⁿt. Er reitet auf den Flⁿgeln der Winde. Am Spieltisch ist er ebenso gefΣhrlich wie in der Schlacht. Er ist ein Meister der Betrⁿgerei und Irrefⁿhrung. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
156 | 0155 | Manasegen | Manasegen | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Enchant | na | ManaSource | Rare | 001002 | na | na | 500 | Verzauberung | Christopher Rush | Immer wenn ein Spieler ein Land fⁿr Mana tappt, produziert das Land ein zusΣtzliches Mana desselben Typs. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
157 | 0156 | Manamangel | Manamangel | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Instant | na | Permission | Rare | 000012 | na | na | 450 | Spontanzauber | Dameon Willich | Alle LΣnder des Gegners werden getappt und sein Manavorrat geleert. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
158 | 0157 | Manaschatz | Manaschatz | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000001 | na | na | 300 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | Der Manaschatz enttappt nicht wΣhrend Deiner Enttap-Phase.\\Wenn am Ende Deiner Versorgungsphase der Manaschatz getappt ist, fⁿgt er Dir 1 Schadenspunkt zu.\\|4: Enttappe den Manaschatz am Ende Deiner Versorgungsphase. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase.\\|T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um drei farblose Mana. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
159 | 0158 | Manahaken | Manahaken | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Enchant | na | Permission | Rare | 001003 | na | na | 400 | Verzauberung | Christopher Rush | Jedesmal, wenn ein Land getappt wird, um den Manavorrat aufzustocken, fⁿgt Manahaken dem Beherrscher des Landes 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
160 | 0159 | Stein des Sanftmuts | Stein des Sanftmuts | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | Permission | Rare | 000001 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Quinton Hoover | Kreaturen mit einer StΣrke von 3 oder gr÷▀er enttappen nicht wΣhrend der Enttap-Phase ihres Beherrschers. | Wenn die MΣchtigen schlafen, gehen die niederen Wesen jagen. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
161 | 0160 | Meervolk des Perlendreizacks | Meervolk des Perlendreizacks | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Merfolk | None | Common | 000010 | 1 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Meervolk | Jeff A. Menges | None | Viele Gelehrte glauben, die AngehΣrigen des Meervolks seien ▄berlebende des versunkenen Atlantis: Menschen, die sich dem Leben im Wasser angepa▀t hΣtten. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
162 | 0161 | Mesa Pegasus | Mesa Pegasus | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Summon | Pegasus | None | Common | 100001 | 1 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung eines Pegasus | Melissa Benson | Fliegend, BⁿndnisfΣhigkeit | Vor ihrer Hochzeit mⁿssen die Frauen des Dorfes Sursi das Land des Pegasus besuchen. Der Legende nach soll der Pegasus Frauen mit reinem Herzen und wahrer Liebe erscheinen und ihre Familien mit langem Leben und Glⁿck segnen. | Flying | Banding | None | None | None | None |
163 | 0162 | Wahnsinn | Wahnsinn | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Sorcery | na | Discard | Rare | 00010X | na | na | 500 | Hexerei | Julie Baroh | Ein Spieler Deiner Wahl mu▀ X zufΣllig ausgesuchte Karten aus seiner Hand abwerfen. Hat er nicht genug Karten, dann mu▀ er alle seine Karten abwerfen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
164 | 0163 | Mons's plⁿndernde Goblins | Mons's plⁿndernde Goblins | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Goblins | None | Common | 001000 | 1 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Goblins | Jeff A. Menges | None | Die vertrackte Gesellschaftsordnung der Rundveltgoblins wird oft fⁿr Anarchie gehalten. Dieses Chaos jedoch ist wie eine Gewitterwolke, die selten, dann aber gewaltig losbricht. Paschalik Mons und seine plⁿndernden Horden sind das Donnergrollen vor dem Gewitter. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
165 | 0164 | Gebirge | Gebirge | Unlimited | Fourth | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Common | 000000 | na | na | 0 | Land | Douglas Shuler | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |R. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
166 | 0165 | Smaragdmox | Smaragdmox | Unlimited | Restricted | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Special | 000000 | na | na | 8500 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |G. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
167 | 0166 | Anthrazitmox | Anthrazitmox | Unlimited | Restricted | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Special | 000000 | na | na | 8500 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |B. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
168 | 0167 | Perlenmox | Perlenmox | Unlimited | Restricted | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Special | 000000 | na | na | 8750 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |W. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
169 | 0168 | Rubinmox | Rubinmox | Unlimited | Restricted | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Special | 000000 | na | na | 8750 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |R. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
170 | 0169 | Saphirmox | Saphirmox | Unlimited | Restricted | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Special | 000000 | na | na | 8500 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |U. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
171 | 0170 | Natural Selection | Natural Selection | Unlimited | | Green | Instant | na | None | Rare | 010000 | na | na | 3000 | Instant | Mark Poole | Look at top 3 cards of any player's library. You may then choose to rearrange those cards or shuffle the library. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
172 | 0171 | Niederschatten | Niederschatten | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Shadow | None | Rare | 000200 | 1 | 1 | 400 | BeschwΣrung eines Schattens | Christopher Rush | Fⁿr den Niederschatten gilt die Einsatzverz÷gerung nicht.\\Wenn am Ende Deiner Versorgungsphase der Niederschatten auf Deinem Friedhof liegt und mindestens drei Kreaturenkarten ⁿber ihm, kannst Du den Niederschatten direkt zurⁿck ins Spiel bringen. | None | Quickness | None | None | None | None | None |
173 | 0172 | Nettling Imp | Nettling Imp | Unlimited | | Black | Summon | Imp | Permission | Uncommon | 000102 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Imp | Quinton Hoover | |T: During opponents turn to force a target creature to attack, if it cannot it is destroyed at end of turn | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
174 | 0173 | Nevinyrrals Wunderscheibe | Nevinyrrals Wunderscheibe | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 500 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | Nevinyrrals Wunderscheibe kommt getappt ins Spiel.\\|1, |T: Zerst÷re alle Artefakte, Kreaturen und Verzauberungen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
175 | 0174 | Nachtmahr | Nachtmahr | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Nightmare | None | Rare | 000105 | 100 | 100 | 1000 | BeschwΣrung eines Nachtmahrs | Melissa Benson | Fliegend\\Die StΣrke und Widerstandskraft des Nachtmahrs ist gleich der Anzahl der |H1Sⁿmpfe, die Du kontrollierst. | Der Nachtmahr erhebt sich von seinem Lager in den Sⁿmpfen. Im gleichen Ma▀e, in dem sich das vergiftete Land ausbreitet, steigert sich auch des Nachtmahrs Wut und schreckliche StΣrke. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
176 | 0175 | Nordischer Paladin | Nordischer Paladin | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Summon | Paladin | None | Rare | 200002 | 3 | 3 | 900 | Beschw÷rung eines Paladins | Douglas Shuler | |W|W, |T: Vernichte eine |S1schwarze bleibende Karte. | ôSieh in den Norden; dort wirst Du Hilfe und Trost finden.ö\\ùDas Buch von Tal | None | None | None | None | None | None |
177 | 0176 | Obsidian-Golem | Obsidian-Golem | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000006 | 4 | 6 | 100 | Artefaktkreatur | Jesper Myrfors | None | ôDen Fu▀ stein verbinde mit dem Kn÷chelstein, den Kn÷chelstein verbinde mit dem Beinsteinàö\\ùLied des Handwerkers | None | None | None | None | None | None |
178 | 0177 | Ork-Artillerie | Ork-Artillerie | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Orcs | DirectFire | Uncommon | 002001 | 1 | 3 | 90 | BeschwΣrung von Orks | Anson Maddocks | |T: Die Ork-Artillerie fⁿgt einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler Deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte und Dir 3 Schadenspunkte zu. | Als Folge eines seltenen Anfalls von GenialitΣt erfanden Orks eine unglaublich zerst÷rerische Waffe. Die meisten orkischen Artilleristen sind allerdings diejenigen, die es gewagt hatten, ihre EffektivitΣt zu bezweifeln. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
179 | 0178 | Standarte der Orks | Standarte der Orks | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Enchant | na | None | Uncommon | 001003 | na | na | 150 | Verzauberung | Dan Frazier | Alle angreifenden Kreaturen, die Du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+0. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
180 | 0179 | LΣhmung | LΣhmung | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 000100 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Anson Maddocks | Tappe die verzauberte Kreatur, wenn die LΣhmung ins Spiel kommt.\\Die verzauberte Kreatur enttappt nicht wΣhrend der Enttap-Phase ihres Beherrschers. Dieser Spieler kann wΣhrend seiner Versorgungsphase zusΣtzlich |4 bezahlen, um sie zu enttappen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
181 | 0180 | Perleneinhorn | Perleneinhorn | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Summon | Unicorn | None | Common | 100002 | 2 | 2 | 30 | BeschwΣrung eines Einhorns | Cornelius Brudi | None | ôWei▀t Du, da▀ ich immer dachte, EinhΣrner seien Fabeltiere? Nie zuvor sah ich eines lebend!ö\\ôNun gut, jetzt, da wir uns gesehen haben,ö sprach das Einhorn, ôglaubst Du an mich, wenn ich auch an Dich glaube?ö\\ùLewis Carroll | None | None | None | None | None | None |
182 | 0181 | Eigene Inkarnation | Eigene Inkarnation | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Summon | Avatar | None | Rare | 300003 | 6 | 6 | 800 | BeschwΣrung eines Avatars | Kev Brockschmidt | Der Besitzer der Eigenen Inkarnation kann Teile oder den ganzen Schaden, der der Inkarnation zugefⁿgt wird, auf sich selber umleiten.\\Wenn die Eigene Inkarnation aus dem Spiel auf einem Friedhof landet, verliert ihr Besitzer die (aufgerundete) HΣlfte seiner Lebenspunkte. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
183 | 0182 | Der Schwarze Tod | Der Schwarze Tod | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | na | DirectFire | Common | 000202 | na | na | 30 | Verzauberung | Jesper Myrfors | Begrabe den Schwarzen Tod, wenn am Ende eines Zuges keine Kreaturen im Spiel sind.\\|B: Der Schwarze Tod fⁿgt jeder Kreatur und jedem Spieler 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
184 | 0183 | Traumkrieger | Traumkrieger | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Phantasm | None | Uncommon | 000013 | 4 | 1 | 100 | BeschwΣrung von Traumwesen | Mark Poole | Fliegend\\Zahle wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase |U oder begrabe die Traumkrieger. | Diese Wesen verkΣrpern die Seelen lΣngst gefallener, wahrhafter Helden. Sie werden aus Traumreichen beschworen, um auf ihre Feinde zu treffen. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
185 | 0184 | Reich der Illusionen | Reich der Illusionen | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Land | LandDestruct | Common | 000020 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Land | Dameon Willich | Das verzauberte Land ist ein Standardland Deiner Wahl. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
186 | 0185 | Phantommonster | Phantommonster | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Phantasm | None | Uncommon | 000013 | 3 | 3 | 100 | BeschwΣrung von Traumwesen | Jesper Myrfors | Fliegend | ôDieweil gleich einem lautlosen Strom / Sich in die ew'ge Nacht / Zur Tⁿr hinausstⁿrzt Phantom um Phantom / Und nimmermehr lΣcheltùdoch lacht.ö\\ùEdgar Allan Poe, ôDas verwunschene Schlo▀ö | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
187 | 0186 | Piratenschiff | Piratenschiff | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Ship | DirectFire | Rare | 000014 | 4 | 3 | 430 | BeschwΣrung eines Schiffs | Tom WΣnerstrand | Heimat: |H1Inseln\\|T: Das Piratenschiff fⁿgt einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler Deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
188 | 0187 | Pestratten | Pestratten | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Rats | None | Common | 000102 | 100 | 100 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Ratten | Anson Maddocks | Die StΣrke und Widerstandskraft der Pestratten ist gleich der Anzahl an Pestratten im Spiel. | ôSollt'st Du ∩nen Ratz zum Wahnsinn quΣlen\\Warum sollt' er Dich nicht verpesten?ö\\ùSamuel Coleridge, ôDer Widerrufö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
189 | 0188 | Ebene | Ebene | Unlimited | Fourth | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Common | 000000 | na | na | 0 | Land | Jesper Myrfors | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |W. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
190 | 0189 | Plateau | Plateau | Unlimited | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 600 | Land | Drew Tucker | |T: Add |R or |W to your mana pool. Counts as both mountains and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
191 | 0190 | Kraftleck | Kraftleck | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Enchantment | None | Common | 000011 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Verzauberung | Drew Tucker | WΣhrend der Versorgungsphase des Beherrschers der verzauberten Verzauberung fⁿgt das Kraftleck diesem 2 Schadenspunkte zu. Dieser Spieler kann |1 pro Schadenspunkt, den er vermeiden will, ausgeben, um sich vor dem Kraftleck zu schⁿtzen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
192 | 0191 | Kraftverlust | Kraftverlust | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Interrupt | na | Counterspell | Common | 00001X | na | na | 30 | Unterbrechungszauber | Richard Thomas | Neutralisiere einen Zauberspruch Deiner Wahl, wenn dessen Urheber nicht sofort |X ausgibt. Er mu▀ alles verfⁿgbare Mana aus seinem Manavorrat und seinen LΣndern ausgeben, bis |X bezahlt ist; wenn benΣtigt, kann er auch andere Manaquellen heranziehen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
193 | 0192 | Stromsto▀ | Stromsto▀ | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 002000 | na | na | 360 | Verzauberung | Douglas Shuler | Der Stromsto▀ fⁿgt jedem Spieler wΣhrend seiner Versorgungsphase fⁿr jedes Land, das zu Beginn seines Zuges (also vor der Enttap-Phase) nicht getappt war, einen Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
194 | 0193 | Abtrⁿnniger Zauberer | Abtrⁿnniger Zauberer | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Wizard | DirectFire | Common | 000012 | 1 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung eines Zauberers | Douglas Shuler | |T: Der Abtrⁿnnige Zauberer fⁿgt einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler Deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | Gelegentlich entwickelt ein Mitglied des Instituts fⁿr Arkane Studien Geschmack an weltlichen Gelⁿsten, wofⁿr er immer eine Ausrede findet. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
195 | 0194 | Psionic Blast | Psionic Blast | Unlimited | | Blue | Instant | na | DirectFire | Uncommon | 000012 | na | na | 250 | Instant | Douglas Shuler | Does 4 damage to any target, but also does 2 damage to caster. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
196 | 0195 | Seelengift | Seelengift | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Land | None | Common | 000011 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Land | Brian Snoddy | Immer wenn das verzauberte Land getappt wird, fⁿgt das Seelengift dem Beherrscher dieses Landes 2 Schadenspunkte zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
197 | 0196 | Reinheitsgewebe | Reinheitsgewebe | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Interrupt | na | None | Rare | 100000 | na | na | 280 | Unterbrechungszauber | Sandra Everingham | Die Farbe einer entweder sich im Spiel befindlichen oder gerade gespielten Karte verΣndert sich in |S2Wei▀. V÷llig unberⁿhrt davon bleiben der Gebrauch einer bestimmten FΣhigkeit und die Kosten des Zauberns, des Tappens oder der Versorgung des Ziels. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
198 | 0197 | Raging River | Raging River | Unlimited | | Red | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 002000 | na | na | 3000 | Enchantment | Sandra Everingham | Opponent must divide non-flying defenders between two sides of river. You choose which side each of your creatures attacks on. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
199 | 0198 | Auferstehung der Toten | Auferstehung der Toten | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Sorcery | na | None | Common | 000100 | na | na | 30 | Hexerei | Jeff A. Menges | Bringe eine Kreaturenkarte Deiner Wahl aus Deinem Friedhof zurⁿck auf Deine Hand. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
200 | 0199 | Roter Urknall | Roter Urknall | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Interrupt | na | Counterspell | Common | 001000 | na | na | 30 | Unterbrechungszauber | Richard Thomas | Neutralisiert einen |Sblauen Zauberspruch oder zerst÷rt eine |S1blaue bleibende Karte im Spiel. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
201 | 0200 | Roter Schutz | Roter Schutz | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 60 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Dan Frazier | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt Schutz gegen |S2Rot. Dieser Schutz zerst÷rt allerdings diese Verzauberung nicht. | None | xProtection from Red | None | None | None | None | None |
202 | 0201 | Regeneration | Regeneration | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 010001 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Quinton Hoover | |G: Regeneriere die verzauberte Kreatur. | None | xRegeneration:G | None | None | None | None | None |
203 | 0202 | Neues Leben | Neues Leben | Unlimited | Restricted | Green | Sorcery | na | None | Special | 010001 | na | na | 130 | Hexerei | Dameon Willich | Nimm eine Karte Deiner Wahl aus Deinem Friedhof auf Deine Hand. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
204 | 0203 | Resurrection | Resurrection | Unlimited | | White | Sorcery | na | None | Uncommon | 200002 | na | na | 100 | Sorcery | Dan Frazier | Take a creature from your graveyard and put it directly into play. This creature acts as if it had just been summoned. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
205 | 0204 | Umkehrschaden | Umkehrschaden | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Instant | na | Healing | Rare | 200001 | na | na | 600 | Spontanzauber | Dameon Willich | Der gesamte Schaden, den Du bislang in diesem Zug aus einer bestimmten Quelle erhalten hast, wird zu Deinen Lebenspunkten hinzuaddiert statt abgezogen. Weiterer Schaden aus dieser Quelle wird normal behandelt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
206 | 0205 | Rechtschaffenheit | Rechtschaffenheit | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Instant | na | None | Rare | 100000 | na | na | 600 | Spontanzauber | Douglas Shuler | Eine blockende Kreatur Deiner Wahl erhΣlt +7/+7 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | ôI too shall be brought low by death, but until then let me win glory.ö\\ùHomer, Ilias, Buch XVIII | None | None | None | None | None | None |
207 | 0206 | Roc of Kher Ridges | Roc of Kher Ridges | Unlimited | | Red | Summon | Roc | None | Rare | 001003 | 3 | 3 | 400 | Summon Roc | Andi Rusu | None | We encountered a valley topped with immense boulders and eerie rock formations. Suddenly one of these boulders toppled from its perch and sprouted gargantuan wings, casting a shadow of darkness and sending us fleeing in terror. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
208 | 0207 | Rock Hydra | Rock Hydra | Unlimited | | Red | Summon | Hydra | PowerUp | Rare | 00200X | 0 | 0 | 800 | Summon Hydra | Jeff A. Menges | Gains a number of +1/+1 heads equal to X mana spent during casting. Damage done to Hydra may be prevented for |R per point. Each damage point applied to hydra removes one head. \\|R|R|R: Hydra grows +1/+1 head. May only be used during controller's upkeep. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
209 | 0208 | Stab des Verderbens | Stab des Verderbens | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | DirectFire | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 100 | Artefakt | Christopher Rush | |3, |T: Der Stab des Verderbens fⁿgt einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler Deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
210 | 0209 | Meistermeuchler | Meistermeuchler | Unlimited | Fourth | Black | Summon | Assassin | None | Rare | 000201 | 1 | 1 | 1200 | Beschw÷rung eines Meuchlers | Tom WΣnerstrand | |T: Zerst÷re eine getappte Kreatur. | In der Kunst der Selbstdisziplin wohl ausgebildet, wΣhlen die Meuchler ihre Opfer sorgfΣltig. Sie verlassen sich lieber auf den rechten Zeitpunkt und PrΣzision als auf rohe Gewalt. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
211 | 0210 | Sacrifice | Sacrifice | Unlimited | | Black | Interrupt | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000100 | na | na | 100 | Interrupt | Dan Frazier | Sacrifice a creature and add black mana equal to creatures casting cost to you mana pool. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
212 | 0211 | Feldscher | Feldscher | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Summon | Cleric | Healing | Common | 100001 | 1 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung eines Klerikers | Tom WΣnerstrand | |T: Verhindere 1 Schadenspunkt bei einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler. | Heiler erlangen schlie▀lich die gΣttliche Gabe geistiger und kΣrperlicher Einheit. Den Ergebensten von ihnen wird die FΣhigkeit zuteil, physische Ganzheit an andere weiterzugeben. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
213 | 0212 | Savannah | Savannah | Unlimited | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 600 | Land | Rob Alexander | |T: Add |W or |G to your mana pool. Counts as both mountains and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
214 | 0213 | Savannenl÷wen | Savannenl÷wen | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Summon | Lions | None | Rare | 100000 | 2 | 1 | 350 | Beschw÷rung von L÷wen | Daniel Gelon | None | Die K÷nige des Dschungels verlangen auch anderswo gebⁿhrenden Respekt. Die Savannenl÷wen verlassen sich hauptsΣchlich auf ihre List und ihre Schnelligkeit und rei▀en in den endlosen Ebenen der Savanne ihre Opfer durch ⁿberraschungsangriffe. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
215 | 0214 | Seelenlose Zombies | Seelenlose Zombies | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Zombies | None | Common | 000102 | 2 | 2 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Zombies | Jesper Myrfors | None | ôSie stΣhnten, sie bewegten sich, sie erhoben sich alle, / Weder sprachen sie, noch rollten sie die Augen; / Es wΣre selbst in einem Traum sonderbar, / Diese Toten sich erheben zu seh'n.ö\\ùSamuel Coleridge, ôDie Ballade vom alten Seemannö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
216 | 0215 | Leichenfledderer | Leichenfledderer | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Ghoul | None | Uncommon | 000103 | 2 | 2 | 100 | Beschw÷rung eines Ghouls | Jeff A. Menges | Lege am Ende jedes Zuges fⁿr jede Kreatur, die in diesem Zug vernichtet wurde, eine Leichenmarke auf den Ghoul.\\|0: Entferne eine Leichenmarke, um den Ghoul zu regenerieren. | None | Regeneration:C | None | None | None | None | None |
217 | 0216 | Scrubland | Scrubland | Unlimited | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 600 | Land | Jesper Myrfors | |T: Add |W or |B to your mana pool. Counts as both swamp and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
218 | 0217 | Waldfeen | Waldfeen | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Faeries | None | Common | 010000 | 1 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Feenwesen | Amy Weber | Fliegend | Das einzige GerΣusch war das sanfte Flⁿgelrauschen der Feenwesen. Dann aber wandten sich die ⁿberlebenden Eindringlinge um und flohen. Eines war sicher: Sie dachten nicht mehr, da▀ das Scryb-Volk niedlich sei. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
219 | 0218 | Seeschlange | Seeschlange | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Serpent | None | Common | 000015 | 5 | 5 | 30 | BeschwΣrung einer Schlange | Jeff A. Menges | Heimat: |H1Inseln | Der Sage nach sollen Seeschlangen frⁿher noch gr÷▀er gewesen sein, aber wie sollte das wohl m÷glich sein? | None | None | None | None | None | None |
220 | 0219 | Sedge Troll | Sedge Troll | Unlimited | | Red | Summon | Troll | None | Rare | 001002 | 2 | 2 | 400 | Summon Troll | Dan Frazier | |B: Regenerates.\\Gains +1/+1 if controller has swamps in play. | The stench in the hovel was overpowering; something loathsome was cooking. Occasionally something surfaced in the thick paste, but my host would casually push it down before I could make out what it was. | Regeneration:B | None | None | None | None | None |
221 | 0220 | Sengir Vampir | Sengir Vampir | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Vampire | None | Uncommon | 000203 | 4 | 4 | 300 | Beschw÷rung eines Vampirs | Anson Maddocks | Kann fliegen.\\Lege jedesmal eine +1/+1 Spielmarke auf den Vampir, wenn ein Wesen, dem er in diesem Zug Schaden zugefⁿgt hat, auf dem Friedhof landet. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
222 | 0221 | Serra Engel | Serra Engel | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Summon | Angel | None | Uncommon | 200003 | 4 | 4 | 500 | Beschw÷rung eines Engels | Douglas Shuler | Kann fliegen.\\Der Serra Engel wird beim Angreifen nicht getappt. | Geboren mit Flⁿgeln des Lichts und dem Schwert des Glaubens verk÷rpert diese himmlische Erscheinung zwar die Reinheit, aber auch den Zorn. | Flying | Free Action | None | None | None | None |
223 | 0222 | Dryaden aus dem Shanodin | Dryaden aus dem Shanodin | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Nymphs | None | Common | 010000 | 1 | 1 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Nymphen | Anson Maddocks | |HWaldtarnung | GerΣuschlos und vollkommen ungehindert gleiten flⁿchtige Wesen durch ─ste und Unterholz. Eins mit den BΣumen um sie herum werden die Dryaden des Shanodinwaldes nur dann sichtbar, wenn sie es wollen. | Forestwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
224 | 0223 | Zersplittern | Zersplittern | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Instant | na | None | Common | 001001 | na | na | 30 | Spontanzauber | Amy Weber | Zerst÷re ein Artefakt Deiner Wahl. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
225 | 0224 | Shivan-Drache | Shivan-Drache | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Dragon | PowerUp | Rare | 002004 | 5 | 5 | 1500 | Beschw÷rung eines Drachen | Melissa Benson | Kann fliegen.\\|R: +1/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
226 | 0225 | Simulakrum | Simulakrum | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Instant | na | Healing | Uncommon | 000101 | na | na | 100 | Spontanzauber | Mark Poole | Alle Schadenspunkte, die Dir bislang in diesem Zug zugefⁿgt worden sind, werden rⁿckwirkend auf eine Deiner Kreaturen gelenkt. Falls Du in diesem Zug weiteren Schaden erleidest, wird dieser allerdings ganz normal behandelt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
227 | 0226 | Sinkhole | Sinkhole | Unlimited | | Black | Sorcery | na | LandDestruct | Common | 000200 | na | na | 200 | Sorcery | Sandra Everingham | Destroy target land. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
228 | 0227 | Lockruf der Sirenen | Lockruf der Sirenen | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Instant | na | Permission | Uncommon | 000010 | na | na | 100 | Spontanzauber | Anson Maddocks | SΣmtliche Kreaturen des Gegners, die angreifen k÷nnten, mⁿssen angreifen. Alle Kreaturen, die es nicht tun und keine Mauern sind, werden am Ende der Spielrunde vernichtet. Dieser Spontanzauber kann nur gespielt werden, wenn der Gegner am Zug ist, und nur vor seiner Angriffsphase. Kreaturen, die wΣhrend dieser Runde heraufbeschworen wurden, bleiben vom Lockruf der Sirenen verschont. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
229 | 0228 | Geniestreich | Geniestreich | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Interrupt | na | None | Rare | 000010 | na | na | 500 | Unterbrechungszauber | Mark Poole | ─ndere den Text einer bleibenden Karte oder eines Zauberspruchs Deiner Wahl, indem Du alle Vorkommen einer Farbe durch eine andere ersetzt. Du kannst so zum Beispiel ônicht-grⁿne Kreaturö durch ônicht-rote Kreaturö ersetzen. Wenn dieser Zauberspruch auf eine bleibende Karte zielt, spiele ihn wie einen Spontanzauber. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
230 | 0229 | Rauch | Rauch | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Enchant | na | Permission | Rare | 002000 | na | na | 400 | Verzauberung | Jesper Myrfors | Jeder Spieler kann wΣhrend seiner Enttap-Phase nur eine einzige Kreatur enttappen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
231 | 0230 | Sonnenring | Sonnenring | Unlimited | Restricted | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Special | 000001 | na | na | 200 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um zwei farblose Mana. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
232 | 0231 | Seelennetz | Seelennetz | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 100 | Artefakt | Dameon Willich | |1: Du erhΣltst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur, wenn eine Kreatur aus dem Spiel auf dem Friedhof landet und nur einmal pro Kreatur. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
233 | 0232 | Zauberspruchexplosion | Zauberspruchexplosion | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Interrupt | na | Counterspell | Common | 00001X | na | na | 30 | Unterbrechungszauber | Brian Snoddy | Neutralisiere einen Zauberspruch Deiner Wahl, dessen Spruchkosten X betragen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
234 | 0233 | Starre | Starre | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | na | Permission | Rare | 000011 | na | na | 400 | Verzauberung | Fay Jones | Alle Spieler ⁿbergehen ihre Enttap-Phase.\\Zahle wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase |U oder begrabe die Starre. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
235 | 0234 | Artefaktdiebstahl | Artefaktdiebstahl | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Artifact | Control | Uncommon | 000022 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Artefakt | Amy Weber | Ubernimm die Kontrolle ⁿber ein Artefakt Deiner Wahl. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
236 | 0235 | Steinriese | Steinriese | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Giant | None | Uncommon | 002002 | 3 | 4 | 100 | BeschwΣrung eines Riesen | Dameon Willich | |T: Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl, die Du kontrollierst, mit Widerstandskraft kleiner als der StΣrke des Steinriesen, erhΣlt FlugfΣhigkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. Begrabe diese Kreatur am Ende des Zuges. | None | xFlying | None | None | None | None | None |
237 | 0236 | Steinhagel | Steinhagel | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Sorcery | na | LandDestruct | Common | 001002 | na | na | 30 | Hexerei | Daniel Gelon | Zerst÷re ein Land Deiner Wahl. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
238 | 0237 | Lebensquelle | Lebensquelle | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Sorcery | na | GainLife | Common | 01000X | na | na | 30 | Hexerei | Mark Poole | Ein Spieler Deiner Wahl erhΣlt X Lebenspunkte dazu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
239 | 0238 | Urzas Sonnenbrille | Urzas Sonnenbrille | Unlimited | Fourth | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000003 | na | na | 500 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | |SWei▀es Mana in Deinem Manavorrat kannst Du nach Belieben entweder als |Swei▀es oder |Srotes Mana verwenden. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
240 | 0239 | Sumpf | Sumpf | Unlimited | Fourth | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Common | 000000 | na | na | 0 | Land | Dan Frazier | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |B. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
241 | 0240 | Schwerter zu Pflugscharen | Schwerter zu Pflugscharen | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Instant | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 110 | Spontanzauber | Jeff A. Menges | Nimm eine Kreatur ganz aus dem Spiel. Ihr Beherrscher erhΣlt dafⁿr soviele Lebenspunkte, wie die Kreatur StΣrke hatte. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
242 | 0241 | Taiga | Taiga | Unlimited | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 600 | Land | Rob Alexander | |T: Add |R or |G to your mana pool. Counts as both mountains and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
243 | 0242 | Terror | Terror | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Instant | na | None | Common | 000101 | na | na | 30 | Spontanzauber | Ron Spencer | Begrabe eine |Snicht-schwarze Nicht-Artefaktkreatur Deiner Wahl. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
244 | 0243 | Wespennest | Wespennest | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000005 | na | na | 500 | Artefakt | Sandra Everingham | |5, |T: Bringe einen Wespen-Spielstein ins Spiel. Behandle diesen Spielstein wie eine 1/1 fliegende Artefaktkreatur. | Stacheln und Flⁿgel mehr, als man zΣhlen kann, doch ein einzelnes Hirn, um sie zu leiten. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
245 | 0244 | Buschbasilisk | Buschbasilisk | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Basilisk | None | Uncommon | 020003 | 2 | 4 | 200 | BeschwΣrung eines Basilisken | Dan Frazier | Zerst÷re am Ende eines Kampfes alle Nicht-Mauerkreaturen, die den Basilisken geblockt haben oder von ihm geblockt wurden. | Moosbedeckte Statuen lagen ⁿberall am Boden verstreut: ein makaberer Beweis fⁿr die Macht des Basilisken. | Stoning | None | None | None | None | None |
246 | 0245 | Gedankengewebe | Gedankengewebe | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Interrupt | na | None | Rare | 000010 | na | na | 200 | Unterbrechungszauber | Mark Poole | Die Farbe einer entweder sich im Spiel befindlichen oder gerade gespielten Karte verΣndert sich in |S2Blau. V÷llig unberⁿhrt davon bleiben der Gebrauch einer bestimmten FΣhigkeit und die Kosten des Zauberns, des Tappens oder der Versorgung des Ziels. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
247 | 0246 | Knochenthron | Knochenthron | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 90 | Artefakt | Anson Maddocks | |1: Du erhΣltst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur, wenn ein |Sschwarzer Zauberspruch erfolgreich gesprochen wurde, und nur einmal pro Spruch. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
248 | 0247 | Waldw÷lfe | Waldw÷lfe | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Wolves | None | Rare | 010000 | 1 | 1 | 400 | Beschw÷rung von W÷lfen | Melissa Benson | BⁿndnisfΣhighigkeit. | Viele Menschen stellen sich den Wolf als einsames Raubtier vor. W÷lfe sind aber sehr soziale Tiere. WΣhrend der Jagd heulen sie sich oft gegenseitig zu, was fⁿr die Beute recht beunruhigend sein kann. | Banding | None | None | None | None | None |
249 | 0248 | Zeitgruft | Zeitgruft | Unlimited | Restricted | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Special | 000002 | na | na | 4000 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | Kommt getappt ins Spiel. Die Zeitgruft enttappt nicht normal.\\Wenn die Zeitgruft zu Beginn Deines Zuges getappt ist und keine Zugmarke auf ihr ist, kannst Du Deinen Zug ⁿberspringen, um die Zeitgruft zu enttappen und eine Zugmarke auf sie zu legen.\\|T: Entferne die Zugmarke von der Zeitgruft, um einen weiteren Zug direkt nach diesem Zug zu erhalten. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
250 | 0249 | Zeitsprung | Zeitsprung | Unlimited | Restricted | Blue | Sorcery | na | None | Special | 000011 | na | na | 7000 | Hexerei | Amy Weber | Du erh÷ltst einen weiteren Zug direkt nach diesem Zug. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
251 | 0250 | Zeitstrudel | Zeitstrudel | Unlimited | Restricted | Blue | Sorcery | na | Draw | Special | 000012 | na | na | 5500 | Hexerei | Mark Tedin | Jeder Spieler mischt seine Karten auf der Hand und seinen Friedhof in die Bibliothek und zieht dann sieben Karten. Der Zeitstrudel wird die erste Karte auf Deinem Friedhof. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
252 | 0251 | Seelenruhe | Seelenruhe | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Sorcery | na | None | Common | 010002 | na | na | 30 | Hexerei | Douglas Shuler | Zerst÷re alle Verzauberungen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
253 | 0252 | Tropical Island | Tropical Island | Unlimited | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 600 | Land | Jesper Myrfors | |T: Add |U or |G to your mana pool. Counts as both mountains and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
254 | 0253 | Tsunami | Tsunami | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Sorcery | na | LandDestruct | Uncommon | 010003 | na | na | 100 | Hexerei | Richard Thomas | Zerst÷re alle |H1Inseln. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
255 | 0254 | Tundra | Tundra | Unlimited | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 600 | Land | Jesper Myrfors | |T: Add |W or |U to your mana pool. Counts as both mountains and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
256 | 0255 | Tunnel | Tunnel | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Instant | na | None | Uncommon | 001000 | na | na | 100 | Spontanzauber | Dan Frazier | Begrabe eine Mauer Deiner Wahl. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
257 | 0256 | Twiddel | Twiddel | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Instant | na | None | Common | 000010 | na | na | 100 | Spontanzauber | Rob Alexander | Tappe oder enttappe ein Artefakt, eine Kreatur oder ein Land Deiner Wahl. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
258 | 0257 | Two Headed Giant of Foriys | Two Headed Giant of Foriys | Unlimited | | Red | Summon | Giant | None | Rare | 001004 | 4 | 4 | 3700 | Summon Giant | Anson Maddocks | May block two attacking creatures, controller choose how to divide damage | None | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
259 | 0258 | Underground Sea | Underground Sea | Unlimited | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 600 | Land | Rob Alexander | |T: Add |B or |U to your mana pool. Counts as both mountains and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
260 | 0259 | Unheilige StΣrke | Unheilige StΣrke | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 000100 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Douglas Shuler | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +2/+1. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
261 | 0260 | Rⁿckruf | Rⁿckruf | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Instant | na | Permission | Common | 000010 | na | na | 30 | Spontanzauber | Douglas Shuler | Bringe eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl zurⁿck auf die Hand ihres Besitzers. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
262 | 0261 | Uthden Troll | Uthden Troll | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Troll | None | Uncommon | 001002 | 2 | 2 | 150 | Beschw÷rung eines Trolls | Douglas Shuler | |R: Regeneration | ôAu au au, mir tun's hier weh im Bau, / Au au au, i riech' wos wia a Sau. / Ois is Quatsch und ois is Matsch, / Der Schmerz is weg - zackratsch.ö\\ùGesang der Trolle | Regeneration:R | None | None | None | None | None |
263 | 0262 | Blⁿtenzauberin | Blⁿtenzauberin | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Enchantress | Draw | Rare | 020001 | 0 | 2 | 500 | BeschwΣrung einer Naturzauberin | Kev Brockschmidt | |0: Ziehe eine Karte. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur, wenn Du eine Verzauberung erfolgreich gesprochen hast, und auch nur einmal pro Verzauberung. | ôWebe die Magie, da▀sie zu Dir singtùund Du wirst auf ihren Flⁿgeln davongetragenàö\\ùLehre der Verduraner | None | None | None | None | None | None |
264 | 0263 | Vesuvan Doppleganger | Vesuvan Doppleganger | Unlimited | | Blue | Summon | Doppleganger | None | Rare | 000023 | 0 | 0 | 1000 | Summon Doppleganger | Quinton Hoover | When summoned, Doppleganger acquires all normal characteristics except color of any creature in play. During your upkeep, you may choose to have Doppleganger take on the characteristics of a different creature in play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
265 | 0264 | Veteran Bodyguard | Veteran Bodyguard | Unlimited | | White | Summon | Bodyguard | | Rare | 200003 | 2 | 5 | 780 | Summon Bodyguard | Douglas Shuler | If untapped, any damage done to controller by unblocked creatures must be done to bodyguard instead. | Good bodyguards are hard to find, mainly because they don't live long. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
266 | 0265 | Vulkanausbruch | Vulkanausbruch | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Sorcery | na | LandDestruct | Rare | 00003X | na | na | 500 | Hexerei | Douglas Shuler | Zerst÷re X |H1Gebirge Deiner Wahl. Der Vulkanausbruch fⁿgt jedem Spieler und jeder Kreatur fⁿr |Hjedes so vernichtete Gebirge einen Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
267 | 0266 | Volcanic Island | Volcanic Island | Unlimited | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 600 | Land | Brian Snoddy | |T: Add |R or |U to your mana pool. Counts as both mountains and plains and is affected by spells that affect either. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
268 | 0267 | Luftmauer | Luftmauer | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Wall | None | Uncommon | 000021 | 1 | 5 | 100 | BeschwΣrung einer Mauer | Richard Thomas | Fliegend | Wenn Du keine Falken fliegen siehst, hⁿte Dich vor dem Himmel.\\ùAphorismus der Femeref | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
269 | 0268 | Knochenmauer | Knochenmauer | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Wall | None | Uncommon | 000102 | 1 | 4 | 100 | BeschwΣrung einer Mauer | Anson Maddocks | |B: Regeneration | ôGute Nachbarn bedeuten gute Mauern.ö\\ùJakkarak der Zermalmer | Regeneration:B | None | None | None | None | None |
270 | 0269 | Dornenmauer | Dornenmauer | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Wall | None | Uncommon | 010002 | 2 | 3 | 100 | BeschwΣrung einer Mauer | Anson Maddocks | |G: Regeneration | In Dornen schlafen\\ùElfische Umschreibung fⁿr ôvon Schuldgefⁿhlen geplagtö | Regeneration:G | None | None | None | None | None |
271 | 0270 | Feuerwand | Feuerwand | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Wall | PowerUp | Uncommon | 002001 | 0 | 5 | 100 | BeschwΣrung einer Mauer | Richard Thomas | |R: +1/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges | ôZapple herum, und Du wirst die Flammen nur noch mehr anfachen.ö\\ùTalibah, Funkenmagier | None | None | None | None | None | None |
272 | 0271 | Eismauer | Eismauer | Unlimited | Fourth | Green | Summon | Wall | None | Uncommon | 010002 | 0 | 7 | 100 | Beschw÷rung einer Mauer | Richard Thomas | None | ôDurch's Treibeis die schnee'gen Klippen warfen\\Den todesdⁿstern Schein:\\Nicht Mensch, nicht Tier ward hier erkanntû\\Nur Eis war weit und breit.ö\\ùSamuel Coleridge, ôDie Ballade vom alten Seemannö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
273 | 0272 | Steinmauer | Steinmauer | Unlimited | Fifth | Red | Summon | Wall | None | Uncommon | 002001 | 0 | 8 | 100 | BeschwΣrung einer Mauer | Dan Frazier | None | Die Erde selber verleiht diesen WΣnden aus lebendem Stein ihre StΣrke. Daher rⁿhrt auch deren an uralte Gebirge gemahnende WiderstandsfΣhigkeit. Diese mΣchtigen Bollwerke stellen sich erdgebundenen Truppen in den Weg, eine willkommene Erholung fⁿr mⁿde Krieger, die das Land verteidigen. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
274 | 0273 | Schwertmauer | Schwertmauer | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Summon | Wall | None | Uncommon | 100003 | 3 | 5 | 200 | BeschwΣrung einer Mauer | Mark Tedin | Fliegend | Genau in dem Moment, wo die bΣsen KrΣfte sich Justina nΣherten, sprach sie ein Wort der Macht und verschmolz ihre Lebenskraft mit ihren Waffen. So erfⁿllte sie die Prophezeiung ∩Im Tode Deines ErlΣsers wirst Du Heil finden. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
275 | 0274 | Wasserwand | Wasserwand | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Wall | PowerUp | Uncommon | 000021 | 0 | 5 | 100 | Beschw÷rung einer Mauer | Richard Thomas | |U: +1/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges | Mit ohrenbetΣubendem Brⁿllen setzte der Zorn eines riesigen senkrechten herabfallenden Flusses unserer Heiterkeit ein jΣhes Ende. Strudel verwandelten sich in wirbelnde Geysire, die alles niederwalzten, was ihnen im Wege stand. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
276 | 0275 | Holzmauer | Holzmauer | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Wall | None | Common | 010000 | 0 | 3 | 100 | Beschw÷rung einer Mauer | Mark Tedin | None | Wie jedermann wei▀, klopft man auf Holz, um Schwierigkeiten zu vermeiden. Aber wΣre es nicht besser, wir zimmerten aus dem Holz eine Wand und lie▀en die Schwierigkeiten dagegenlaufen? | None | None | None | None | None | None |
277 | 0276 | Wanderlust | Wanderlust | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 010002 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Cornelius Brudi | Die Wanderlust fⁿgt wΣhrend der Versorgungsphase des Beherrschers der verzauberten Kreatur diesem 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | ôWie schrecklich es ist, herumzuwandern, nur, um sich selbst zu entkommen.ö\\ùTaysir | None | None | None | None | None | None |
278 | 0277 | Kriegsmammut | Kriegsmammut | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Summon | Mammoth | None | Common | 010003 | 3 | 3 | 30 | BeschwΣrung eines Mammuts | Jeff A. Menges | Verursacht Trampelschaden | Ich hΣtte nie gedacht, da▀ein Mammut einem gut trainierten Schlachtro▀das Wasser reichen kΣnnte. Eines Tages drehte ich einem besoffenen Soldaten leichtfertig den Rⁿcken zu. Sein Schwertstreich aber erreichte mich nie: Mi'cha, mein Mammut, packte ihn mit seinem Rⁿssel und warf ihn mehr als zehn Meter weit. | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
279 | 0278 | Verformtes Artefakt | Verformtes Artefakt | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | Artifact | None | Rare | 000200 | na | na | 300 | Verzaubere Artefakt | Amy Weber | WΣhrend der Versorgungsphase des Beherrschers des verzauberten Artefakts fⁿgt ihm das Verformte Artefakt 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
280 | 0279 | Wasserelementar | Wasserelementar | Unlimited | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Elemental | None | Uncommon | 000023 | 5 | 4 | 100 | Beschw÷rung eines Elementarwesens | Jeff A. Menges | None | Unberechenbar wie die See selbst, gehen Wasserelemente ohne Vorwarnung aus der Ruhe in den Sturm ⁿber. Launenhaft und wankelmⁿtig wechseln sie immer wieder hin und her und zeigen so ihre Stimmung. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
281 | 0280 | SchwΣche | SchwΣche | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 000100 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Douglas Shuler | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt -2/-1. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
282 | 0281 | Spinnennetz | Spinnennetz | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Enchant | Creature | None | Rare | 010000 | na | na | 400 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Rob Alexander | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +0/+2 und kann nun auch Kreaturen mit FlugfΣhigkeit blocken. | None | xWeb | None | None | None | None | None |
283 | 0282 | Glⁿcksrad | Glⁿcksrad | Unlimited | Restricted | Red | Sorcery | na | Draw | Special | 001002 | na | na | 530 | Hexerei | Daniel Gelon | Jeder Spieler wirft seine Karten auf der Hand ab und zieht dann sieben Karten. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
284 | 0283 | Wei▀er Ritter | Wei▀er Ritter | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Summon | Knight | None | Uncommon | 200000 | 2 | 2 | 200 | BeschwΣrung eines Ritters | Daniel Gelon | Erstschlag, Schutz vor |S2Schwarz | Heraus aus der SchwΣrze und dem Pesthauch des allesverschlingenden Sumpfes erschien eine strahlende Figur. Nur die befleckte Rⁿstung und das eitertriefende Schwert zeugten von dem unerme▀lichem ▄bel, das der Ritter gerade vernichtet hatte. | First Strike | Protection from Black | None | None | None | None |
285 | 0284 | Wei▀er Schutz | Wei▀er Schutz | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 80 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Dan Frazier | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt Schutz gegen |S2Wei▀. Dieser Schutz zerst÷rt allerdings diese Verzauberung nicht. | None | xProtection from White | None | None | None | None | None |
286 | 0285 | Wildwuchs | Wildwuchs | Unlimited | Fifth | Green | Enchant | Land | ManaSource | Common | 010000 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Land | Mark Poole | Immer wenn das verzauberte Land fⁿr Mana getappt wird, produziert es zusΣtzlich |G. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
287 | 0286 | Irrlichter | Irrlichter | Unlimited | Fourth | Black | Summon | Will-O'-The-Wisp | None | Rare | 000100 | 0 | 1 | 580 | Beschw÷rung von Irrlichtern | Jesper Myrfors | K÷nnen fliegen.\\|B: Regeneration | None | Flying | Regeneration:B | None | None | None | None |
288 | 0287 | Frostbringer | Frostbringer | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | Permission | Rare | 000002 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | Spieler kΣnnen wΣhrend ihrer Enttap-Phase nicht mehr als ein Land enttappen. | ôWenn einst der Winter uns umarmt, / Nicht freiwillig zieht er zurⁿck / Seinen Frost, die sehnsⁿchtige Umarmung / Der tiefen Luft, in der die KΣlte schlΣft.ö\\ùAline Corralurn, ôSpΣte Schmelzeö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
289 | 0288 | Wurzelkraft | Wurzelkraft | Unlimited | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 100 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | |1: Du erhΣltst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur, wenn ein |Sgrⁿner Zauberspruch erfolgreich gesprochen wurde, und nur einmal pro Spruch. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
290 | 0289 | Word of Command | Word of Command | Unlimited | | Black | Instant | na | Permission | Rare | 000200 | na | na | 4000 | Instant | Jesper Myrfors | You may cast any card in opponent's hand as if you were your opponent. You make all decisions required by spell being cast and must use opponent's mana sources to power the spell. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
291 | 0290 | Zorn Gottes | Zorn Gottes | Unlimited | Fifth | White | Sorcery | na | None | Rare | 200002 | na | na | 600 | Hexerei | Quinton Hoover | Begrabe alle Kreaturen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
292 | 0291 | Zombiemeister | Zombiemeister | Unlimited | Fifth | Black | Summon | Lord | None | Rare | 000201 | 2 | 3 | 600 | BeschwΣrung eines Herrschers | Jeff A. Menges | Alle Zombies erhalten ô|B: Regenerationö und |HSumpftarnung. | Er kontrollierte die Zombies schon vor seinem eigenen Tod, nun kann nichts mehr sie dazu bringen, ihn zu betrⁿgen. | xSwampwalk | xRegeneration | None | None | None | None |
293 | 0292 | Amnesia | Amnesia | Dark | | Blue | Sorcery | na | Discard | Uncommon | 000033 | na | na | 400 | Sorcery | Mark Poole | Target player's hand is revealed to you. All non-land cards in target players hand are then discarded. | ôWhen one has witnessed the unspeakable, 'tis sometimes better to forget.ö --- Vervamon the Elder | None | None | None | None | None | None |
294 | 0293 | Aufgebrachter P÷bel | Aufgebrachter P÷bel | Dark | Fifth | White | Summon | Mob | None | Uncommon | 200002 | 102 | 102 | 500 | BeschwΣrung des P÷bels | Drew Tucker | Verursacht Trampelschaden\\WΣhrend Deines Zuges hat der Aufgebrachte P÷bel StΣrke und Widerstandskraft von 2 plus der Anzahl der |H1Sⁿmpfe, die Deine Gegner im Spiel haben. WΣhrend der Zⁿge der anderen Spieler hat der Aufgebrachte P÷bel StΣrke und Widerstandskraft von 2. | None | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
295 | 0294 | Asche zu Asche | Asche zu Asche | Dark | Fifth | Black | Sorcery | na | None | Uncommon | 000201 | na | na | 100 | Hexerei | Drew Tucker | Entferne zwei Nicht-Artefaktkreaturen Deiner Wahl ganz aus dem Spiel. Asche zu Asche fⁿgt Dir 5 Schadenspunkte zu. | ôK÷nige und Bettler, sie enden gleichùUnter der Erde, die Gebeine bleich.ö\\ùAline Corralurn, ôErbeö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
296 | 0295 | Kugelblitz | Kugelblitz | Dark | Fifth | Red | Summon | Ball Lightning | None | Rare | 003000 | 6 | 1 | 1000 | BeschwΣrung eines Kugelblitzes | Quinton Hoover | Verursacht Trampelschaden\\Fⁿr den Kugelblitz gilt die EinsatzverzΣgerung nicht.\\Begrabe den Kugelblitz am Ende eines Zuges. | None | Trample | Quickness | None | None | None | None |
297 | 0296 | Banshee | Banshee | Dark | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Banshee | DirectFire | Uncommon | 000202 | 0 | 1 | 400 | Summon Banshee | Jesper Myrfors | |X, |T: to do 1/2 |X rounded up to controller and 1/2 |X rounded down to target creature or player. | Some say Banshees are the hounds of Death, baying to herd their prey into the arms of their master. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
298 | 0297 | Barl's Cage | Barl's Cage | Dark | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 600 | Artifact | Tom WΣnerstrand | |3: Target creature may not untap as normal during controller's next untap phase. | For a dozen years the Cage had held Lord Ith, but as the Pretender Mairsil's power weakened, so did the bars. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
299 | 0298 | Dark Heart of the Wood | Wood's Dark Heart | Dark | | Gold | Enchant | na | GainLife | Common | 010100 | na | na | 50 | Enchantment | Christopher Rush | |0: Sacrifice a forest to gain 3 life. | Even the Goblins shun this haunted place, where the tree limbs twist in agony and the ground seems to scuttle under your feet. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
300 | 0299 | Blood Moon | Blood Moon | Dark | Chronicles | Red | Enchant | na | LandDestruct | Rare | 001002 | na | na | 800 | Enchantment | Tom WΣnerstrand | All non-basic lands become basic mountains while Blood Moon is in play. | Heavy light flooded across the landscape, cloaking everything in deep crimson. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
301 | 0300 | Zauberlehrling | Zauberlehrling | Dark | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Wizard | ManaSource | Common | 000021 | 0 | 1 | 500 | Beschw÷rung eines Zauberers | Dan Frazier | |U, |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um 3 farblose Mana. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
302 | 0301 | Blood of the Martyr | Blood of the Martyr | Dark | Chronicles | White | Instant | na | Healing | Uncommon | 300000 | na | na | 400 | Instant | Christopher Rush | Until end of turn you may redirect damage done to any number of creatures to yourself instead. | The willow knows what the storm does not: that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
303 | 0302 | Bone Flute | Bone Flute | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000003 | na | na | 300 | Artifact | Christopher Rush | |2, |T: All creatures get -1/-0 until end of turn. | After the Battle of Pitdown, Lady Ursnell fashioned the first such instrument out of Lord Ursnell's left leg. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
304 | 0303 | GehirnwΣsche | GehirnwΣsche | Dark | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 100000 | na | na | 50 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Pete Venters | Die verzauberte Kreatur kann in diesem Zug nicht angreifen, wenn ihr Beherrscher nicht zusΣtzlich |3 bezahlt. | ôSie sind nicht Deine Freunde, sie verachten Dich. Ich bin der einzige, auf den Du zΣhlen kannst. Vertraue mir.ö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
305 | 0304 | Bruderschaft des Feuers | Bruderschaft des Feuers | Dark | Fifth | Red | Summon | Brothers | DirectFire | Common | 002001 | 2 | 2 | 400 | BeschwΣrung von Bundesbrⁿdern | Mark Tedin | |1|R|R: Die Bruderschaft des Feuers fⁿgt einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler Deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu und Dir 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | Feuer ist niemals ein freundlicher Zeitgenosse. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
306 | 0305 | Fleischfressende Pflanze | Fleischfressende Pflanze | Dark | Fifth | Green | Summon | Wall | None | Common | 010003 | 4 | 5 | 80 | Beschw÷rung einer Mauer | Quinton Hoover | None | ôSie hatte das Maul eines gro▀en Ungeheuers und knirschte mit den ZΣhnen, als sie versuchte, uns zu erreichen. Zum Glⁿck hat sie keine M÷glichkeit der Fortbewegung.ö\\ùVervamon der Σltere | None | None | None | None | None | None |
307 | 0306 | H÷hlenmenschen | H÷hlenmenschen | Dark | Fifth | Red | Summon | Cave People | None | Uncommon | 002001 | 1 | 4 | 400 | Beschw÷rung von H÷hlenmenschen | Drew Tucker | Wenn die H÷hlenmenschen angreifen, erhalten sie +1/-2 bis zum Ende des Zuges.\\|1|R|R, |T: Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl erhΣlt |HGebirgstarnung bis zum Ende des Zuges. | None | xMountainwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
308 | 0307 | City of Shadows | City of Shadows | Dark | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 700 | Land | Tom WΣnerstrand | |0: Target creature is removed from play and City of Shadows gains 1 counter. |T: Add |X to your mana pool where |X is equal to the number of counters on City of Shadows. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
309 | 0308 | Coal Golem | Coal Golem | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | Creature | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000005 | 3 | 3 | 400 | Artifact Creature | Christopher Rush | |3: and sacrifice Golem to gain |R|R|R. | ôThree such creatures stood burning at the crest of the hill. Only seconds later, the Fireball struck our front lines.ö --- Lydia, Countess Brellis | None | None | None | None | None | None |
310 | 0309 | Dance of Many | Dance of Many | Dark | Chronicles | Blue | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 000020 | na | na | 700 | Enchantment | Sandra Everingham | Creates token creature duplicating any creature in play when Dance of Many is cast. During your upkeep, pay |U|U or Dance of Many is buried. Token creature is buried if Dance of Many leaves play. Dance of Many is buried if token creature leaves play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
311 | 0310 | Deep Water | Deep Water | Dark | | Blue | Enchant | na | ManaSource | Common | 000020 | na | na | 100 | Enchantment | Jeff A. Menges | |U: All mana producing lands you control produce |U until end of turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
312 | 0311 | Dust to Dust | Dust to Dust | Dark | | White | Sorcery | na | None | Common | 200001 | na | na | 100 | Sorcery | Drew Tucker | Removes 2 target artifacts from the game. | Tervish never noticed that the amulet had vanished. It had disappeared not only from his possession, but from his memory as well. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
313 | 0312 | Eater of the Dead | Eater of the Dead | Dark | | Black | Summon | Eater | None | Uncommon | 000104 | 3 | 4 | 400 | Summon Eater | Jesper Myrfors | |0: Target creature in any graveyard is removed from the game and Eater of the Dead becomes untapped. This ability may only be used if Eater of the Dead is tapped. | Even the putrid muscled of the dead can provide strength to those loathsome enough to consume them. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
314 | 0313 | Elves of Deep Shadow | Deep Shadow Elves | Dark | | Green | Summon | Elves | ManaSource | Uncommon | 010000 | 1 | 1 | 300 | Summon Elves | Jesper Myrfors | |T: Add |B to your mana pool and Elves do 1 damage to you. | ôThey are aberrations who have turned on everything we hold sacred. Let them be cast out.ö --- Ailheen, Speaker of the Council | None | None | None | None | None | None |
315 | 0314 | Erosion | Erosion | Dark | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Land | LandDestruct | Common | 000030 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Land | Pete Venters | WΣhrend seiner Versorgungsphase mu▀ der Beherrscher des verzauberten Landes |1 oder 1 Lebenspunkt zahlen, oder das Land wird zerst÷rt. Effekte, die Schaden verhindern oder umleiten, k÷nnen hier nicht angewendet werden, um den Verlust des Lebenspunktes zu verhindern. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
316 | 0315 | Eternal Flame | Eternal Flame | Dark | | Red | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Rare | 002002 | na | na | 600 | Sorcery | Mark Poole | Eternal Flame does 1 point of damage to opponent for each mountain caster has in play. Caster takes damage equal to 1/2 this amount rounded up. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
317 | 0316 | Exorcist | Exorcist | Dark | | White | Summon | Exorcist | None | Rare | 200000 | 1 | 1 | 1000 | Summon Exorcist | Drew Tucker | |W|1, |T: Target black creature is destroyed. | Though they often bore little greater charm than the demons they battled, exorcists were always welcome in Scarwood. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
318 | 0317 | Fasting | Fasting | Dark | | White | Enchant | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 400 | Enchantment | Douglas Shuler | You may choose to skip your draw phase each turn and gain 2 life from Fasting instead. If you draw a card for any reason, Fasting is destroyed. During your upkeep, Fasting gains a counter and is immediately destroyed when it has five counters. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
319 | 0318 | Fellwarstein | Fellwarstein | Dark | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000002 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Quinton Hoover | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um ein Mana eines Typs, das ein Land eines Gegners produzieren kann. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | ôWirf mit Steinen, und Du wirfst die Welt weg.ö\\ùZwergisches Sprichwort | None | None | None | None | None | None |
320 | 0319 | Fire and Brimstone | Fire and Brimstone | Dark | | White | Instant | na | DirectFire | Uncommon | 200003 | na | na | 300 | Instant | Jeff A. Menges | Does 4 damage to both players. May only be used if your opponent declared an attack this turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
321 | 0320 | Fire Drake | Fire Drake | Dark | Chronicles | Red | Summon | Drake | None | Uncommon | 002001 | 1 | 2 | 300 | Summon Drake | Christopher Rush | Flying. |R: Gains +1\+0. Only one |R may be spent this way each turn. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
322 | 0321 | Erdspalte | Erdspalte | Dark | Fifth | Red | Instant | na | LandDestruct | Common | 002003 | na | na | 100 | Spontanzauber | Douglas Shuler | Begrabe ein Land oder eine Kreatur. | ôMⁿssen nicht zum Schlu▀ alle Dinge vom Tode verschluckt werden?ö\\ùPlaton | None | None | None | None | None | None |
323 | 0322 | Scarwood Hag | Scarwood Hag | Dark | | Green | Summon | Hag | None | Uncommon | 010001 | 1 | 1 | 400 | Summon Hag | Anson Maddocks | |G|G|G|G |T: Target creature gains Forestwalk until end of turn. \\|T: Target creature loses Forestwalk until end of turn. | None | xForestwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
324 | 0323 | People of the Woods | People of the Wood | Dark | | Green | Summon | People | None | Uncommon | 020000 | 1 | 0 | 400 | Summon People | Drew Tucker | Has toughness equal to the number of forests in play of controller. | ôTheir rain of arrows left only myself alive, cowering within a tree hollow. They did not even come out to loot the bodies.ö --- Vervamon the Elder | None | None | None | None | None | None |
325 | 0324 | Fountain of Youth | Fountain of Youth | Dark | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 500 | Artifact | Daniel Gelon | |2, |T: Gain 1 life. | The Fountain had stood in the town square for centuries, but only the pigeons knew its secret. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
326 | 0325 | Frankenstein's Monster | Frankenstein | Dark | | Black | Summon | Monster | None | Rare | 00020X | 0 | 1 | 1000 | Summon Monster | Anson Maddocks | |X creatures in your graveyard must be removed from game when monster is put into play or else monster is countered. For each creature so removed, you get 2 points to allocate between the monsters power and toughness. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
327 | 0326 | Geisterschiff | Geisterschiff | Dark | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Ship | None | Uncommon | 000022 | 2 | 4 | 80 | Beschw÷rung eines Schiffes | Tom WΣnerstrand | Kann fliegen.\\|U|U|U: Regeneration | ôDie Bugspitze des Geisterschiffes zerschnitt das Unwetter, als Blitze seinen langen Schatten auf das Schlachtfeld unter ihm warfen.ö\\ùMireille Gaetane, Der Valeriad | Flying | Regeneration:UUU | None | None | None | None |
328 | 0327 | Giant Shark | Giant Shark | Dark | | Blue | Summon | Shark | None | Common | 000015 | 4 | 4 | 80 | Summon Shark | Tom WΣnerstrand | May not attack unless opponent controls at least one island. If assigned a blocker which has recieved damage this turn, Giant Shark gains +2/+0 and Trample until the end of turn. Giant Shark is buried if at any time controller has no islands in play. | None | xTrample | None | None | None | None | None |
329 | 0328 | Spitting Slug | Spitting Slug | Dark | | Green | Summon | Slug | None | Uncommon | 020001 | 2 | 4 | 400 | Summon Slug | Anson Maddocks | |G|1: Gains first strike until end of turn. If Slug is not given First Strike, any creature blocking slug gains First Strike until end of turn. | None | xFirst Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
330 | 0329 | Goblin Caves | Goblin Caves | Dark | | Red | Enchant | Land | None | Common | 002001 | na | na | 80 | Enchant Land | Drew Tucker | As long as the land which Goblin Caves enchants is a basic mountian, all goblins in play gain +0/+2. | The stench of countless generations of unspeakable activities was enough to loosen both our footing and our stomachs. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
331 | 0330 | Goblin Hero | Goblin Hero | Dark | | Red | Summon | Goblin | None | Common | 001002 | 2 | 2 | 80 | Summon Goblin | Mark Tedin | None | They attacked in an orgy of rage and madness, but only one seemed as focused on killing us as on the sheer joy of battle. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
332 | 0331 | Goblin Wizard | Goblin Wizard | Dark | | Red | Summon | Goblin | None | Rare | 002002 | 1 | 1 | 700 | Summon Goblin | Daniel Gelon | |T: Take a goblin from your hand and put it directly into play as if it were just summoned. \\|R: Target goblin gains Protection from White until end of turn. | None | xProtection from White | None | None | None | None | None |
333 | 0332 | Goblins of the Flarg | Goblins of the Flarg | Dark | Chronicles | Red | Summon | Goblins | None | Common | 001000 | 1 | 1 | 50 | Summon Goblins | Tom WΣnerstrand | Mountainwalk. Goblins of the Flarg are buried if controller has Dwarves in play. | None | Mountainwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
334 | 0333 | Grave Robbers | Grave Robbers | Dark | | Black | Summon | Robbers | GainLife | Rare | 000201 | 1 | 1 | 700 | Summon Robbers | Quinton Hoover | |B |T: Target artifact in either players graveyard is remove from game. Each time this ability is used you gain 2 life. | ôIf you don't have your health, you don't have anything.ö --- Proverb | None | None | None | None | None | None |
335 | 0334 | Gaea's Touch | Gaea's Touch | Dark | | Green | Enchant | na | ManaSource | Common | 020000 | na | na | 50 | Enchantment | Mark Poole | Allows caster to put and extra land in play each turn as long as it is a basic forest. |0: Sacrifice Gaea's Touch to add |G|G to your mana pool. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
336 | 0335 | Hidden Path | Hidden Path | Dark | | Green | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 040002 | na | na | 700 | Enchantment | Rob Alexander | All green creatures gain Forestwalk. | ôWhere moments before we were lost beyond hope, the strange floating lights showed us the way and restored our morale.ö --- Vervamon the Elder | xForestwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
337 | 0336 | Torfbold | Torfbold | Dark | Fifth | Black | Summon | Imp | None | Common | 000101 | 1 | 1 | 50 | BeschwΣrung eines Bolds | Ron Spencer | Fliegend | Wir lenkten unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf gr÷▀ere Gefahren und unterschΣtzten dabei die Kraft und die Schnelligkeit der dreckverkrusteten Klauen der Torfbolde. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
338 | 0337 | Inferno | Inferno | Dark | Fifth | Red | Instant | na | DirectFire | Rare | 002005 | na | na | 700 | Spontanzauber | Randy Asplund-Faith | Das Inferno fⁿgt allen Spielern und Kreaturen 6 Schadenspunkte zu. | ôManche sagen, da▀reine Zerst÷rung keinen Spa▀macht. Wei▀t Du was? Sie sind alle tot.ö\\ùJaya Ballard, Magier fⁿr alle FΣlle | None | None | None | None | None | None |
339 | 0338 | Knights of Thorn | Knights of Thorn | Dark | | White | Summon | Knights | None | Rare | 100003 | 2 | 2 | 800 | Summon Knights | Christopher Rush | Protection from red, Banding. | ôWith a great cry, the Goblin host broke and ran as the first wave of Knights penetrated its ranks.ö --- Tivador of Thorn, Histoy of the Goblin Wars | Protection from Red | Banding | None | None | None | None |
340 | 0339 | Landegel | Landegel | Dark | Fifth | Green | Summon | Leeches | None | Common | 020001 | 2 | 2 | 80 | Beschw÷rung von Egeln | Quinton Hoover | Erstschlag | ôDas Standardheilmittel gegen Egel erfordert die Anwendung glⁿhender Kohle. Andere Methoden sollten vorgezogen werden, sollte die Kohle mehr Schaden anrichten als der Egel.ö\\ùVervamon der Σltere | First Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
341 | 0340 | Leviathan | Leviathan | Dark | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Leviathan | None | Rare | 000045 | 10 | 10 | 1000 | BeschwΣrung eines Leviathans | Mark Tedin | Verursacht Trampelschaden\\Der Leviathan kommt getappt ins Spiel und enttappt nicht wΣhrend Deiner Enttap-Phase.\\Der Leviathan kann in diesem Zug nicht angreifen, wenn Du nicht zwei |H1Inseln opferst.\\Opfere zwei |H1Inseln: Enttappe den Leviathan. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase. | None | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
342 | 0341 | Living Armor | Living Armor | Dark | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Anson Maddocks | |T: Sacrifice Living Armor to give target creature +0\+X, where X is equal to the target's casting cost. | Though it affords excellent protection, few don this armor. The process is uncomfortable and not easily reversed. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
343 | 0342 | Lurker | Lurker | Dark | | Green | Summon | Lurker | None | Rare | 010002 | 2 | 3 | 600 | Summon Lurker | Anson Maddocks | Lurker not be the target of any spell unless Lurker was declared as an attacker or blocker this turn. | ôEach night we felt it watching us from the darkness beyond our fire. We only had one pack horse left.ö --- Maeveen O'Donagh, Memoirs of a Soldier | None | None | None | None | None | None |
344 | 0343 | Manakollision | Manakollision | Dark | Fifth | Red | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Rare | 001000 | na | na | 600 | Hexerei | Mark Tedin | Du und Dein Gegner werfen eine Mⁿnze. Wer ôZahlö wirft, verliert einen Lebenspunkt.\\Werft so oft, bis beide Spieler gleichzeitig ôKopfö werfen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
345 | 0344 | Mana Vortex | Mana Vortex | Dark | | Blue | Enchant | na | LandDestruct | Rare | 000021 | na | na | 600 | Enchantment | Douglas Shuler | Each player who controls any land must sacrifice one land during their upkeep phase. Mana Vortex is destroyed if at any time their are no lands in play. Caster must sacrifice one land when Mana Vortex is cast or it is countered. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
346 | 0345 | Martyr's Cry | Martyr's Cry | Dark | | White | Sorcery | na | Draw | Rare | 200000 | na | na | 600 | Sorcery | Jeff A. Menges | All white creatures in play are removed from the game. Players draw 1 card for each creature lost in this manner. | ôIt is only fitting that one such as I should die in pursuit of knowledge.ö --- Vervamon the Elder | None | None | None | None | None | None |
347 | 0346 | Erinnerungszerst÷rung | Erinnerungszerst÷rung | Dark | Fifth | Blue | Sorcery | na | Discard | Uncommon | 000010 | na | na | 500 | Hexerei | Mark Tedin | Die Erinnerungszerst÷rung fⁿgt allen Spielern 3 Schadenspunkte zu. Jeder Spieler kann bis zu drei Karten abwerfen, um pro abgeworfener Karte einen dieser Schadenspunkte zu verhindern. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
348 | 0347 | Moral | Moral | Dark | Fourth | White | Instant | na | None | Common | 200001 | na | na | 100 | Spontanzauber | Mark Poole | Alle angreifenden Kreaturen erhalten +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | ôNach Lacjsis' Rede waren die KΣmpfer fest entschlossen, alle ihre Erzfeinde zu vernichten, Klan um Klan.ö\\ùTivadar von Thorn, Die Geschichte der Goblinkriege | None | None | None | None | None | None |
349 | 0348 | Necropolis | Necropolis | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | Wall | None | Uncommon | 000005 | 0 | 1 | 400 | Artifact Creature | NΦNΦ Thomas | |0: Target creature in your graveyard is removed from the game. Necropolis gains +0/+X where X is equal to target creature's casting cost. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
350 | 0349 | Orc General | Orc General | Dark | | Red | Summon | na | None | Uncommon | 001002 | 2 | 2 | 450 | Summon | Jesper Myrfors | |T: Target orc or goblin is sacrificed and all orcs gain +1/+1 until end of turn. | ôYour army must fear you more than the enemy. Only then will you triumph.ö --- Malga Phlegmtooth | None | None | None | None | None | None |
351 | 0350 | Bog Rats | Bog Rats | Dark | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Rats | None | Common | 000100 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Rats | Ron Spencer | Cannot be blocked by walls. | Their stench was vile and strong enough, but not nearly as powerful as their hunger. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
352 | 0351 | Preacher | Preacher | Dark | | White | Summon | Preacher | Control | Rare | 200001 | 1 | 1 | 1150 | Summon Preacher | Quinton Hoover | |T: Gain control of one of opponent's creatures. Opponent selects which creature is affected. You may choose not to untap Preacher during your upkeep as normal. You lose control of target creature if Preacher becomes untapped or is removed from play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
353 | 0352 | Psychic Allergy | Psychic Allergy | Dark | | Blue | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 000023 | na | na | 700 | Enchantment | Mark Tedin | You must select a color when Psychic Allergy is cast. During opponent's upkeep, Allergy does 1 damage to opponent for each card of chosen color which he/she controls. During your upkeep, you must sacrifice 2 islands or Psychic Allergy is destroyed. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
354 | 0353 | Book of Rass | Book of Rass | Dark | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | Draw | Uncommon | 000006 | na | na | 300 | Artifact | Sandra Everingham | |2: Draw a card and lose 2 life. Effects that prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter this loss of life. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
355 | 0354 | Reflecting Mirror | Reflecting Mirror | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | na | Permission | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 500 | Artifact | Mark Poole | |X, |T: Target spell which must target you, is redirected to target opponent instead. |X is equal to 2 times the casting cost of target spell. This ability is played as an interrupt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
356 | 0355 | Riptide | Riptide | Dark | | Blue | Instant | na | None | Common | 000010 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Randy Asplund-Faith | All blue creatures in play become tapped. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
357 | 0356 | Runesword | Runesword | Dark | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000006 | na | na | 500 | Artifact | Christopher Rush | |3, |T: Target attacking creature gains +2/+0 until end of turn. If target creature leaves play before end of turn, Runesword is buried. Creatures damaged by target may not regenerate and are removed from play if they are sent to graveyard this turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
358 | 0357 | Safe Haven | Safe Haven | Dark | Chronicles | Grey | Land | na | None | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 800 | Land | Christopher Rush | |2, |T: Target creature is removed from play and placed into Safe Haven. This ability is played as an interrupt. |0: Sacrifice Safe Haven during your upkeep to return all creatures inside Haven directly into play as if they were just summoned. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
359 | 0358 | Scarecrow | ScareCrow | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | Creature | Healing | Uncommon | 000005 | 2 | 2 | 500 | Artifact Creature | Anson Maddocks | |6, |T: Until end of turn, all damage done to controller by flying creatures is reduced to 0. | There was more malice in its button eyes than should have been possible in something that had never known life. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
360 | 0359 | Season of the Witch | Season of the Witch | Dark | | Black | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 000300 | na | na | 700 | Enchantment | Jesper Myrfors | At the end of each turn, all untapped creatures that could have attacked but did not are destroyed. During your upkeep, pay 2 life or Season of the Witch is destroyed. Effects that prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter this loss of life. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
361 | 0360 | Schwestern der Flamme | Schwestern der Flamme | Dark | Fifth | Red | Summon | Sisters | ManaSource | Common | 002001 | 2 | 2 | 400 | Beschw÷rung von Bundesschwestern | Jesper Myrfors | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |R. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | Wir sind viele Dochte, die sich das selbe Wachs teilen; wir verdunkeln den Himmel mit der Asche unserer Opfer. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
362 | 0361 | Skull of Orm | Skull of Orm | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000003 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Tom WΣnerstrand | |5 |T: Target enchantment in your graveyard is moved to your hand. | Though lifeless, the Skull still possessed a strange power of the flow of magic. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
363 | 0362 | Standing Stones | Standing Stones | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000003 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Sandra Everingham | |1, |T : Pay 1 life and add 1 mana of any color to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. Effects which prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter this loss of life. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
364 | 0363 | Stone Calender | Stone Calender | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000005 | na | na | 600 | Artifact | Amy Weber | Stone Calender will provide |1 mana toward the casting cost of any of your spells. Casting cost may not be reduced below |0 in this manner. | The Pretender Mairsil ordered a great Calender drawn up to shown when the paths to the Dark Lands were strongest. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
365 | 0364 | Versunkene Stadt | Versunkene Stadt | Dark | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | na | None | Common | 000020 | na | na | 100 | Verzauberung | Jesper Myrfors | Alle |Sblauen Kreaturen erhalten +1/+1.\\Zahle |U|U wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase, oder dieVersunkene Stadt wird zerst÷rt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
366 | 0365 | Sumpfgas | Sumpfgas | Dark | Fifth | Black | Instant | na | None | Common | 000100 | na | na | 50 | Spontanzauber | Douglas Shuler | Alle Kreaturen erhalten -2/-0 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | ôKommt gradwegs aussem Boden. Wenn des riechen kannst, isses zu spΣt.ö\\ùKeevy Bogsbury | None | None | None | None | None | None |
367 | 0366 | Marsh Goblins | Marsh Goblins | Dark | | Gold | Summon | Goblins | None | Common | 001100 | 1 | 1 | 50 | Summon Goblins | Quinton Hoover | Swampwalk | Even the other Goblin races shun the Marsh Goblins, thanks to certain unwholesome custom they practice. | Swampwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
368 | 0367 | Cleansing | Cleansing | Dark | | White | Sorcery | na | LandDestruct | Rare | 300000 | na | na | 700 | Sorcery | Pete Venters | All lands are destroyed. Players may prevent Cleansing from destroying specific lands at the cost of 1 life for each land they wish to protect. Effects which prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter this loss of life. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
369 | 0368 | Tormod's Crypt | Tormod's Crypt | Dark | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Christopher Rush | |T: All cards in target players graveyard are removed from the game. Tormod's Crypt is sacrificed when this ability is used. | The dark opening seemed to breathe the cold, damp air of the dead earth in a steady rhythm. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
370 | 0369 | Dark Sphere | Dark Sphere | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | na | Healing | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Mark Tedin | |T: Prevent 1/2 of damage done to you by a single source, rounded down. Dark Sphere is sacrificed when this ability is used. | ôI was struck senseless for a moment, but revived when the strange curiosity I carried fell to the ground, screaming like a dying animal.ö ---Barl, Lord Ith | None | None | None | None | None | None |
371 | 0370 | The Drowned | The Drowned | Dark | | Blue | Summon | Zombies | None | Common | 000011 | 1 | 1 | 60 | Summon Zombies | Quinton Hoover | |B: regenerates. | We asked Captain Soll what became of the Serafina, but all he said was, ôShips that go down shouldn't come back up.ö | Regeneration:B | None | None | None | None | None |
372 | 0371 | Bewohner der Dunkelheit | Bewohner der Dunkelheit | Dark | Fifth | Black | Summon | Murk Dwellers | None | Common | 000103 | 2 | 2 | 100 | BeschwΣrung von dunklen Wesen | Drew Tucker | Wenn die Bewohner der Dunkelheit angreifen und nicht geblockt werden, erhalten sie +2/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | Als Raganorn die Katakomben entsiegelte, fand er nicht nur die Toten und ihre SchΣtze. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
373 | 0372 | The Fallen | The Fallen | Dark | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Fallen | None | Uncommon | 000301 | 2 | 3 | 400 | Summon Fallen | Jesper Myrfors | During controller's upkeep, The Fallen do 1 damage to each opponent they have previously damaged. | Magic often masters those who cannot master it. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
374 | 0373 | Niall Silvain | Niall Silvain | Dark | | Green | Summon | Niall Silvain | Healing | Rare | 030000 | 2 | 2 | 600 | Summon Niall Silvain | Christopher Rush | |G|G|G|G, |T: regenerate target creature. | This is his domain, and while you remain here you must value all life as you value your own. | xRegeneration:GGGG | None | None | None | None | None |
375 | 0374 | Inquisition | Inquisition | Dark | | Black | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Common | 000102 | na | na | 80 | Sorcery | Anson Maddocks | Opponent's hand is revealed to caster. Inquisition does 1 damage to opponent for each white card in his/her hand. | Many of those entrusted to Primata Delphine's care tended to express themselves with screams. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
376 | 0375 | Holy Light | Holy Light | Dark | | White | Instant | na | None | Common | 100002 | na | na | 50 | Instant | Drew Tucker | All non white creatures get -1/-1 until end of turn. | ôBathed in hallowed light, the infidels looked upon the impurities of their souls and despaired.ö --- The Book of Tal | None | None | None | None | None | None |
377 | 0376 | Teufelsmaschine | Teufelsmaschine | Dark | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000007 | 4 | 4 | 400 | Artefaktkreatur | Anson Maddocks | |3: Regeneration | ôDie Bolzen unserer Ballistas schmetterten in dieses monstr÷se Ding, doch wir verloren die Hoffnung, als seine RΣder immer weiterdrehten.ö\\ùSevti Mukul, Der Fall von Alsoor | Regeneration:3 | None | None | None | None | None |
378 | 0377 | Maze of Ith | Maze of Ith | Dark | | Grey | Land | na | None | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 600 | Land | Anson Maddocks | |T: Target attacking creature controlled by opponent becomes untapped. Creature neither deals or recieves damage from combat this turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
379 | 0378 | Nameless Race | Nameless Race | Dark | | Black | Summon | Nameless | None | Rare | 000103 | 0 | 0 | 700 | Summon Nameless | Quinton Hoover | Trample. When Nameless Race is brought into play, controller may pay upto X life, where X is the number of white cards in play of opponent or in his/her graveyard. Nameless Race has power and toughness equal to number of life spent in this manner. | None | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
380 | 0379 | Tower of Coireall | Tower of Coireall | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000002 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Dan Frazier | |T: Target creature may not be blocked by walls until end of turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
381 | 0380 | Tracker | Tracker | Dark | | Green | Summon | Tracker | DirectFire | Rare | 010002 | 2 | 2 | 750 | Summon Tracker | Jeff A. Menges | |G|G, |T: Tracker does an amount of damage equal to its power to target creature. Target creature does an amount of damage equal to its power to Tracker. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
382 | 0381 | Sorrow's Path | Sorrow's Path | Dark | | Grey | Land | na | None | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 500 | Land | Randy Asplund-Faith | |T: Exchange 2 of opponent's blocking creatures. This exchange may not cause an illegal block. Sorrow's Path does 2 damage to controller and each creature you control when it is tapped. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
383 | 0382 | Onkel Istvan | Onkel Istvan | Dark | Fifth | Black | Summon | Uncle Istvan | None | Uncommon | 000301 | 1 | 3 | 450 | Beschw÷rung von Onkel Istvan | Daniel Gelon | Aller Schaden, der Onkel Istvan von Kreaturen zugefⁿgt wird, wird auf 0 reduziert. | Einsamkeit trieb den alten Einsiedler in den Wahnsinn. Heute ist er nur noch mit denen zusammen, die er fangen kann. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
384 | 0383 | Schlangengift | Schlangengift | Dark | Fifth | Green | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 020001 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Tom WΣnerstrand | Wenn die verzauberte Kreatur eine Nicht-Mauerkreatur blockt oder von ihr geblockt wird, zerst÷re diese Kreatur am Ende des Kampfes. | ôIch sagte ihm, es sei nur ein kleiner Kratzer, aber als ich ihn mir noch einmal anschauen wollte, war der arme Tadgh schon mausetot.ö\\ùMaeveen O'Donagh, Erinnerungen einer SΣldnerin | xStoning | None | None | None | None | None |
385 | 0384 | Wand of Ith | Wand of Ith | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | na | Discard | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Quinton Hoover | |3, |T: One card in opponent's hand is revealed to you randomly. This card is discarded unless opponent chooses pay an amount of life equal to the card's casting cost. If the card is a land only 1 life must be paid. Use this ability only during your turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
386 | 0385 | War Barge | War Barge | Dark | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Tom WΣnerstrand | |3: Target creature gains Islandwalk until end of turn. If War Barge leaves play this turn, target creature is buried. | None | xIslandwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
387 | 0386 | Whippoorwill | Whippoorwill | Dark | | Green | Summon | Whippoorwill | None | Uncommon | 010000 | 1 | 1 | 400 | Summon Whippoorwill | Douglas Shuler | |G|G, |T : Until end of turn, target creature may not be regenerated and damage done to target may not be prevented or redirected. If target creature goes to the graveyard this turn, remove it from the game. | If the Whippoorwill remains silent, the soul has not reached its reward. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
388 | 0387 | Witch Hunter | Witch Hunter | Dark | Chronicles | White | Summon | Hunter | DirectFire | Rare | 200002 | 1 | 1 | 900 | Summon Hunter | Jesper Myrfors | |T: Witch Hunter does 1 damage to target player. |1|W|W, |T: Target creature opponent controls is returned to owner's hand. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
389 | 0388 | Wort der Fesselung | Wort der Fesselung | Dark | Fifth | Black | Sorcery | na | None | Common | 00020X | na | na | 100 | Hexerei | Ron Spencer | Tappe X Zielkreaturen. | ôDas war das schlimmste Erlebnis meiner Soldatenzeit: hilflos mit ansehen zu mⁿssen, wie sie mein ganzes Regiment t÷teten.ö\\ùMaeveen O'Donagh, Memoiren einer S÷ldnerin | None | None | None | None | None | None |
390 | 0389 | Wormwood Treefolk | Wormwood Treefolk | Dark | | Green | Summon | Treefolk | None | Rare | 020003 | 4 | 4 | 600 | Summon Treefolk | Jesper Myrfors | |G|G: Treefolk gain Forestwalk until end of turn and cause 2 damage to controller. |B|B: Treefolk gain Swampwalk until end of turn and cause 2 damage to controller. | None | xForestwalk | xSwampwalk | None | None | None | None |
391 | 0390 | Worms of the Earth | Worms of the Earth | Dark | | Black | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 000302 | na | na | 700 | Enchantment | Anson Maddocks | No new land may be brought into play. Either player may sacrifice two lands or pay 5 life during his/her upkeep to destroy Worms of the Earth. | The ground collapsed, leaving nothing but the great Worms' mucous residues. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
392 | 0391 | Abu Jafar | Abu Jafar | Arabian | Chronicles | White | Summon | Abu Jafar | None | Uncommon | 100000 | 0 | 1 | 1500 | Summon Abu Jafar | Ken Meyer Jr. | If Abu dies without regenerating while participating in an attack or defense, all creatures blocked or blocking Abu are buried. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
393 | 0392 | Aladdin | Aladdin | Arabian | Chronicles | Red | Summon | Aladdin | Control | Uncommon | 002002 | 1 | 1 | 2100 | Summon Aladdin | Julie Baroh | |R|R|1, |T: Take control of target artifact. You lose control of target if Aladdin is removed from play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
394 | 0393 | Aladins Wunderlampe | Aladins Wunderlampe | Arabian | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | Draw | Rare | 00000A | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | |X, |T: Ziehe anstelle der obersten Karte Deiner Bibliothek X Karten, suche Dir eine davon aus und nimm sie in Dein Blatt. Danach mischst Du die ⁿbriggebliebenen Karten und legst sie unter Deinen Bibliotheksstapel. Du kannst X allerdings nicht als 0 wΣhlen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
395 | 0394 | Ali Baba | Ali Baba | Arabian | Fifth | Red | Summon | Ali Baba | None | Uncommon | 001000 | 1 | 1 | 1100 | Beschw÷rung von Ali Baba | Julie Baroh | |R: Tappe eine Mauer. | ôAls er den Eingang zu der H÷hle erreichte, sprach er die Worte aus: ôSesam, ÷ffne Dich!ö ö\\ùGeschichten aus Tausend-undeiner-Nacht | None | None | None | None | None | None |
396 | 0395 | Ali aus Kairo | Ali aus Kairo | Arabian | Restricted | Red | Summon | Ali from Cairo | Healing | Special | 002002 | 0 | 1 | 6000 | Beschw÷rung von Ali aus Kairo | Mark Poole | Jeglicher Schaden, der eigentlich Deine Lebenspunkte unter 1 reduzieren wⁿrde, reduziert sie stattdessen auf 1. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
397 | 0396 | Aladins Ring | Aladins Ring | Arabian | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | DirectFire | Rare | 000008 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | |8, |T: Aladins Ring fⁿgt einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler Deiner Wahl 4 Schadenspunkte zu. | ôMit diesen Worten aber zog der Zauberer einen Ring von seinem Finger und sagte: ôEs ist ein Talisman gegen alles B÷se, solange Du mir Gehorsam leistest.ö ö\\ùGeschichten aus Tausendundeiner Nacht | None | None | None | None | None | None |
398 | 0397 | Army of Allah | Army of Allah | Arabian | | White | Instant | na | None | Common | 200001 | na | na | 400 | Instant | Brian Snoddy | All attacking creatures gets +2/+0 until end of turn. | On the day of victory, no one is tired. --- Arab proverb | None | None | None | None | None | None |
399 | 0398 | Bazaar of Baghdad | Bazaar of Baghdad | Arabian | | Grey | Land | na | Draw | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 1200 | Land | Jeff A. Menges | |T: Draw two cards and then immediately discard three cards. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
400 | 0399 | VogelmΣdchen | VogelmΣdchen | Arabian | Fifth | Red | Summon | Bird Maiden | None | Common | 001002 | 1 | 2 | 300 | BeschwΣrung eines VogelmΣdchens | Kaja Foglio | Fliegend | ôVier Sachen sind es, die sich hier vereinen, / mein Blut zum Rasen bringen und mein Herz zum Weinen, / Ein strahlender Blick, das Seidenhaar lange / Ein glitzerndes LΣcheln und rosig die Wange.ö\\ùGeschichten aus Tausendundeiner Nacht | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
401 | 0400 | Suleimans Flasche | Suleimans Flasche | Arabian | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Jesper Myrfors | |1, opfere Suleimans Flasche: Wirf eine Mⁿnze. WΣhrend die Mⁿnze in der Luft ist, entscheidet sich ein Gegner Deiner Wahl fⁿr Kopf oder Zahl. Wenn Du verlierst, fⁿgt Dir Suleimans Flasche 5 Schadenspunkte zu. Bringe andernfalls einen Dschinn-Spielstein ins Spiel. Behandle diesen Spielstein wie eine 5/5 fliegende Artefaktkreatur. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
402 | 0401 | Camel | Camel | Arabian | | White | Summon | Camel | None | Common | 100000 | 0 | 1 | 300 | Summon Camel | Sandra Everingham | Banding. All attacking creatures in a band including a Camel are immune to damage done by Deserts. | Everyone knows Walid was a pious man, for he had been blessed with many sons, many jewels, and a great many camels. | Banding | None | None | None | None | None |
403 | 0402 | City in a Bottle | City in a Bottle | Arabian | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000002 | na | na | 1650 | Artifact | Drew Tucker | All cards from Arabian Nights are discarded from play except for City in a Bottle. While City is in play, no further Arabian Nights cards may be brought into play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
404 | 0403 | City of Brass | City of Brass | Arabian | Chronicles | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 1800 | Land | Mark Tedin | |T: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. City of Brass causes 1 point of damage to controller each time it becomes tapped. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
405 | 0404 | Cuombajj Witches | Cuombajj Witches | Arabian | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Witches | DirectFire | Common | 000200 | 1 | 3 | 300 | Summon Witches | Kaja Foglio | |T: Do 1 damage to target creature or player. Opponent may also do 1 damage to any target. You choose your target first, but damage is simultaneous. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
406 | 0405 | Cyclone | Cyclone | Arabian | Chronicles | Green | Enchant | na | DirectFire | Uncommon | 020002 | na | na | 800 | Enchantment | Mark Tedin | During your upkeep, Cyclone gains 1 counter. You must then pay |G for each counter on Cyclone or it is destroyed. If Cyclone is not discarded, it immediately causes 1 damage per counter to each player and creature in play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
407 | 0406 | Dandan | Dandan | Arabian | Chronicles | Blue | Summon | Dandan | None | Common | 000020 | 4 | 1 | 200 | Summon Dandan | Drew Tucker | Dandan cannot attack unless opponent controls at least one island. Dandan is immediately destroyed if at any time you control no islands. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
408 | 0407 | Desert | Desert | Arabian | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Common | 000000 | na | na | 500 | Land | Jesper Myrfors | |T: Add |1 to your mana pool. |T: Desert deals 1 damage to target attacking creature at the end of the combat phase. Play this ability before combat damage is dealt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
409 | 0408 | Desert Nomads | Desert Nomads | Arabian | | Red | Summon | Nomads | None | Common | 001002 | 2 | 2 | 380 | Summon Nomads | Christopher Rush | Desertwalk. Damage done to Desert Nomads by Deserts is reduced to 0. | None | Desertwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
410 | 0409 | Wⁿstensturm | Wⁿstensturm | Arabian | Fifth | Green | Sorcery | na | LandDestruct | Uncommon | 020004 | na | na | 100 | Hexerei | Susan Van Camp | Zerst÷re eine bleibende Karte Deiner Wahl. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
411 | 0410 | Diamond Valley | Diamond Valley | Arabian | | Grey | Land | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 3100 | Land | Brian Snoddy | |T: Target creature you control is sacrificed. You gain life equal to target's toughness. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
412 | 0411 | Drop of Honey | Drop of Honey | Arabian | | Green | Enchant | na | None | Uncommon | 010000 | na | na | 2500 | Enchantment | Anson Maddocks | During your upkeep the creature with the lowest power is buried. If more than one creature have the lowest power, you select which creature is sacrificed. Drop of Honey is immediately destroyed if at any time there are no creatures in play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
413 | 0412 | Schlachtro▀ | Schlachtro▀ | Arabian | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000003 | na | na | 800 | Artefakt | Dameon Willich | |2, |T: Enttappe eine Deiner angreifenden Kreaturen. Diese Kreatur erhΣlt wΣhrend des Angriffs keinen Schaden und teilt auch keinen aus. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
414 | 0413 | El-HajjΣj | El-HajjΣj | Arabian | Fifth | Black | Summon | El-hajjaj | GainLife | Rare | 000201 | 1 | 1 | 800 | Beschw÷rung von El-HajjΣj | Dameon Willich | Du gewinnst 1 Lebenspunkt fⁿr jeden Schadenspunkt, den El-HajjΣj beliebigen Gegnern zufⁿgt. Du kannst allerdings nicht mehr Lebenspunkte gewinnen als die angegriffene Kreatur Widerstandskraft bzw. der Spieler Lebenspunkte besitzt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
415 | 0414 | Elephant Graveyard | Elephant Graveyard | Arabian | | Grey | Land | na | Healing | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 2500 | Land | Rob Alexander | |T: Add |1 to your mana pool. |T: Target Elephant or Mammoth is regenerated. | None | xRegeneration:0 | None | None | None | None | None |
416 | 0415 | WⁿstenrΣuber | WⁿstenrΣuber | Arabian | Fifth | Black | Summon | Raiders | None | Common | 000101 | 2 | 3 | 30 | BeschwΣrung von Plⁿnderern | Dameon Willich | Die WⁿstenrΣuber fⁿgen Dir am Ende des Zuges 2 Schadenspunkte zu, wenn sie in diesem Zug nicht angegriffen haben. Ignoriere diesen Effekt, wenn fⁿr die WⁿstenrΣuber EinsatzverzΣgerung gilt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
417 | 0416 | Erhnam Djinn | Erhnam Djinn | Arabian | Chronicles | Green | Summon | Djinn | None | Uncommon | 010003 | 4 | 5 | 1500 | Summon Djinn | Ken Meyer Jr. | During your upkeep you must choose one of opponent's non-wall creatures. This creature gains Forestwalk until your next upkeep. | None | xForestwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
418 | 0417 | Auge um Auge | Auge um Auge | Arabian | Fifth | White | Instant | na | DirectFire | Rare | 200000 | na | na | 400 | Spontanzauber | Mark Poole | Sprich diesen Zauberspruch nur, wenn eine Kreatur, ein Zauberspruch oder Effekt Dir Schaden zuteilt. Auge um Auge fⁿgt dem Beherrscher dieser Schadensquelle die selbe Anzahl an Schadenspunkten zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
419 | 0418 | Fishliver Oil | Fishliver Oil | Arabian | Chronicles | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 000011 | na | na | 200 | Enchant Creature | Anson Maddocks | Target creature which Fishliver Oil enchants gains Islandwalk. | Then the maiden bade him cast off his robes and cover his body with fishliver oil, that he might safely follow her into the sea. | xIslandwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
420 | 0419 | Fliegender Teppich | Fliegender Teppich | Arabian | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | |2, |T: Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl erhΣlt FlugfΣhigkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. Wenn diese Kreatur in diesem Zug auf dem Friedhof landet, begrabe den Fliegenden Teppich. | None | xFlying | None | None | None | None | None |
421 | 0420 | Flying Men | Flying Men | Arabian | | Blue | Summon | Flying Men | None | Common | 000010 | 1 | 1 | 350 | Summon Flying Men | Christopher Rush | Flying. | Saffiyah clapped her hands and twenty flying men appeared at her side, each well trained in the art of combat. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
422 | 0421 | Ghazban Ogre | Ghazban Ogre | Arabian | Chronicles | Green | Summon | Ogre | None | Common | 010000 | 2 | 2 | 230 | Summon Ogre | Jesper Myrfors | During its current controller's upkeep, Ghazban Ogre comes under the control of the player with the most life points. If both players have the same amount of life, control of Ghazban Ogre does not change. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
423 | 0422 | Riesenschildkr÷te | Riesenschildkr÷te | Arabian | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Tortoise | None | Common | 000011 | 1 | 1 | 300 | Beschw÷rung einer Schildkr÷te | Kaja Foglio | Die Riesenschildkr÷te erhΣlt +0/+3, solange sie nicht getappt ist. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
424 | 0423 | Guardian Beast | Guardian Beast | Arabian | | Black | Summon | Guardian | None | Uncommon | 000100 | 2 | 4 | 6000 | Summon Guardian | Ken Meyer Jr. | While Beast is untapped, your non-creature artifacts cannot be further enchanted, destroyed, or taken under opponent's control. Effects which would destroy Beast and guarded artifacts simultaneously, affect only the Guardian Beast. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
425 | 0424 | Hasran Ogress | Hasran Ogress | Arabian | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Ogre | None | Common | 000200 | 3 | 2 | 200 | Summon Ogre | Dan Frazier | Unless you pay |2 each time Hasran Ogress attacks, Ogress does 3 damage to you. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
426 | 0425 | Hurr-Schakal | Hurr-Schakal | Arabian | Fifth | Red | Summon | Jackal | None | Rare | 001000 | 1 | 1 | 300 | Beschw÷rung eines Schakals | Drew Tucker | |T: Die Zielkreatur kann in diesem Zug nicht regenerieren. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
427 | 0426 | Ifh-Biff Efreet | Ifh-Biff Efreet | Arabian | | Green | Summon | Efreet | DirectFire | Uncommon | 020002 | 3 | 3 | 1800 | Summon Efreet | Jesper Myrfors | Flying \\|G: Ifh-Biff Efreet causes 1 damage to both players and all flying creatures in play. This ability may be used by both players. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
428 | 0427 | Inselfisch Jasconius | Inselfisch Jasconius | Arabian | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Island Fish | None | Rare | 000034 | 6 | 8 | 400 | Beschw÷rung des Inselfischs | Jesper Myrfors | Der Inselfisch Jasconius enttappt nicht wΣhrend Deiner Enttap-Phase.\\Er kann nur angreifen, wenn der Gegner |H1Inseln im Spiel hat. Wenn Du zu irgendeiner Zeit keine |H1Inseln mehr im Spiel hast, begrabe den Inselfisch Jasconius.\\|U|U|U: Enttappe Inselfisch. Du kannst diese Eigenschaft nur wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase einsetzen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
429 | 0428 | Island of Wak-Wak | Island of Wak-Wak | Arabian | | Grey | Land | na | None | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 2700 | Land | Douglas Shuler | |T: Target flying creature gets -X/-0 until end of turn, where X is that creature's power. | The Isle of Wak-Wak, home to a tribe of winged folk is named for a peculiar fruit that grows there. The fruit looks like a woman's head, and when ripe speaks the word "Wak". | None | None | None | None | None | None |
430 | 0429 | Jandor's Ring | Jandor's Ring | Arabian | | Brown | Artifact | na | Draw | Uncommon | 000006 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Dan Frazier | |2 , |T: Discard a card you just drew from your library to draw another card. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
431 | 0430 | Jandors Satteltaschen | Jandors Satteltaschen | Arabian | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000002 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Dameon Willich | |3, |T: Enttappe eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl. | An jedem Tage der Reise aber, wenn Jandor die Satteltaschen ÷ffnete, fand er Hammelfleisch, Quitten, KΣse, frisches Brot, Wein und alle erdenkliche k÷stliche und sΣttigende Nahrung. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
432 | 0431 | Jeweled Bird | Jeweled Bird | Arabian | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | Ante | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 800 | Artifact | Amy Weber | |T: Draw a card. You ante is placed into your graveyard and Jeweled Bird becomes your ante. Remove this card from your deck if you are not playing for ante. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
433 | 0432 | Jihad | Jihad | Arabian | | White | Enchant | na | None | Uncommon | 300000 | na | na | 3100 | Enchantment | Brian Snoddy | All white creatures get +2/+1. You must choose a color when Jihad comes into play. Jihad is immediately buried if at any time opponent does not control any permanents of the color chosen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
434 | 0433 | Jun'un Ifrit | Jun'un Ifrit | Arabian | Fifth | Black | Summon | Efreet | None | Uncommon | 000201 | 3 | 3 | 1500 | Beschw÷rung eines Ifrits | Christopher Rush | Kann fliegen.\\Zahle wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase |B|B oder vernichte den Jun'un Ifrit. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
435 | 0434 | Juzam Djinn | Juzam Djinn | Arabian | | Black | Summon | Djinn | None | Uncommon | 000202 | 5 | 5 | 2800 | Summon Djinn | Mark Tedin | During your upkeep, Juzam Djinn deals 1 damage to you. | ôExpect my visit when the darkness comes. The night I think is best for hiding all.ö --- Ouallada | None | None | None | None | None | None |
436 | 0435 | Khabal Ghoul | Khabal Ghoul | Arabian | | Black | Summon | Ghoul | None | Uncommon | 000102 | 1 | 1 | 2500 | Summon Ghoul | Douglas Shuler | At the end of any turn, Khabal Ghoul gains +1/+1 for each creature put in the graveyard from play during the turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
437 | 0436 | King Suleiman | King Suleiman | Arabian | | White | Summon | King | None | Uncommon | 100001 | 1 | 1 | 1400 | Summon King | Mark Poole | |T: Target Efreet or Djinn is destroyed. | ôWe made tempestuous winds obedient to Soloman ... And many of the devils We also made obedient to him.ö --- The Qur'an, 21:81 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
438 | 0437 | Kird Ape | Kird Ape | Arabian | | Red | Summon | Ape | None | Common | 001000 | 1 | 1 | 30 | Summon Ape | Ken Meyer Jr. | Kird Ape gains +1/+2 if you control at least on forest. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
439 | 0438 | Bibliothek von Alexandria | Bibliothek von Alexandria | Arabian | Restricted | Grey | Land | na | Draw | Special | 000000 | na | na | 2200 | Land | Mark Poole | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um ein farbloses Mana.\\|T: Ziehe eine Karte. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur, wenn Du genau sieben Karten auf der Hand hast. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
440 | 0439 | Magnetberg | Magnetberg | Arabian | Fifth | Red | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 002001 | na | na | 800 | Verzauberung | Susan Van Camp | |S1Blaue Kreaturen k÷nnen nicht enttappt werden. WΣhrend ihrer Versorgungsphase mⁿssen die Spieler fⁿr jede |S1blaue Kreatur, die sie enttappen wollen, |4 zahlenûund zwar zusΣtzlich zu allen anderen Aktivierungskosten, die fⁿr diese |S1blaue Kreatur bereits verlangt werden. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
441 | 0440 | Merchant Ship | Merchant Ship | Arabian | | Blue | Summon | Ship | GainLife | Uncommon | 000010 | 0 | 2 | 800 | Summon Ship | Tom WΣnerstrand | If Merchant Ship attacks and is not blocked, you gain 2 life. Cannot attack if defending player controls no islands. If at any time you control no islands, Merchant Ship is buried. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
442 | 0441 | Metamorphosis | Metamorphosis | Arabian | Chronicles | Green | Sorcery | na | ManaSource | Common | 010000 | na | na | 200 | Sorcery | Christopher Rush | Target creature you control is sacrificed and you gain mana equal to target's casting cost plus 1. This mana may be of any single color you choose and may only be used for summoning creatures. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
443 | 0442 | Mijae Djinn | Mijae Djinn | Arabian | | Red | Summon | Djinn | None | Uncommon | 003000 | 6 | 3 | 400 | Summon Djinn | Susan Van Camp | Each time Mijae Djinn is selected as an attacker, there is a 50% chance it will become tapped but not attack. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
444 | 0443 | Moorish Cavalry | Moorish Cavalry | Arabian | | White | Summon | Cavalry | None | Common | 200002 | 3 | 3 | 400 | Summon Cavalry | Dameon Willich | Trample. | Members of the elite Moorish Cavalry are very particular about their mounts, choosing only those whose bloodlines have been pure for generations. | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
445 | 0444 | Nafs Brillenschlange | Nafs Brillenschlange | Arabian | Fifth | Green | Summon | Asp | None | Common | 010000 | 1 | 1 | 280 | Beschw÷rung einer Brillenschlange | Christopher Rush | Wenn die Brillenschlange einem Spieler Schaden zufⁿgt, so fⁿgt sie diesem Spieler auch in dessen nΣchster Kartenziehphase 1 Schadenspunkt zu. Der Spieler kann dies verhindern, indem er |1 bezahlt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
446 | 0445 | Oase | Oase | Arabian | Fifth | Grey | Land | na | Healing | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 900 | Land | Brian Snoddy | |T: Verhindere 1 Schadenspunkt bei einer beliebigen Kreatur. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
447 | 0446 | Old Man of the Sea | Old Man of the Sea | Arabian | | Blue | Summon | Marid | Control | Uncommon | 000021 | 2 | 3 | 3200 | Summon Marid | Susan Van Camp | |T: Gain control of target creature with power no greater than Old Man's power. You may choose not to untap Old Man during your untap phase. You lose control of target if Old Man becomes untapped, leaves play or his power is ever less than target's power. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
448 | 0447 | Oubliette | Oubliette | Arabian | | Black | Enchant | na | None | Common | 000201 | na | na | 500 | Enchantment | Douglas Shuler | Target creature and any enchantments on target are considered out of play as long as Oubliette remains in play. If Oubliette leaves play, target returns to play but is tapped. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
449 | 0448 | Fr÷mmigkeit | Fr÷mmigkeit | Arabian | Fifth | White | Instant | na | None | Common | 100002 | na | na | 300 | Spontanzauber | Mark Poole | Alle blockenden Kreaturen erhalten +0/+3 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | ôUnd wer Allah und seinem Propheten gehorcht, Allah scheut und ihm gegenⁿber seine Pflicht tut, wird sicherlich Erfolg finden.ö\\ùDer Koran, 24:52 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
450 | 0449 | Pyramids | Pyramids | Arabian | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000006 | na | na | 2000 | Artifact | Amy Weber | |2: Prevent target land from being put in the graveyard. |2: Target enchantment is Destroyed. This ability may only be used to target enchantments which are targeted upon a land in play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
451 | 0450 | Repentant Blacksmith | Blacksmith | Arabian | Chronicles | White | Summon | Smith | None | Uncommon | 100001 | 1 | 2 | 1350 | Summon Smith | Drew Tucker | Protection from red. | ôFor my confession they burned me with fire / And found that I was for endurance made.ö ---The Arabian Nights, trans. Haddawy | Protection from Red | None | None | None | None | None |
452 | 0451 | Ring of Maruf | Ring of Maruf | Arabian | | Brown | Artifact | na | Draw | Uncommon | 000005 | na | na | 2000 | Artifact | Dan Frazier | |5, |T: Target card which has been removed from play, is placed in your hand. Ring of Maruf is sacrificed when this ability is used. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
453 | 0452 | Rukh Egg | Rukh Egg | Arabian | | Red | Summon | Egg | None | Common | 001003 | 0 | 3 | 750 | Summon Egg | Christopher Rush | If Rukh Egg is placed into the graveyard from play a Rukh token is created under your control at the end of the turn. The Rukh is a 4/4 flying red creature. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
454 | 0453 | Sandals of Abdallah | Sandals of Abdallah | Arabian | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 800 | Artifact | Dan Frazier | |2, |T: Target creature gains Islandwalk until end of turn. If Target creature leaves play this turn, Sandals of Abdallah are destroyed. | None | xIslandwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
455 | 0454 | Sandsturm | Sandsturm | Arabian | Fifth | Green | Instant | na | DirectFire | Common | 010000 | na | na | 300 | Spontanzauber | Brian Snoddy | Der Sandsturm verursacht 1 Schadenspunkt bei allen angreifenden Kreaturen. | Sogar die Landschaft stellte sich gegen Sarsour, indem sie sich erst erhob, ihn mit Steinen bewarf, und sich dann so verΣnderte, da▀ er den Weg nicht mehr finden konnte. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
456 | 0455 | Serendib Djinn | Serendib Djinn | Arabian | | Blue | Summon | Djinn | None | Uncommon | 000022 | 5 | 6 | 1600 | Summon Djinn | Anson Maddocks | Flying. During your upkeep you must sacrifice a land under your control. If an island is destroyed in this manner, the Djinn does 3 damage to you. Serendib Djinn is destroyed if at any time you have no lands in play. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
457 | 0456 | Serendib Efreet | Serendib Efreet | Arabian | | Blue | Summon | Efreet | None | Uncommon | 000012 | 3 | 4 | 400 | Summon Efreet | Anson Maddocks | Flying. During your upkeep, Serendib Efreet deals 1 damage to you. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
458 | 0457 | Shahrazad | Shahrazad | Arabian | | White | Sorcery | na | None | Uncommon | 200000 | na | na | 1600 | Sorcery | Kaja Foglio | Players use cards left in library to play mini-game of magic, loser loses 1/2 of remaining life points | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
459 | 0458 | Sindbad, der Seefahrer | Sindbad, der Seefahrer | Arabian | Fourth | Blue | Summon | Sindbad | Draw | Uncommon | 000011 | 1 | 1 | 1100 | Beschw÷rung von Sindbad | Julie Baroh | |T: Ziehe eine Karte. Wenn es kein Land ist, wirf sie sofort wieder ab. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
460 | 0459 | Singing Tree | Singing Tree | Arabian | | Green | Summon | Singing Tree | None | Uncommon | 010003 | 0 | 3 | 3200 | Summon Singing Tree | Rob Alexander | |T: Target attacking creature gets -X/-0 until end of turn, where X is that creature's current power. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
461 | 0460 | Hexenk÷nigin | Hexenk÷nigin | Arabian | Fifth | Black | Summon | Sorceress | None | Rare | 000201 | 1 | 1 | 980 | BeschwΣrung einer Hexenmeisterin | Kaja Foglio | |T: Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl au▀er der Hexenk÷nigin ist 0/2 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | ôWir haben die Zeit bisher immer mit Sand gemessen, und dieses Sandkorn ist Dein bedeutungsloses Leben.ö\\ùNailah, selbsternannte K÷nigin von Rabiah | None | None | None | None | None | None |
462 | 0461 | Stone Throwing Devils | Stone Devils | Arabian | | Black | Summon | Devils | None | Common | 000100 | 1 | 1 | 400 | Summon Devils | Ken Meyer Jr. | First strike. | Sometimes those with the most sin cast the first stones. | First Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
463 | 0462 | Instabile Mutation | Instabile Mutation | Arabian | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 000010 | na | na | 30 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Douglas Shuler | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +3/+3.\\Lege wΣhrend der Versorgungsphase ihres Beherrschers eine -1/-1 Marke auf die verzauberte Kreatur. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
464 | 0463 | War Elephant | War Elephant | Arabian | Chronicles | White | Summon | Elephant | None | Common | 100003 | 2 | 2 | 450 | Summon Elephant | Kristen Bishop | Trample, Banding. | ôWhen elephants fight it is the grass that suffers.ö ---Kikuyu Proverb | Trample | Banding | None | None | None | None |
465 | 0464 | Wyluli Wolf | Wyluli Wolf | Arabian | | Green | Summon | Wolves | None | Common | 010001 | 1 | 1 | 400 | Summon Wolves | Susan Van Camp | |T: Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. | ôWhen one wolf calls, others follow. Who wants to fight creatures that eat scorpions?ö --- Maimun al-Wyuli, Diary | None | None | None | None | None | None |
466 | 0465 | Ydwen Efreet | Ydwen Efreet | Arabian | | Red | Summon | Efreet | None | Uncommon | 003000 | 3 | 6 | 1000 | Summon Efreet | Drew Tucker | Each time Ydwen Efreet is selected as a blocker, there is a 50% chance Efreet will be prevented from blocking until the end of the turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
467 | 0466 | Amulett aus Kroog | Amulett aus Kroog | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | Healing | Common | 000002 | na | na | 100 | Artefakt | Margaret Organ-Kean | |2, |T: Verhindere 1 Schadenspunkt bei einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler. | Unter Urzas ersten Verbⁿndeten waren die Einwohner von Kroog. Als Zeichen der Freundschaft gab Urza den Heilern der Stadt wertvolle Amulette. SpΣter reisten viele nach Kroog, um geheilt zu werden. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
468 | 0467 | Argivian Archaeoligist | Archaeoligist | Antiquities | | White | Summon | Archaeoligist | Draw | Rare | 200001 | 1 | 1 | 2500 | Summon Archaeoligist | Amy Weber | |W|W, |T: Target artifact in your graveyard is moved to your hand. | Fascinated by the lore of ancient struggles, the Archaeologist searches incessantly for remnants of an earlier more powerful era. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
469 | 0468 | Argivian Blacksmith | Argivian Blacksmith | Antiquities | | White | Summon | Smith | Healing | Common | 200001 | 2 | 2 | 100 | Summon Smith | Kerstin Kaman | |T: Prevent up to 2 damage to target artifact creature. | Through years of study and training, the Blacksmiths of Argive became adept at reassembling the mangle remains of the strange, mechanical creatures abounding in their native land. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
470 | 0469 | Argothian Pixies | Argothian Pixies | Antiquities | Chronicles | Green | Summon | Pixies | None | Common | 010001 | 2 | 1 | 100 | Summon Pixies | Amy Weber | Protection from Artifacts. | After the rape of Argoth Forest during the rule of the artificers, the Pixies of Argoth bent their magic to more practical ends. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
471 | 0470 | Argothian Treefolk | Argothian Treefolk | Antiquities | | Green | Summon | Treefolk | None | Common | 020003 | 3 | 5 | 100 | Summon Treefolk | Amy Weber | Any damage done to Argothian Treefolk by artifact sources is reduced to 0. | Haunting cries we hear in our dreams / As the fores dies, a death from machines. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
472 | 0471 | Armageddon-Uhr | Armageddon-Uhr | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | DirectFire | Rare | 000006 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Amy Weber | Lege wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase eine Schicksalsmarke auf die Uhr. Am Ende Deiner Versorgungsphase fⁿgt die Armageddon-Uhr jedem Spieler X Schadenspunkte zu, wobei X die Anzahl der Schicksalsmarken auf der Uhr ist.\\WΣhrend jeder Versorgungsphase k÷nnen alle Spieler |4 bezahlen, um eine Schicksalsmarke von der Uhr zu entfernen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
473 | 0472 | Artifact Blast | Artifact Blast | Antiquities | | Red | Interrupt | na | Counterspell | Common | 001000 | na | na | 100 | Interrupt | Mark Poole | Target artifact is countered as it is being cast. | The first line of defense against Urza and Mushra, the Artifact Blast achieved widespread fame until an unlucky mage discovered it was useless on the devices the brothers had already created. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
474 | 0473 | Artifact Ward | Artifact Ward | Antiquities | | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 100000 | na | na | 170 | Enchant Creature | Douglas Shuler | Target creature gains Protection from Artifacts. | None | xProtection from Artifacts | None | None | None | None | None |
475 | 0474 | Ashnod's Altar | Ashnod's Altar | Antiquities | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000003 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Anson Maddocks | Sacrifice one of your creatures: gain |2, playable as an interrupt | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
476 | 0475 | Ashnods Kampfausrⁿstung | Ashnods Kampfausrⁿstung | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000002 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Mark Poole | |2, |T: Eine Kreatur, die Du beherrscht, erhΣlt +2/-2, solange Ashnods Kampfausrⁿstung getappt ist.\\Du kannst wΣhlen, ob Du Ashnods Kampfausrⁿstung wΣhrend Deiner Enttap-Phase enttappst oder nicht. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
477 | 0476 | Ashnod's Transmogrant | Transmogrant | Antiquities | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Mark Tedin | |T: Target non-artifact creature gains +1/+1 and is now considered an artifact creature, though it retains its original color. Ashnod's Transmorgrant is sacrificed when this ability is used. | Ashnod found few willing to trade their humanity for the power she offered them. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
478 | 0477 | Atog | Atog | Antiquities | | Red | Summon | Atog | None | Common | 001001 | 1 | 2 | 30 | Summon Atog | Jesper Myrfors | |0: Sacrifice target artifact you control to give Atog +2/+2 until end of turn. | The bane of all artificers, the legendary Atogs devoured intricate tools to further their own twisted growth. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
479 | 0478 | Sturmramme | Sturmramme | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Common | 000002 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Artefaktkreatur | Jeff A. Menges | BⁿndnisfΣhigkeit, wenn sie angreift\\Zerst÷re am Ende des Kampfes alle Mauern, die die Sturmramme geblockt haben. | Zu der Zeit, als Mishra besiegt wurde, war kein Zauberer t÷richt genug, sich allzu sehr auf Mauern zu verlassen. | xBanding | None | None | None | None | None |
480 | 0479 | Bronzetafel | Bronzetafel | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | Ante | Rare | 000006 | na | na | 1000 | Artefakt | Tom WΣnerstrand | Kommt bereits getappt ins Spiel.\\|4, |T: Nimm die Tafel und eine Karte Deines Gegners und tauscht. Zahlt er 10 Lebenspunkte, wird nicht getauscht und die Tafel zerst÷rt.. Effekte, die Schaden verhindern oder umleiten k÷nnen, gelten nicht. Spiele diese Eigenschaft wie einen Unterbrechungszauber. Wird ohne Einsatz gespielt, nimm die Karte vor dem Spiel aus dem Stapel. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
481 | 0480 | Tawnos' Kerzenleuchter | Tawnos' Kerzenleuchter | Antiquities | Restricted | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Special | 000001 | na | na | 2000 | Artefakt | Douglas Shuler | |X, |T: Enttappe X L÷nder Deiner Wahl. | Tawnos lernte schnell von Urza, da▀ einfache Gedanken eine Anregung fⁿr wunderbare Werkzeuge ist. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
482 | 0481 | Schutzkreis gegen Artefakte | Schutzkreis gegen Artefakte | Antiquities | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | Healing | Uncommon | 100001 | na | na | 1425 | Verzauberung | Pete Venters | |2: Verhindere allen Schaden, der Dir aus einer Artefakt-Quelle zugefⁿgt wird. Weiterer Schaden aus dieser Quelle wird normal behandelt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
483 | 0482 | Citanul Druid | Citanul Druid | Antiquities | | Green | Summon | Druid | None | Uncommon | 010001 | 1 | 1 | 400 | Summon Druid | Jeff A. Menges | Citanul Druid gains +1/+1 whenever opponent successfully casts an artifact. | Driven mad by the fall of Argoth, the Citanul Druids found peace only in battle. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
484 | 0483 | Lehmstatue | Lehmstatue | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Common | 000004 | 3 | 1 | 100 | Artefaktkreatur | Jesper Myrfors | |2: Regeneration | Seinen Ruhm erwarb Tawnos als Urzas gr÷▀ter Assistent. Nachdem Tawnos diese Krieger erschaffen hatte, beendete Urza seine Ausbildung und verlieh ihm sofort den Rang eines Meisterzauberers. | Regeneration:2 | None | None | None | None | None |
485 | 0484 | Mechanischer Vogel | Mechanischer Vogel | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Rare | 000005 | 0 | 4 | 1375 | Artefaktkreatur | Randy Asplund-Faith | Kann fliegen.\\Lege vier +1/+0 Spielmarken auf den mechanischen Vogel. Jedesmal, wenn der Vogel angegriffen oder eine Kreatur geblockt hat, lege eine Marke ab.\\|X, |T: Lege X neue +1/+0 Spielmarken auf den Vogel. Du kannst allerdings maximal vier Marken auf dem Vogel liegen haben. Diese Eigenschaft kannst Du nur wΣhrend der Versorgungsphase anwenden. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
486 | 0485 | Der Kolo▀ von Sardia | Der Kolo▀ von Sardia | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Rare | 000009 | 9 | 9 | 2200 | Artefaktkreatur | Jesper Myrfors | Verursacht Trampelschaden\\Der Kolo▀ von Sardia enttappt nicht wΣhrend Deiner Enttap-Phase.\\|9: Enttappe den Kolo▀ von Sardia. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase. | Aus den Sardischen Bergen droht urzeitliches Verderben: Krieger, aus dem Stein geboren. | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
487 | 0486 | Korallenhelm | Korallenhelm | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000003 | na | na | 800 | Artefakt | Amy Weber | |3, wirf eine zufΣllig gezogene Karte aus Deiner Hand ab: Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl erhΣlt +2/+2 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
488 | 0487 | Zahn der Zeit | Zahn der Zeit | Antiquities | Fifth | Green | Instant | na | None | Uncommon | 010000 | na | na | 100 | Spontanzauber | Jesper Myrfors | Begrabe ein Artefakt Deiner Wahl. Dessen Beherrscher erhΣlt Lebenspunkte in H÷he der Spruchkosten des Artefakts dazu. | ôIch helfe mir schon selbst. Geht, gute Leute! / Meint ihr, wenn ich die Kraft gebrauchen wollte, / Ich wⁿrde mich vor ihren Spie▀en fⁿrchten?ö\\ùFriedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell | None | None | None | None | None | None |
489 | 0488 | Verfluchte Streckbank | Verfluchte Streckbank | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | Discard | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Richard Thomas | Ein Gegner Deiner Wahl mu▀ wΣhrend seiner Ablegephase solange Karten abwerfen, bis er nur noch vier Karten auf der Hand hat. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
490 | 0489 | Damping Field | Damping Field | Antiquities | | White | Enchant | na | Permission | Uncommon | 100002 | na | na | 370 | Enchantment | Justin Hampton | Players may not untap more than one artifact during each of their untap phases. | Eventually, mages learned to harness the power of natural damping fields and use it for their own ends. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
491 | 0490 | Detonation | Detonation | Antiquities | Fifth | Red | Sorcery | na | None | Uncommon | 00100X | na | na | 450 | Hexerei | Randy Asplund-Faith | Begrabe ein Artefakt Deiner Wahl mit Spruchkosten in H÷he von X. Die Detonation fⁿgt dem Beherrscher dieses Artefakts X Schadenspunkte zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
492 | 0491 | Drafna's Restoration | Drafnas Restoration | Antiquities | | Blue | Sorcery | na | None | Common | 000010 | na | na | 100 | Sorcery | Amy Weber | Take any number of artifacts of your choice from target player's graveyard and place them on top of that player's library, in any order. | Drafna, founder of the College of Lat-Nam, could create a working model from even the smallest remnants of a newly unearthed artifact. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
493 | 0492 | Drachenmaschine | Drachenmaschine | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | PowerUp | Rare | 000003 | 1 | 3 | 100 | Artefaktkreatur | Anson Maddocks | |2: +1/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges | ôDu fragst, warum die Maschinen mit Beinen so viel lebendiger aussehen als die mit RΣdern? Das ist einfach, denn sie wurden geboren, nicht gefertigt.ö\\ùMishra | None | None | None | None | None | None |
494 | 0493 | Dwarven Weaponsmith | Dwarven Smith | Antiquities | | Red | Summon | Dwarves | None | Uncommon | 001001 | 1 | 1 | 300 | Summon Dwarves | Mark Poole | |T: Sacrifice an artifact you control to give target creature +1/+1. This ability may only be used during your upkeep. | ôWork with zeal as hammers peal! / Melt, anneal, and pound the steel!ö --- Old Dwarvish forge-chant | None | None | None | None | None | None |
495 | 0494 | Energiefluktuation | Energiefluktuation | Antiquities | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | na | None | Uncommon | 000012 | na | na | 280 | Verzauberung | Kaja Foglio | Alle Artefakts erhalten ôZahle wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase |2 oder begrabe dieses Artefaktö | ôNichts hΣlt lΣnger als der ewige Wechsel.ö\\ùHeraklit | None | None | None | None | None | None |
496 | 0495 | Feldons Rute | Feldons Rute | Antiquities | Restricted | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Special | 000001 | na | na | 850 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | |T, entferne Feldons Rute ganz aus dem Spiel: Mische Deinen Friedhof in Deine Bibliothek. | Feldon fand die erste dieser Ruten eingefroren im Ronom-Gletscher. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
497 | 0496 | Gaea's Avenger | Gaea's Avenger | Antiquities | | Green | Summon | Avenger | None | Rare | 020001 | 1 | 1 | 1700 | Summon Avenger | Pete Venters | Gains +1/+1 for each artifact opponent has under his control. | After the destruction of Argoth, Gaea was willing to instill a portion of her own powers into some of her more vengeful followers. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
498 | 0497 | Gate to Phyrexia | Gate to Phyrexia | Antiquities | | Black | Enchant | na | None | Uncommon | 000200 | na | na | 350 | Enchantment | Sandra Everingham | |0: Sacrifice a creature which you control to destroy target artifact. This ability may only be used during your upkeep. | ôThe warm rain of grease on my face immediately made it clear I had entered Phyrexia.ö --- Jarsyl, Diary | None | None | None | None | None | None |
499 | 0498 | Goblin Artisans | Goblin Artisans | Antiquities | Chronicles | Red | Summon | Goblins | Draw | Uncommon | 001000 | 1 | 1 | 300 | Summon Goblins | Julie Baroh | |T: Artisans have a 50% chance of countering target artifact you control as it is being cast. If the artifact is not countered, you immediately draw another card. This ability is played as an interrupt and may only be used when you cast an artifact. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
500 | 0499 | Golgothian Sylex | Golgothian Sylex | Antiquities | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 1000 | Artifact | Kerstin Kaman | |1: All cards from the Antiquities expansion, including Golgothian Sylex, are removed from play. | From their earliest educations, the brothers had known that no human contrivance could stand against the true masters of Dominia. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
501 | 0500 | KartΣtsche | KartΣtsche | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Common | 000004 | 2 | 3 | 100 | Artefaktkreatur | Dan Frazier | |T: Die KartΣtsche fⁿgt einer fliegenden Kreatur Deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | Jⁿngste Forschungsergebnisse lassen vermuten, da▀ diese Apparaturen von Urzas und Mishras alter Meisterin Tocasia erfunden wurden und von beiden Brⁿdern benutzt wurden. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
502 | 0501 | Haunting Wind | Haunting Wind | Antiquities | | Black | Enchant | na | None | Uncommon | 000103 | na | na | 300 | Enchantment | Jeff A. Menges | Each time an artifact in play is tapped or its activation cost is paid, Haunting Wind does 1 damage to that artifact's controller. | These devices lured so many spirits that sometimes entire battlefields would become haunted at once. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
503 | 0502 | Hurkyls Erinnerung | Hurkyls Erinnerung | Antiquities | Fifth | Blue | Instant | na | None | Rare | 000011 | na | na | 400 | Spontanzauber | NΦNΦ Thomas | Bringe alle Artefakte im Spiel, die ein Spieler Deiner Wahl besitzt, auf seine Hand zurⁿck. | Dieser Zauberspruch, der wie viele andere Drafna zugeschrieben wurde, war eigentlich das Werk seiner Frau und ehemaligen Studentin Hurkyl. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
504 | 0503 | Elfenbeinturm | Elfenbeinturm | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | GainLife | Rare | 000001 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Margaret Organ-Kean | Wenn Du wΣhrend der Versorgungsphase mehr als vier Karten auf der Hand hast, erhΣltst Du 1 Lebenspunkt fⁿr jede zusΣtzliche Karte. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
505 | 0504 | Jalum Tome | Jalum Tome | Antiquities | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | Draw | Rare | 000003 | na | na | 600 | Artifact | Tom WΣnerstrand | |2: Draw a card, but discard one immediately afterward. | This timeworn relic was responsible for many of Urza's victories, though he never fully comprehended its mystic runes. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
506 | 0505 | Martyrs of Korlis | Martyrs of Korlis | Antiquities | | White | Summon | Bodyguard | Healing | Uncommon | 200003 | 1 | 6 | 500 | Summon Bodyguard | Margaret Organ-Kean | Unless Martyrs of Korlis is tapped, any damage done to you by artifact is instead applied to Martyrs instead. No more than one bodyguard of your choice may take damage in this manner each turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
507 | 0506 | Mightstone | Mightstone | Antiquities | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Pete Venters | All attacking creatures get +1/+0. | While exploring the sacred cave of Koilos with his brother Mishra and their master Tocasia, Urza fell behind in the Hall of Tagsin, where he discovered the remarkable Mightstone. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
508 | 0507 | Mⁿhlstein | Mⁿhlstein | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000002 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Kaja Foglio | |2, |T: Lege die obersten beiden Karten von der Bibliothek eines Spielers Deiner Wahl auf dessen Friedhof. | Das GerΣusch des unablΣssigen Mahlens des Mⁿhlsteins hat schon mehr als einen Magier in den Wahnsinn getrieben. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
509 | 0508 | Mishras Fabrik | Mishras Fabrik | Antiquities | Fifth | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 800 | Land | Kaja & Phil Foglio | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um ein farbloses Mana.\\|1: Mishras Fabrik wird bis zum Ende der Zuges zu einem Montagearbeiter, einer 2/2 Artefaktkreatur. Der Montagearbeiter zΣhlt weiterhin als Land, kann aber in diesem Zug nicht fⁿr Mana getappt werden.\\|T: Ein Montagearbeiter erhΣlt +1/+1 bis zum Ende der Runde. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
510 | 0509 | Mishras Kriegsmaschine | Mishras Kriegsmaschine | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Rare | 000007 | 5 | 5 | 700 | Artefaktkreatur | Amy Weber | Hat BⁿndnisfΣhigkeit.\\Wirf wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase eine Karte Deiner Wahl aus Deinem Blatt ab. Andernfalls wird Mishras Kriegsmaschine getappt und fⁿgt Dir 3 Schadenspunkte zu. | None | Banding | None | None | None | None | None |
511 | 0510 | Mishras Werkstatt | Mishras Werkstatt | Antiquities | Restricted | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Special | 000000 | na | na | 1500 | Land | Kaja Foglio | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um drei farblose Mana. Benutze dieses Mana nur, um Artefaktsprⁿche zu sprechen. | Obwohl er Tocasia verachtete, erinnerte sich Mishra sehr genau an seine Lehrstunden. Er konzentrierte sich im Gegensatz zu seinem Bruder nur auf ein einziges Ziel. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
512 | 0511 | Obelisk of Undoing | Obelisk of Undoing | Antiquities | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000001 | na | na | 1250 | Artifact | Tom WΣnerstrand | |6: Target permanent in play which you own is returned to your hand. Enchantments on target permanent are discarded. | The Battle of Tomakul taught Urza not to rely on fickle reinforcements. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
513 | 0512 | Opfertisch | Opfertisch | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | GainLife | Rare | 000003 | 2 | 2 | 200 | Artefaktkreatur | Anson Maddocks | Sobald dieser erfolgreich beschworener Opfertisch auf dem Friedhof landet, erhΣltst Du 2 Lebenspunkte. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
514 | 0513 | Orcish Mechanics | Orcish Mechanics | Antiquities | | Red | Summon | Orcs | DirectFire | Common | 001002 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Orcs | Pete Venters | |T: Sacrifice an artifact you control to deal 2 damage to target creature or player. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
515 | 0514 | Ornithopter | Ornithopter | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000000 | 0 | 2 | 100 | Artefaktkreatur | Amy Weber | Fliegend | ôEs war mir eine Ehre, Thrans ursprⁿngliche PlΣne zu verbessern. Vielleicht werden mir die Geschichtsbⁿcher ein wenig Platz fⁿr meine geleistete Arbeit einrΣumen.ö\\ùUrza, als er noch Lehrling war | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
516 | 0515 | Phyrexian Gremlins | Phyrexian Gremlins | Antiquities | | Black | Summon | Gremlins | None | Common | 000102 | 1 | 1 | 180 | Summon Gremlins | Amy Weber | |T: Target artifact becomes tapped and does not untap as normal during controller's untap phase unless Gremlins become untapped or leave play. You may choose not to untap Phyrexian Gremlins as normal during your untap phase. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
517 | 0516 | Artifact Possession | Artifact Possession | Antiquities | | Black | Enchant | Artifact | None | Common | 000102 | na | na | 100 | Enchant Artifact | Christopher Rush | Does 2 damage to target artifact's controller each time it becomes tapped or its activation cost is paid. | Any black mage could coax a Thraxodemon to inhabit a magical device. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
518 | 0517 | Power Artifact | Power Artifact | Antiquities | | Blue | Enchant | Artifact | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000020 | na | na | 400 | Enchant Artifact | Douglas Shuler | The activation cost of target artifact which Power Artifact enchants is reduced by |2. Target's activation cost may not be reduced below |1 in this manner. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
519 | 0518 | Powerleech | Powerleech | Antiquities | | Green | Enchant | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 020000 | na | na | 400 | Enchantment | Christopher Rush | Whenever 1 of opponent's artifact becomes tapped or its activation cost is paid, you gain 1 life. | The Forest of Argoth has developed a resistance to mechanical intrusion. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
520 | 0519 | Urlehmgestalt | Urlehmgestalt | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Rare | 000004 | 100 | 100 | 400 | Artefaktkreatur | Kaja Foglio | Wenn Du die Urlehmgestalt sprichst, kannst Du wΣhlen: Die Urlehmgestalt ist eine 2/2 fliegende Artefaktkreatur; oder die Urlehmgestalt ist eine 3/3 Artefaktkreatur; oder die Urlehmgestalt ist eine 1/6 Artefaktkreatur, die als Mauer zΣhlt. | None | xFlying | None | None | None | None | None |
521 | 0520 | Rakalite | Rakalite | Antiquities | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | Healing | Uncommon | 000006 | na | na | 400 | Artifact | Christopher Rush | |2: Prevent 1 damage to any target. At the end of any turn in which Rakalite is used, it is returns to its controller's hand. | Urza was the first to understand that the war would not be lost for lack of power, but for lack of troops. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
522 | 0521 | Reconstruction | Reconstruction | Antiquities | | Blue | Sorcery | na | Draw | Common | 000010 | na | na | 30 | Sorcery | Anson Maddocks | Target artifact is moved from your graveyard into your hand. | Tedious research made the Sages of the College of Lat-Nam adept in repairing broken artifacts. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
523 | 0522 | Reverse Polarity | Reverse Polarity | Antiquities | | White | Instant | na | GainLife | Common | 200000 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Justin Hampton | All damage dealt to you so far this turn by artifacts is retroactively added to your life total instead of subtracted. Further damage this turn is treated normally. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
524 | 0523 | Rocket Launcher | Rocket Launcher | Antiquities | | Brown | Artifact | na | DirectFire | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 300 | Artifact | Pete Venters | |2: Do 1 damage to any target. If this ability is used, Rocket Launcher is destroyed at end of turn. Rocket Launcher may not be used until it begins a turn in play on your side. | What these devices lacked in subtlety, they made up in strength. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
525 | 0524 | Sage of Lat-Nam | Sage of Lat-Nam | Antiquities | | Blue | Summon | Sage | Draw | Common | 000011 | 1 | 2 | 100 | Summon Sage | Pete Venters | |T: Sacrfice an artifact you control to draw a card. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
526 | 0525 | Gestaltwandler | Gestaltwandler | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000006 | 100 | 100 | 1250 | Artefaktkreatur | Dan Frazier | Die StΣrke und Widerstandskraft des Gestaltwandlers ergibt zusammen 7, die Du beliebig aufteilen kannst, aber keines von beiden darf mehr als 7 betragen.\\WΣhle die StΣrke und Widerstandskraft des Gestaltwandlers, wenn Du ihn sprichst.\\WΣhle die StΣrke und Widerstandskraft des Gestaltwandlers wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
527 | 0526 | Shatterstorm | Shatterstorm | Antiquities | | Red | Sorcery | na | None | Rare | 002002 | na | na | 200 | Sorcery | Mark Poole | All artifacts in play are buried. | Chains of leaping fire and sizzling lightining laid waste the artificers' handiwork, sparing not a single device. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
528 | 0527 | Staff of Zegon | Staff of Zegon | Antiquities | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Common | 000004 | na | na | 100 | Artifact | Mark Poole | |3, |T: Target creature gets -2/-0 until end of turn. | Though Mishra was impressed by the staves Ashnod had created for Zegon's defense, he understood they only hinted at her full potential. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
529 | 0528 | Tagebaumine | Tagebaumine | Antiquities | Fifth | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 1000 | Land | Daniel Gelon | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um ein farbloses Mana.\\|T: Opfere die Tagebaumine, um ein Land Deiner Wahl zu vernichten. | Anders als in vorhergegangenen Konflikten machte der Krieg zwischen Urza und Mishra Dominia selbst zum Kriegsopfer. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
530 | 0529 | Su-Chi | Su-Chi | Antiquities | | Brown | Artifact | Creature | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000004 | 4 | 4 | 450 | Artifact Creature | Christopher Rush | If Su-Chi goes to the graveyard, its controller immediately gains |4. | Flawed copies of relics from the Thran Empire, the Su-Chi were inherently unstable but provided useful knowledge for Tocasia's students. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
531 | 0530 | Tablet of Epityr | Tablet of Epityr | Antiquities | | Brown | Artifact | na | GainLife | Common | 000001 | na | na | 100 | Artifact | Christopher Rush | |1: Gain 1 life when an artifact your control is put into the graveyard from play. This effect may only be used once each time an artifact is put into the graveyard. | Originally considered the work of Urza, this tablet was created by forgers seeking to imitate Urza's masterpieces. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
532 | 0531 | Tawnos's Coffin | Tawnos's Coffin | Antiquities | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 1500 | Artifact | Christopher Rush | |3, |T: Target creature and any enchantments on target are considered out of play as long as Coffin remains tapped. If Coffin leaves play, target returns to play but is tapped. You may choose not to untap Coffin during your untap. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
533 | 0532 | Tawnos' Zauberstab | Tawnos' Zauberstab | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Douglas Shuler | |2, |T: Mache eine Kreatur mit einer StΣrke von maximal 2 bis zum Ende Deines Zuges unblockbar. Andere Effekte k÷nnen spΣter die StΣrke dieser Kreatur ⁿber 2 hinaus erh÷hen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
534 | 0533 | Tawnos' Waffen | Tawnos' Waffen | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000002 | na | na | 400 | Artefakt | Dan Frazier | Du kannst wΣhlen, ob Du Tawnos' Waffen wΣhrend Deiner Enttap-Phase enttappst oder nicht.\\|2, |T: Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl erhΣlt +1/+1, solange Tawnos' Waffen getappt bleiben. | Als Kriegsmaschinen zu teuer wurden, wurden sie durch Tawnos' Waffen ersetzt. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
535 | 0534 | Tetravus | Tetravus | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Rare | 000006 | 1 | 1 | 1400 | Artefaktkreatur | Mark Tedin | Kann fliegen.\\Kommt Tetravus ins Spiel, lege drei +1/+1 Spielmarken auf ihn.\\WΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase, kannst Du beliebig viele dieser Marken von ihm nehmen oder zurⁿcklegen. Spielmarken, die nicht mehr auf dem Tetravus liegen, werden zu Tetravit-Spielsteinen. Behandle diese wie 1/1 Artefaktkreaturen mit FlugfΣhigkeit. Sie k÷nnen nicht verzaubert und nicht durch Verzauberungen auf dem Tetravus beeinflu▀t werden. | None | Flying | xFlying | None | None | None | None |
536 | 0535 | Streckbank | Streckbank | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000001 | na | na | 100 | Artefakt | Richard Thomas | WΣhle einen Deiner Gegner. Hat dieser Gegner am Ende seiner Versorgungsphase weniger als drei Karten in der Hand, fⁿgt die Streckbank ihm fⁿr jede Karte weniger 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
537 | 0536 | Titanias Lied | Titanias Lied | Antiquities | Fifth | Green | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 010003 | na | na | 300 | Verzauberung | Kerstin Kaman | Jedes Nichtkreaturartefakt verliert alle seine FΣhigkeiten und wird zu einer Artefaktkreatur mit StΣrke und Widerstandskraft in H÷he seiner Spruchkosten. Wenn Titanias Lied das Spiel verlΣ▀t, hΣlt dieser Effekt noch bis zum Ende des Zuges an. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
538 | 0537 | Transmute Artifact | Transmute Artifact | Antiquities | | Blue | Sorcery | na | Draw | Uncommon | 000020 | na | na | 400 | Sorcery | Anson Maddocks | Sacrifice an artifact you control and then select an artifact from your library and put it directly into play. If this artifact's casting cost is greater than that of the sacrificed artifact you must pay the difference or both are buried. | Your library is shuffled after Transmute artifact is played. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
539 | 0538 | Triskelion | Triskelion | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | DirectFire | Rare | 000006 | 1 | 1 | 1300 | Artefaktkreatur | Douglas Shuler | Lege drei +1/+1 Spielmarken auf das Triskelion.\\|0: Entferne eine dieser Marken und fⁿge einer beliebigen Kreatur oder einem Spieler 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
540 | 0539 | Urzas RΣcher | Urzas RΣcher | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Rare | 000006 | 4 | 4 | 1525 | Artefaktkreatur | Amy Weber | |0: -1/-1 und ôBⁿndnisfΣhigkeitö oder ôFliegendö oder ôErstschlagö oder ôVerursacht Trampelschadenö bis zum Ende des Zuges | Weil er sich nicht auf ein Design festlegen konnte, entschied sich Urza, ein variables Wesen zu erschaffen. | xFlying | xTrample | xBanding | xFirst Strike | None | None |
541 | 0540 | Urza's Chalice | Urza's Chalice | Antiquities | | Brown | Artifact | na | GainLife | Common | 000001 | na | na | 150 | Artifact | Jeff A. Menges | |1: Gain 1 life for a successfully cast artifact spell. Use this effect either when the spell is cast or later in the turn but only once for each artifact spell cast. | When sorely wounded or tired, Urza would often retreat to the workshops of his apprentices. They were greatly amazed at how much better he looked each time he took a sip of wine. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
542 | 0541 | Urza's Mine | Urza's Mine | Antiquities | Chronicles | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 300 | Land | Anson Maddocks | |T: Add |1 to your mana pool. If you have both Urza's Power Plant and Urza's Tower in play gain |2 instead. | Mines became common as cities during the days of the artificers. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
543 | 0542 | Urza's Miter | Urza's Miter | Antiquities | | Brown | Artifact | na | Draw | Rare | 000003 | na | na | 800 | Artifact | Randy Asplund-Faith | |3: Draw a card when an artifact you control is put into the graveyard from play. Use this effect only once each time an artifact is put into the graveyard, but not if that artifact was sacrificed. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
544 | 0543 | Urza's Power Plant | Urza's Power Plant | Antiquities | Chronicles | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 300 | Land | Mark Tedin | |T: Add |1 to your mana pool. If you have both Urza's Mine and Urza's Tower in play gain |2 instead. | Artifact construction required immense resources. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
545 | 0544 | Urza's Tower | Urza's Tower | Antiquities | Chronicles | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 300 | Land | Mark Poole | |T: Add |1 to your mana pool. If you have both Urza's Power Plant and Urza's Mine in play gain |3 instead. | Urza always put Tocasia's lessons on resource-gathering to effective use. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
546 | 0545 | Speermauer | Speermauer | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Common | 000003 | 2 | 3 | 400 | Artefaktkreatur | Sandra Everingham | Erstschlag\\Die Speermauer zΣhlt als Mauer. | Sogar die konservativsten Feldherren ⁿberarbeiteten ihre Taktiken nach der Schlacht von Sarinth, wΣhrend der eine Handvoll Spie▀trΣger ein Trio wⁿtender Tatzelwⁿrmer aufhielt. | First Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
547 | 0546 | Weakstone | Weakstone | Antiquities | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 300 | Artifact | Justin Hampton | All attacking creatures get -1/-0. | During the brothers' childhood, Tocasia took them to explore the sacred cave of Koilos. There, in the Hall of Tagsin, Mishra descovered the mysterious weakstone. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
548 | 0547 | Xenischer Poltergeist | Xenischer Poltergeist | Antiquities | Fourth | Black | Summon | Poltergeist | None | Rare | 000201 | 1 | 1 | 300 | BeschwΣrung eines Poltergeists | Dan Frazier | |T: Ein Nichtkreaturartefakt Deiner Wahl wird bis zu Deiner nΣchsten Versorgungsphase zu einer Artefaktkreatur mit StΣrke und Widerstandskraft in H÷he seiner Spruchkosten. Es behΣlt allerdings auch alle seine Originaleigenschaften. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
549 | 0548 | Yawgmoth Demon | Yawgmoth Demon | Antiquities | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Demon | None | Rare | 000204 | 6 | 6 | 1500 | Summon Demon | Sandra Everingham | Flying, First Strike. During your upkeep you must sacrifice an artifact you control or Yawgmoth Demon becomes tapped and deals 2 damage to you. | None | Flying | First Strike | None | None | None | None |
550 | 0549 | Priest of Yawgmoth | Priest of Yawgmoth | Antiquities | | Black | Summon | Priest | ManaSource | Common | 000101 | 1 | 2 | 100 | Summon Priest | Mark Tedin | |T: Sacrifice any artifact you own to add an amount of |B to your mana pool equal to the artifact's casting cost. This ability is played as an interrupt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
551 | 0550 | Yotischer S÷ldner | Yotischer S÷ldner | Antiquities | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Common | 000003 | 1 | 4 | 200 | Artefaktkreatur | Christopher Rush | Der S÷ldner wird beim Angreifen nicht getappt. | None | Free Action | None | None | None | None | None |
552 | 0551 | Scheu▀lichkeit | Scheu▀lichkeit | Legends | Fifth | Black | Summon | Abomination | None | Rare | 000203 | 2 | 6 | 100 | Beschw÷rung einer Scheu▀lichkeit | Mark Tedin | Vernichte am Ende eines Kampfes alle |Sgrⁿnen und alle |Swei▀en Kreaturen, die die Scheu▀lichkeit geblockt haben oder von ihr geblockt wurden. | None | Stoning | None | None | None | None | None |
553 | 0552 | Acid Rain | Acid Rain | Legends | | Blue | Sorcery | na | LandDestruct | Rare | 000013 | na | na | 1600 | Sorcery | NΦNΦ Thomas | All forests in play are destroyed. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
554 | 0553 | Active Volcano | Active Volcano | Legends | Chronicles | Red | Instant | na | None | Common | 001000 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Brian Snoddy | Destroy target blue permanent or return target island to owner's hand. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
555 | 0554 | Adun Oakenshield | Adun Oakenshield | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | Draw | Rare | 011100 | 1 | 2 | 1300 | Summon Legend | Jeff A. Menges | |G|R|B, |T: Target creature in your graveyard is moved to your hand. | ô... And at his passing, the bodies of the world's great warriors shall rise from their graves and follow him to battle.ö --- The Anvilonian Grimoire | None | None | None | None | None | None |
556 | 0555 | Adventurers' Guildhouse | Adventurers' Guild | Legends | | Grey | Land | na | None | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 300 | Land | Tom WΣnerstrand | All your green legends gain bands with other legends. | None | xBanding | None | None | None | None | None |
557 | 0556 | Aerathi Berserker | Aerathi Berserker | Legends | | Red | Summon | Berserker | None | Rare | 003002 | 2 | 4 | 500 | Summon Berserker | Melissa Benson | Rampage: 3. | Aerathi children who show promise are left to survive for a year in the wilderness. Those who return are shown the way of the Berserker | Rampage:3 | None | None | None | None | None |
558 | 0557 | Aisling Leprechaun | Aisling Leprechaun | Legends | | Green | Summon | Faerie | None | Common | 010000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Faerie | Quinton Hoover | All creatures blocked or blocking Leprechaun become green creatures. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
559 | 0558 | Akron Legionnaire | Akron Legionnaire | Legends | Chronicles | White | Summon | Legionnaire | None | Rare | 200006 | 8 | 4 | 1200 | Summon Legionnaire | Mark Poole | None of your non-artifact creatures may attack except Akron Legionnaires. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
560 | 0559 | Al-abara's Carpet | Al-abara's Carpet | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | Healing | Rare | 000005 | na | na | 1300 | Artifact | Kaja Foglio | |5, |T: Prevents all damage dealt to you by attacking creatures without flying. | Al-abara simply laughed and lifted one finger, and the carpet carried her high out of our reach. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
561 | 0560 | Alabastertrank | Alabastertrank | Legends | Fifth | White | Instant | na | GainLife | Common | 20000X | na | na | 100 | Spontanzauber | Harold McNeill | Ein Spieler Deiner Wahl erhΣlt X Lebenspunkte dazu, oder verhindere X Schadenspunkte bei einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler. | Heilung ist eine Frage der Zeitùdoch manchmal ist es auch eine Frage der gⁿnstigen Gelegenheit.\\ùSprichwort aus D'Avenant | None | None | None | None | None | None |
562 | 0561 | Alchor's Tomb | Alchor's Tomb | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 1200 | Artifact | Jesper Myrfors | |2, |T: Change the color of target permanent you control to the color of your choice. This change is permanent. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
563 | 0562 | All Hallows Eve | All Hallows Eve | Legends | | Black | Enchant | na | Draw | Rare | 000202 | na | na | 2500 | Enchantment | Christopher Rush | Gains two counters when put into play. During your upkeep, a counter is removed. When the last counter is removed all creatures from both graveyards are put directly into play as if just summoned. You select the order in which creatures enter play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
564 | 0563 | Amrou Kithkin | Amrou Kithkin | Legends | Fifth | White | Summon | Kithkin | None | Common | 200000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Beschw÷rung von Kithkin | Quinton Hoover | Keine Kreatur mit einer StΣrke gr÷▀er als 2 kann Kithkin blocken. | Amrou Kithkin schafft es durch ihre Schnelligkeit und Geschicklichkeit immer wieder, selbst den gefΣhrlichsten Gegnern zu entkommen. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
565 | 0564 | Angelic Voices | Angelic Voices | Legends | Chronicles | White | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 200002 | na | na | 1500 | Enchantment | Julie Baroh | As long as you control only white or artifact creatures, all your creatures gain +1/+1. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
566 | 0565 | Angus Mackenzie | Angus Mackenzie | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 110010 | 2 | 2 | 1250 | Summon Legend | Bryon Wackwitz | |W|U|G, |T: Creatures attack and block as normal, but none deal any damage during combat this turn. Use this ability before attack damage is dealt. | ôBattles no longer served a purpose in Karakas.ö --- Angus Mackenzie, Diary | None | None | None | None | None | None |
567 | 0566 | Anti-Magic Aura | Anti-Magic Aura | Legends | | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 000012 | na | na | 100 | Enchant Creature | Douglas Shuler | All enchantments on target creature are destroyed. Target creature cannot be further targeted by instants, sorceries or enchantments. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
568 | 0567 | Arboria | Arboria | Legends | | Green | Enchant | World | None | Uncommon | 020002 | na | na | 400 | Enchant World | Daniel Gelon | If a player does not cast a spell or put a card into play on thier turn, no creature may attack that player until after his/her next turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
569 | 0568 | Arcades Sabboth | Arcades Sabboth | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | ElderDragon | None | Rare | 220022 | 7 | 7 | 3000 | Summon ElderDragon | Edward Beard╕ Jr. | |W: +0/+1 until end of turn. Your untapped creatures gain +0/+2, but attacking creatures lose this bonus. Pay |W|U|G during your upkeep or Arcades is buried. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
570 | 0569 | Arena of the Ancients | Ancients' Arena | Legends | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000003 | na | na | 1175 | Artifact | Tom WΣnerstrand | All legends become tapped when Arena comes into play. Legends do not untap as normal during the untap phase. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
571 | 0570 | Avoid Fate | Avoid Fate | Legends | | Green | Interrupt | na | Counterspell | Common | 010000 | na | na | 100 | Interrupt | Phil Foglio | Counters target interrupt or enchantment, which must target a permanent under your control. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
572 | 0571 | Axelrod Gunnarson | Axelrod | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | GainLife | Rare | 002204 | 5 | 5 | 1450 | Summon Legend | Scott Kirschner | Trample. Each time a creature is placed into the graveyard during a turn in which Axelrod damaged it, you gain 1 life and Axelrod does 1 damage to opponent. | None | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
573 | 0572 | Ayesha Tanaka | Ayesha Tanaka | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | Counterspell | Rare | 200020 | 2 | 2 | 1200 | Summon Legend | Bryon Wackwitz | Banding. |T: Target artifact effect which requires an activation cost is countered unless controller spends |W. This ability plays as an interrupt. | None | Banding | None | None | None | None | None |
574 | 0573 | Azure Drake | Azure Drake | Legends | Chronicles | Blue | Summon | Drake | None | Uncommon | 000013 | 2 | 4 | 500 | Summon Drake | Dan Frazier | Flying. | The Azure Drake would be more powerful were it not so easily distracted. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
575 | 0574 | Backdraft | Backdraft | Legends | | Red | Instant | na | None | Uncommon | 001001 | na | na | 450 | Instant | Brian Snoddy | Backdraft does half of the damage, rounded down, done by one sorcery cast this turn to the caster of the sorcery. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
576 | 0575 | Gegenfeuer | Gegenfeuer | Legends | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000010 | na | na | 450 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Brian Snoddy | Gegenfeuer fⁿgt dem Beherrscher der verzauberten Kreatur fⁿr jeden Schadenspunkt, den die verzauberte Kreatur Dir zufⁿgt, 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
577 | 0576 | Barbary Apes | Barbary Apes | Legends | | Green | Summon | Apes | None | Common | 010001 | 2 | 2 | 100 | Summon Apes | Bryon Wackwitz | None | Unpredictable in the extreme, these carniverous apes will prey even upon their own kind. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
578 | 0577 | Barktooth Warbeard | Barktooth Warbeard | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 002104 | 6 | 5 | 600 | Summon Legend | Andi Rusu | None | He is devious and cunning, in both appearance and deed. Beware the Warbeard, for this brute bites as well as he barks! | None | None | None | None | None | None |
579 | 0578 | Bartel Runeaxe | Bartel Runeaxe | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 011103 | 6 | 5 | 1300 | Summon Legend | Andi Rusu | Bartel Runeaxe cannot be the target of enchant creature spells. Attacking does not cause Bartel Runeaxe to tap. | Thundering down from Hammerheim, no foe could slow Barte's charge. | Free Action | None | None | None | None | None |
580 | 0579 | Beasts of Bogardan | Beasts of Bogardan | Legends | Chronicles | Red | Summon | Beasts | None | Uncommon | 001004 | 3 | 3 | 500 | Summon Beasts | Daniel Gelon | Protection from Red. Gains +1/+1 if opponent controls any white cards. | Bogardan is a land as volatile as the creatures who live there. | Protection from Red | None | None | None | None | None |
581 | 0580 | Schwarze Manabatterie | Schwarze Manabatterie | Legends | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 800 | Artefakt | Anson Maddocks | |2, |T: Lege eine Ladungsmarke auf die Manabatterie.\\|T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |B und entferne soviel Ladungsmarken wie Du willst. Pro Marke, die Du von der Manabatterie entfernst, erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat zusΣtzlich um |B. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
582 | 0581 | Blazing Effigy | Blazing Effigy | Legends | | Red | Summon | Effigy | DirectFire | Common | 001001 | 0 | 3 | 100 | Summon Effigy | Susan Van Camp | When placed in the graveyard from play, Effigy does 3 damage to target creature. If an Effigy is damaged by another Effigy in this manner and is placed in the graveyard that turn, it deals the amount of damage recieved from the other Effigy in addition. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
583 | 0582 | FΣulnis | FΣulnis | Legends | Fifth | Black | Enchant | Land | LandDestruct | Uncommon | 000200 | na | na | 500 | Verzaubere Land | Pete Venters | Wenn das verzauberte Land getappt wird, zerst÷re es am Ende des Zuges. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
584 | 0583 | Blutrausch | Blutrausch | Legends | Fifth | Red | Instant | na | None | Common | 001001 | na | na | 780 | Spontanzauber | Anson Maddocks | Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl erhΣlt +4/-4 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Wenn dies die Widerstandskraft der Kreatur unter 1 reduziert, ist die Widerstandskraft der Kreatur gleich 1. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
585 | 0584 | Blaue Manabatterie | Blaue Manabatterie | Legends | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 800 | Artefakt | Amy Weber | |2, |T: Lege eine Ladungsmarke auf die Manabatterie.\\|T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |U und entferne soviel Ladungsmarken wie Du willst. Pro Marke, die Du von der Manabatterie entfernst, erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat zusΣtzlich um |U. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
586 | 0585 | Boomerang | Boomerang | Legends | Chronicles | Blue | Instant | na | Permission | Uncommon | 000020 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Brian Snoddy | Return target permanent to owner's hand. Enchantments on target are destroyed. | ôO! call back yesterday, bid time return.ö ---William Shakespeare, King Richard the Second | None | None | None | None | None | None |
587 | 0586 | Boris Devilboon | Boris Devilboon | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 001103 | 2 | 2 | 1300 | Summon Legend | Jesper Myrfors | |2|B|R, |T: Creates a Minor Demon token under your control. Minor Demons are 1/1 red and black creatures. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
588 | 0587 | Brine Hag | Brine Hag | Legends | | Blue | Summon | Hag | None | Uncommon | 000022 | 2 | 2 | 500 | Summon Hag | Quinton Hoover | On the turn in which Hag is placed in the graveyard, all creatures who dealt damage to Hag that turn become 0/2 creatures. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
589 | 0588 | Bronze Horse | Bronze Horse | Legends | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Rare | 000007 | 4 | 4 | 1200 | Artifact Creature | Mark Poole | Trample. Damage done to Bronze Horse by spells which target it is reduced to 0 as long as you control another creature. | None | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
590 | 0589 | Aasfressende Ameisen | Aasfressende Ameisen | Legends | Fifth | Black | Summon | Ants | PowerUp | Uncommon | 000202 | 0 | 1 | 3000 | BeschwΣrung von Ameisen | Richard Thomas | |1: +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges | ôKrieg ist kein Picknick,ö pflegte mein Vater zu sagen. Doch die Ameisen schienen anderer Meinung zu sein. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
591 | 0590 | Cat Warriors | Cat Warriors | Legends | Chronicles | Green | Summon | Cat Warriors | None | Common | 020001 | 2 | 2 | 100 | Summon Cat Warriors | Melissa Benson | Forestwalk. | These stealthy felines have survived so many battles that some believe they must possess many lives. | Forestwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
592 | 0591 | Cathedral of Serra | Cathedral of Serra | Legends | | Grey | Land | na | None | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 300 | Land | Mark Poole | All your white legends gain bands with other legends. | None | xBanding | None | None | None | None | None |
593 | 0592 | Caverns of Despair | Caverns of Despair | Legends | | Red | Enchant | World | Permission | Rare | 002002 | na | na | 1100 | Enchant World | Harold McNeill | Players may attack with no more than 2 creatures each turn and block with no more than 2 creatures each turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
594 | 0593 | Chain Lightning | Chain Lightning | Legends | | Red | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Common | 001000 | na | na | 200 | Sorcery | Sandra Everingham | Does 3 damage to target creature or player. Each time Chain Lightning does damage, target's controller may then pay |R|R to have Chain Lightning do the damage another valid target. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
595 | 0594 | Chains of Mephistopholes | Chains of Mephisto | Legends | | Black | Enchant | na | Discard | Uncommon | 000101 | na | na | 1200 | Enchantment | Heather Hudson | Each time a player is to draw a card, that player must first discard a card from their hand. If there are no cards in player's hand the card to be drawn is discarded. Does not apply to first card drawn during a player's turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
596 | 0595 | Chromium | Chromium | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | ElderDragon | None | Rare | 200222 | 7 | 7 | 3000 | Summon ElderDragon | Edward Beard╕ Jr. | Flying, Rampage: 2. Pay |B|U|W during your upkeep or Chromium is buried. | None | Flying | Rampage:2 | None | None | None | None |
597 | 0596 | Cleanse | Cleanse | Legends | | White | Sorcery | na | None | Rare | 200002 | na | na | 1750 | Sorcery | Phil Foglio | All black creatures in play are destroyed. | The clouds broke and the sun's rays burst forth; each foul beast in its turn faltered, and was gone. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
598 | 0597 | Clergy of the Holy Nimbus | Holy Nimbus Clergy | Legends | | White | Summon | Priest | None | Common | 100000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Priest | Daniel Gelon | When Clergy are destroyed or take lethal damage they automatically regenerate unless opponent pays |1. | None | xRegeneration | None | None | None | None | None |
599 | 0598 | Cocoon | Cocoon | Legends | Chronicles | Green | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 010000 | na | na | 500 | Enchant Creature | Mark Tedin | Target creature you control is tapped and does not untap during your untap phase. Cocoon gains 3 counters when put into play. During your upkeep Cocoon loses 1 counter. When last counter is removed, Cocoon is destroyed and target gains +1/+1 and Flying. | None | xFlying | None | None | None | None | None |
600 | 0599 | Concordant Crossroads | Concordant Roads | Legends | Chronicles | Green | Enchant | World | None | Uncommon | 010000 | na | na | 1300 | Enchant World | Amy Weber | Creatures may attack or use fast effect requiring an activation cost the turn they are brought into play. | None | xQuickness | None | None | None | None | None |
601 | 0600 | Schrecken aus dem All | Schrecken aus dem All | Legends | Fifth | Black | Summon | Horror | None | Rare | 000303 | 7 | 7 | 1200 | Beschw÷rung eines Schreckens | Jesper Myrfors | Hat Erstschlag.\\Zahle wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase |3|B|B|B oder vernichte den Schrecken. Wenn Du den Schrecken aus dem All auf diese Art und Weise zerst÷rst, fⁿgt er Dir 7 Schadenspunkte zu. | None | First Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
602 | 0601 | Craw Giant | Craw Giant | Legends | Chronicles | Green | Summon | Giant | None | Uncommon | 040003 | 6 | 4 | 1200 | Summon Giant | Christopher Rush | Trample, Rampage: 2. | Harthag gave a jolly laugh as he surveyed the army before him. ôHo ho ho! Midgets! You think you can stand in my way?ö | Trample | Rampage:2 | None | None | None | None |
603 | 0602 | Crevasse | Crevasse | Legends | | Red | Enchant | na | None | Common | 001002 | na | na | 400 | Enchantment | Rob Alexander | Creatures with Mountainwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
604 | 0603 | Crimson Kobolds | Crimson Kobolds | Legends | | Red | Summon | Kobolds | None | Common | 000000 | 0 | 1 | 100 | Summon Kobolds | Anson Maddocks | None | ôKobolds are harmless.ö --- Bearand the Bold, epitaph | None | None | None | None | None | None |
605 | 0604 | Karmesin-Mantikor | Karmesin-Mantikor | Legends | Fifth | Red | Summon | Manticore | DirectFire | Rare | 002002 | 2 | 2 | 1050 | BeschwΣrung eines Mantikors | Daniel Gelon | Fliegend\\|R, |T: Der Karmesin-Mantikor fⁿgt einer angreifenden oder blockenden Kreatur Deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu. | Mantikora unterscheiden alle Lebewesen in zwei Kategorien: andere Mantikora und Abendessen. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
606 | 0605 | Crookshank Kobolds | Crookshank Kobolds | Legends | | Red | Summon | Kobolds | None | Common | 000000 | 0 | 1 | 100 | Summon Kobolds | Christopher Rush | None | The Crookshank military boasts a standing army of nearly twenty-four million, give or take twenty-two million. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
607 | 0606 | Zyklopenmumie | Zyklopenmumie | Legends | Fifth | Black | Summon | Mummy | None | Common | 000101 | 2 | 1 | 100 | Beschw÷rung einer Mumie | Edward Beard╕ Jr. | Wenn eine sich im Spiel befindliche Mumie auf dem Friedhof landet, wird sie ganz aus dem Spiel entfernt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
608 | 0607 | D'Avenant Archer | D'Avenant Archer | Legends | Chronicles | White | Summon | Archer | DirectFire | Common | 100002 | 1 | 2 | 100 | Summon Archer | Douglas Shuler | |T: Archer does 1 damage to target attacking or blocking creature. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
609 | 0608 | Dakkon Blackblade | Dakkon Blackblade | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 100122 | 0 | 0 | 2500 | Summon Legend | Richard Kane-Ferguson | Dakkon's power and toughness are equal to the number of lands you control. | ôMy power is as vast as the plains; my strength is that of mountains. Each wave that crashes upon the shore thunders like blood in my veins.ö ---Dakkon Blackblade, Memoirs | None | None | None | None | None | None |
610 | 0609 | Darkness | Darkness | Legends | | Black | Instant | na | None | Common | 000100 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Harold McNeill | Creatures attack and block as normal, but none deal any damage. Play any time before attack damage is assigned. | ôIf I must die, I will encounter darkness as a bride, / And hug it in my arms.ö --- William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure | None | None | None | None | None | None |
611 | 0610 | Deadfall | Deadfall | Legends | | Green | Enchant | na | None | Uncommon | 010002 | na | na | 400 | Enchantment | NΦNΦ Thomas | Creatures with Forestwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
612 | 0611 | Demonic Torment | Demonic Torment | Legends | | Black | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000102 | na | na | 500 | Enchant Creature | Anson Maddocks | Target creature deals no damage in combat. Creature cannot attack. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
613 | 0612 | Devouring Deep | Devouring Deep | Legends | | Blue | Summon | Devourer | None | Common | 000012 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Devourer | Liz Danforth | Islandwalk. | ôFull fathom five the father lies; / Of his bones are coral made; / Nothing of him that doth fade, / But doth suffer a sea-change . Into something rich and strange.ö --- William Shakespeare, The Tempest | Islandwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
614 | 0613 | Disharmony | Disharmony | Legends | | Red | Instant | na | Control | Rare | 001002 | na | na | 1200 | Instant | Phil Foglio | Target attacking creature comes under your control untapped and is no longer considered to have attacked. Target is returned to opponent at end of the turn. Play before blockers are assigned. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
615 | 0614 | Divine Intervention | Divine Intervention | Legends | | White | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 200006 | na | na | 1200 | Enchantment | Amy Weber | Gains 2 counters when brought into play. During your upkeep 1 counter is removed. When the last counter is removed, the game is over and considered a draw. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
616 | 0615 | Divine Offering | Divine Offering | Legends | Chronicles | White | Instant | na | GainLife | Common | 100001 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Jeff A. Menges | Target artifact is destroyed. You gain life equal to casting cost of target. | D'Haren stared at the twisted lump of metal that had been a prized artifact. The fight was getting ugly. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
617 | 0616 | Apotheose | Apotheose | Legends | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 200002 | na | na | 1625 | Verzaubere Kreatur | NΦNΦ Thomas | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +3/+3. | Glorie durchfuhr sie und eine Aura umgab sie. Durch den gΣttlichen Segen ward alles m÷glich. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
618 | 0617 | Dream Coat | Dream Coat | Legends | | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000010 | na | na | 450 | Enchant Creature | Anthony Waters | |0: You may change the color of the creature Dreamcoat enchants to any other color. This ability is played as an interrupt and may only be used once per turn. | ôAdopt the character of the twisting octopus, which takes on the appearance of the nearby rock. Now follow in this direction, now turn a different hue.ö --- Theognis, Elegies 1, 215 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
619 | 0618 | Dⁿsterwaldkeiler | Dⁿsterwaldkeiler | Legends | Fifth | Green | Summon | Boars | None | Common | 010004 | 4 | 4 | 100 | BeschwΣrung von Wildschweinen | Mike Kimble | None | ôUnd heraus fuhr der Wirrgeist, hinein in die Schweine, und die Herde raste den Abhang hinab.ö\\ùDie Bibel, Markus 5:13 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
620 | 0619 | Dwarven Song | Dwarven Song | Legends | | Red | Instant | na | None | Uncommon | 001000 | na | na | 450 | Instant | Dan Frazier | Change the color of one or more target creatures to red until the end of the turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
621 | 0620 | Urzeitlicher Landwurm | Urzeitlicher Landwurm | Legends | Fifth | White | Summon | Wurm | None | Rare | 300004 | 5 | 5 | 1300 | Beschw÷rung eines Wurms | Quinton Hoover | Verursacht Trampelschaden.\\Der Landwurm kann nicht angreifen, solange er nicht zuerst als Blocker eingesetzt worden ist. | Manchmal ist es besser, schlafende Drachen nicht zu wecken. | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
622 | 0621 | Elder Spawn | Elder Spawn | Legends | | Blue | Summon | Spawn | None | Rare | 000034 | 6 | 6 | 1000 | Summon Spawn | Jesper Myrfors | Elder Spawn cannot be blocked by red creatures. During your upkeep, sacrifice 1 island or Elder Spawn deals 6 damage to you and is buried. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
623 | 0622 | Elfenreiter | Elfenreiter | Legends | Fifth | Green | Summon | Riders | None | Uncommon | 020003 | 3 | 3 | 1200 | BeschwΣrung von Reitern | Melissa Benson | Die Elfenreiter k÷nnen nur von Mauern oder fliegenden Kreaturen geblockt werden. | Manchmal ist es vorteilhafter, schnellfⁿ▀ig zu sein als stark mit dem Schwert.\\ùElfensprichwort | None | None | None | None | None | None |
624 | 0623 | Emerald Dragonfly | Emerald Dragonfly | Legends | Chronicles | Green | Summon | Dragonfly | None | Common | 010001 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Dragonfly | Quinton Hoover | |G|G: Dragonfly gains First Strike until end of turn. | ôFlittering, wheeling,/ darting in to strike, and then/ gone just as you blink.ö ---ôDragonfly Haiku,ö poet unknown | xFirst Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
625 | 0624 | Enchanted Being | Enchanted Being | Legends | | White | Summon | Being | None | Common | 200001 | 2 | 2 | 100 | Summon Being | Douglas Shuler | Any damage dealt to Enchanted Being during combat by creatures with one or more enchantments played on them is reduced to 0. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
626 | 0625 | Enchantment Alteration | Enchant Alteration | Legends | Chronicles | Blue | Instant | na | None | Common | 000010 | na | na | 150 | Instant | Brian Snoddy | Target enchantment, which must enchant a creature or land is removed. You may then place it on any valid target in play as if it had just been cast. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
627 | 0626 | Energieanzapfung | Energieanzapfung | Legends | Fifth | Blue | Sorcery | na | ManaSource | Common | 000010 | na | na | 100 | Hexerei | Daniel Gelon | Tappe eine Kreatur, die Du kontrollierst und erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um soviel farbloses Mana, wie es kostet, diese Kreatur zu beschw÷ren. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
628 | 0627 | Equinox | Equinox | Legends | | White | Enchant | Land | Counterspell | Common | 100000 | na | na | 150 | Enchant Land | Susan Van Camp | |0: Land enchanted by Equinox becomes tapped and target spell that destroys one or more lands under your control is countered. This ability is played as an interrupt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
629 | 0628 | Ewiger Krieger | Ewiger Krieger | Legends | Fifth | Red | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 001000 | na | na | 600 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Anson Maddocks | Die verzauberte Kreatur wird beim Angreifen nicht getappt. | Die Krieger der Tsunami-nito Schule verbrachten Jahre damit, die anstrengungslose Anstrengung zu perfektionieren. | xFree Action | None | None | None | None | None |
630 | 0629 | Eureka | Eureka | Legends | | Green | Sorcery | na | None | Rare | 020002 | na | na | 1875 | Sorcery | Kaja Foglio | Both players are prompted in turn to select a permanent in their hand to put directly into play. This continues until neither player wishes to place any more permanents. Permanents placed in this manner are treated as if they were just summoned. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
631 | 0630 | Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore | Evil Eye | Legends | | Black | Summon | Evil Eye | None | Uncommon | 000104 | 3 | 6 | 500 | Summon Evil Eye | Jesper Myrfors | May only be blocked by walls. None of your creatures can attack except for Evil Eyes. | ôThe highway of fear is the shortest route to defeat.ö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
632 | 0631 | Fallen Angel | Fallen Angel | Legends | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Angel | None | Uncommon | 000203 | 3 | 3 | 800 | Summon Angel | Anson Maddocks | Flying. |0: Sacrifice a creature you control to give Fallen Angel +2/+1 until end of turn. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
633 | 0632 | Falling Star | Falling Star | Legends | | Red | Sorcery | na | None | Rare | 001002 | na | na | 1400 | Sorcery | Douglas Shuler | Falling Star does 3 damage to a random number of creatures in play. Each creature damaged in this manner becomes tapped. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
634 | 0633 | Feint | Feint | Legends | | Red | Instant | na | None | Common | 001000 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Brian Snoddy | All creatures blocking target attacking creature become tapped. Target attacking creature and all creatures blocking it deal no damage during combat this turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
635 | 0634 | Field of Dreams | Field of Dreams | Legends | | Blue | Enchant | World | None | Uncommon | 000010 | na | na | 1100 | Enchant World | Kaja Foglio | |0: The top card of each player's library is revealed to you. This ability is played as an interrupt and may be used by either player. | Some people say that the world is round, and if you travel far enough you'll come to the other side where everything is upside down. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
636 | 0635 | Fire Sprites | Fire Sprites | Legends | | Green | Summon | Faeries | ManaSource | Uncommon | 010001 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Faeries | Julie Baroh | Flying. |G, |T: Add |R to your mana pool. This ability plays as an interrupt. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
637 | 0636 | Firestorm Phoenix | Firestorm Phoenix | Legends | | Red | Summon | Phoenix | None | Rare | 002004 | 3 | 2 | 2000 | Summon Phoenix | Jeff A. Menges | Flying. If Phoenix is put into the graveyard from play, it is returned to its owner's hand. It may not be summoned again until owner's next turn. | ôThe bird of wonder dies, the maiden phoenix, / Her ashed new-create another heir / As great in admiration as herself.ö --- William Shakespeare, King Henry the Eigth | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
638 | 0637 | Flash Counter | Flash Counter | Legends | | Blue | Interrupt | na | Counterspell | Common | 000011 | na | na | 100 | Interrupt | Harold McNeill | Counters target interrupt or instant spell. | She grinned at me --- a wicked grin. ôI hope you weren't relying too heavily on that, my dear.ö --- Medryn Silverwand, Diary | None | None | None | None | None | None |
639 | 0638 | Flash Flood | Flash Flood | Legends | Chronicles | Blue | Instant | na | None | Common | 000010 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Tom WΣnerstrand | Destroy target red permanent or return target mountain to controller's hand. | Many people say that no power can bring the mountains low. Many people are fools. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
640 | 0639 | Floral Spuzzem | Floral Spuzzem | Legends | | Green | Summon | Spuzzem | None | Uncommon | 010003 | 2 | 2 | 500 | Summon Spuzzem | Rob Alexander | If Floral Spuzzem attacks and is not blocked, you may choose to have it deal no damage and destroy an artifact under opponent's control instead. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
641 | 0640 | Force Spike | Force Spike | Legends | | Blue | Interrupt | na | Counterspell | Common | 000010 | na | na | 100 | Interrupt | Bryon Wackwitz | Target spell is countered unless its caster spends an additional |1. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
642 | 0641 | Forethought Amulet | Forethought Amulet | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | Healing | Rare | 000005 | na | na | 1325 | Artifact | Melissa Benson | If you receive more than 2 damage from a sorcery or instant, that damage is reduced to 2. Pay |3 during your upkeep or Amulet is destroyed. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
643 | 0642 | Befestigtes Gebiet | Befestigtes Gebiet | Legends | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | None | Common | 200001 | na | na | 400 | Verzauberung | Randy Asplund-Faith | Alle Mauern unter Deiner Kontrolle gewinnen BⁿndnisfΣhigkeit und erhalten +1/+0. | None | xBanding | None | None | None | None | None |
644 | 0643 | Frost Giant | Frost Giant | Legends | | Red | Summon | Giant | None | Rare | 003003 | 4 | 4 | 500 | Summon Giant | Daniel Gelon | Rampage: 2. | The Frost Giants have been out in the cold a long, long time, bute they have their rage to keep them warm. | Rampage:2 | None | None | None | None | None |
645 | 0644 | Gabriel Angelfire | Gabriel Angelfire | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 220003 | 4 | 4 | 1500 | Summon Legend | Daniel Gelon | During your upkeep, Gabriel gains your choice of Flying, First Strike, Trample or Rampage: 3, until your next upkeep. | None | xRampage:3 | xFlying | xTrample | xFirst Strike | None | None |
646 | 0645 | Gasf÷rmigkeit | Gasf÷rmigkeit | Legends | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 000012 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Phil Foglio | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt keinen Kampfschaden und teilt auch keinen aus. | ôDas Wesen ist mir recht zur Qual / Und mu▀ mich ba▀ verdrie▀en; / ich stehe hier zum erstenmal\\Nicht fest auf meinen Fⁿ▀en.ö\\ùJohann Wolfgang Goethe, Faust | None | None | None | None | None | None |
647 | 0646 | Gauntlets of Chaos | Gauntlets of Chaos | Legends | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | Control | Rare | 000005 | na | na | 1500 | Artifact | Dan Frazier | |5 |T: You gain control of target land, creature or artifact. You must then select one of your permanents of the same type, which comes under the control of Opponent. Enchantments on traded permanents are destroyed. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
648 | 0647 | Ghosts of the Damned | Damned Spirits | Legends | | Black | Summon | Ghosts | None | Common | 000201 | 0 | 2 | 100 | Summon Ghosts | Edward Beard╕ Jr. | |T: Target creature gets -1/-0 until end of turn. | The voices of the dead ring in the heart long after they have faded from the ears. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
649 | 0648 | Giant Slug | Giant Slug | Legends | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Slug | None | Uncommon | 000101 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Slug | Anson Maddocks | |5: During controller's next upkeep, Giant Slug gains landwalk ability of controller's choice until end of turn. | None | xIslandwalk | xSwampwalk | xPlainswalk | xForestwalk | xMountainwalk | None |
650 | 0649 | RiesenstΣrke | RiesenstΣrke | Legends | Fifth | Red | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 002000 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Justin Hampton | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +2/+2. | ôOh! Es ist exzellent\\Zu haben eines Riesen StΣrke, und doch ist es tyrannisch\\Sie zu benutzen wie ein Riese.ö\\ùWilliam Shakespeare, Measure for Measure | None | None | None | None | None | None |
651 | 0650 | Giant Turtle | Giant Turtle | Legends | | Green | Summon | Turtle | None | Common | 020001 | 2 | 4 | 100 | Summon Turtle | Jeff A. Menges | Giant Turtle may not attack if it attacked during your last turn. | ôThe turtle lives 'twixt plated decks / Which practically conceal its sex. / I think it clever of the turtle / In such a fix to be fertile.ö --- Ogden Nash, ôThe Turtleö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
652 | 0651 | Glyph of Delusion | Glyph of Delusion | Legends | | Blue | Instant | na | None | Common | 000010 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Susan Van Camp | Targets a wall which has been selected as a blocker this turn. One creature blocked by target wall does not untap as normal for a number of turns equal to its power. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
653 | 0652 | Glyph of Destruction | Glyph of Destruction | Legends | | Red | Instant | na | None | Common | 001000 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Susan Van Camp | Target blocking wall you control gains +10/+0 and all damage dealt to wall is reduced to 0 until end of turn. Target wall is destroyed at end of turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
654 | 0653 | Glyph of Doom | Glyph of Doom | Legends | | Black | Instant | na | None | Common | 000100 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Susan Van Camp | All creatures blocked by target wall are destroyed at the end of combat. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
655 | 0654 | Glyph of Life | Glyph of Life | Legends | | White | Instant | na | GainLife | Common | 100000 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Susan Van Camp | Damage done to target wall by attacking creatures is added to your life point total. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
656 | 0655 | Glyph of Reincarnation | Reincarnation Glyph | Legends | | Green | Instant | na | None | Common | 010000 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Susan Van Camp | Play after combat is over. All surviving creatures blocked by target wall this turn are buried. For each creature buried in this manner, you must choose 1 creature in attacker's graveyard which is then returned to play as if it were just summoned. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
657 | 0656 | Gosta Dirk | Gosta Dirk | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 200023 | 4 | 4 | 1200 | Summon Legend | Richard Thomas | First strike. Creatures with Islandwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | None | First Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
658 | 0657 | Gravity Sphere | Gravity Sphere | Legends | | Red | Enchant | World | None | Rare | 001002 | na | na | 2000 | Enchant World | Brian Snoddy | All creatures lose Flying ability. | Gal-Shan, the Sorcerer's cry rang out: ôLet no bird fly, let no creature take wing, let all the battle join as one.ö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
659 | 0658 | Great Defender | Great Defender | Legends | | White | Instant | na | None | Common | 100000 | na | na | 430 | Instant | Mark Poole | Target creature gets +0/+X until end of turn, where X is equal to target creature's casting cost. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
660 | 0659 | Great Wall | Great Wall | Legends | | White | Enchant | na | None | Uncommon | 100002 | na | na | 400 | Enchantment | Sandra Everingham | Creatures with Plainswalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
661 | 0660 | Greater Realm of Preservation | Greater Realm | Legends | | White | Enchant | na | Healing | Uncommon | 100001 | na | na | 800 | Enchantment | NΦNΦ Thomas | |1|W: Prevent all damage against you from one black or red source. If a source deals damage to you more than once in a turn, you may pay |1|W each time to prevent the damage. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
662 | 0661 | Habgier | Habgier | Legends | Fifth | Black | Enchant | na | Draw | Rare | 000103 | na | na | 1000 | Verzauberung | Phil Foglio | |B: Zahle 2 Lebenspunkte, um eine weitere Karte zu ziehen. Effekte, die Schaden verhindern oder umleiten, k÷nnen hier nicht angewendet werden, um den Verlust der Lebenspunkte zu verhindern. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
663 | 0662 | Grⁿne Manabatterie | Grⁿne Manabatterie | Legends | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 800 | Artefakt | Christopher Rush | |2, |T: Lege eine Ladungsmarke auf die Manabatterie.\\|T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |G und entferne soviel Ladungsmarken wie Du willst. Pro Marke, die Du von der Manabatterie entfernst, erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat zusΣtzlich um |G. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
664 | 0663 | Gwendlyn Di Corci | Gwendlyn Di Corci | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | Discard | Rare | 001210 | 3 | 5 | 1300 | Summon Legend | Julie Baroh | |T: Target player discards one card from his or her hand at random. This ability may only be used during your turn. | Urborg became the final resting place of many swordsmen reknown, their steel outmatched by the wiles of Gwendlyn | None | None | None | None | None | None |
665 | 0664 | Halfdane | Halfdane | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 100111 | 3 | 3 | 1200 | Summon Legend | Melissa Benson | During your upkeep, Halfdane acquires the current power and toughness of target creature other than Halfdane. If there are no legal targets, Halfdane becomes 3/3. | Hail from Tolaria the ever changing 'Dane. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
666 | 0665 | Hammerheim | Hammerheim | Legends | | Grey | Land | Legendary | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 450 | Land Legendary | Bryon Wackwitz | |T: Add |R to your mana pool. |T: Target creature loses all landwalk abilities until end of turn. | ô'Tis Distance lends enchantment to the view, / And robes the mountain in its azure hue.ö --- Thomas Campbell, ôPleasures of Hopeö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
667 | 0666 | Hazezon Tamar | Hazezon Tamar | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 111004 | 2 | 4 | 1500 | Summon Legend | Richard Kane-Ferguson | On your next upkeep after Hazezon comes into play, 1 Sand Warrior token comes into play for each land you control. Sand Warriors are 1/1 white, green, and red creatures. If Hazezon Tamar leaves play, all Sand Warriors tokens are removed from the game. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
668 | 0667 | Headless Horseman | Headless Horseman | Legends | | Black | Summon | Horseman | None | Common | 000102 | 2 | 2 | 100 | Summon Horseman | Quinton Hoover | None | ô... The ghost rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head ... he sometimes passes along the Hollow, like a midnight blast ...ö --- Washington Irving, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow | None | None | None | None | None | None |
669 | 0668 | Heaven's Gate | Heaven's Gate | Legends | | White | Instant | na | None | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 400 | Instant | Douglas Shuler | Change the color of one or more target creatures to white until end of turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
670 | 0669 | Hell Swarm | Hell Swarm | Legends | | Black | Instant | na | None | Common | 000100 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Christopher Rush | All creatures get -1/-0 until end of turn. | The brightness of day turned in an instant to dusk as the swarm descended upon the battlefield. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
671 | 0670 | Hell's Caretaker | Hell's Caretaker | Legends | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Caretaker | Draw | Rare | 000103 | 1 | 1 | 2000 | Summon Caretaker | Sandra Everingham | |T: Sacrifice a creature you control to bring target creature in your graveyard directly into play. Target creature is treated as though it were just summoned. | You might leave here, Chenndra, should another take your place ... | None | None | None | None | None | None |
672 | 0671 | Hellfire | Hellfire | Legends | | Black | Sorcery | na | None | Rare | 000302 | na | na | 1800 | Sorcery | Pete Venters | All non-black creatures are destroyed. Hellfire does X + 3 damage to you where X is the number of creatures destroyed by Hellfire. | ôHigh on a throne of royal state ... insatiate to pursue vain war with heav'n.ö --- John Milton, Paradise Lost | None | None | None | None | None | None |
673 | 0672 | Holy Day | Holy Day | Legends | | White | Instant | na | None | Common | 100000 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Justin Hampton | Creature attack and block as normal, but none deal any damage. Play any time before attack damage is assigned. | ôThe day of spirits; my soul's calm retreat / Which none disturb!ö --- Henry Vaughan, ôSilex Scintillansö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
674 | 0673 | Horn of Deafening | Horn of Deafening | Legends | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 1150 | Artifact | Dan Frazier | |2 |T: Target creature deals no damage during combat this turn. | ôA blast, an echo ... then silence.ö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
675 | 0674 | Hornet Cobra | Hornet Cobra | Legends | | Green | Summon | Cobra | None | Common | 020001 | 2 | 1 | 100 | Summon Cobra | Sandra Everingham | First strike. | ôThen inch by inch out of the grass rose up the head and spread hood of Nag, the big black cobra, and he was five feet long from tongue to tail.ö --- Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Books | First Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
676 | 0675 | Horror of Horrors | Horror of Horrors | Legends | | Black | Enchant | na | Healing | Uncommon | 000203 | na | na | 500 | Enchantment | Mark Tedin | |0: Sacrifice a swamp to regenerate target black creature. | ôAnd a horror of outer darkness after, / And dust returneth to dust again.ö --- Adam Lindsay Gordon, The Swimmer | xRegeneration | None | None | None | None | None |
677 | 0676 | Hunding Gjornersen | Hunding Gjornersen | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 100023 | 5 | 4 | 600 | Summon Legend | Richard Thomas | Rampage: 1. | ôYou would never guess, at the terrifying sight of the man, that Hunding was as charming a companion as one could wish for.ö | Rampage:1 | None | None | None | None | None |
678 | 0677 | Hyperion Blacksmith | Hyperion Blacksmith | Legends | | Red | Summon | Smith | None | Uncommon | 002001 | 2 | 2 | 500 | Summon Smith | Dan Frazier | |T: Target artifact controlled by opponent becomes tapped or untapped. | ôThe smith a mighty man is he / With large and sinewy hands. / And the muscles of his brawny arms / Are strong as iron bands.ö --- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Village Blacksmith | None | None | None | None | None | None |
679 | 0678 | Ichneumon Druid | Ichneumon Druid | Legends | | Green | Summon | Druid | None | Uncommon | 020001 | 2 | 2 | 500 | Summon Druid | Melissa Benson | Ichneumon Druid does 4 damage to opponent for each instant he/she casts beyond the first in a turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
680 | 0679 | Aufopferung | Aufopferung | Legends | Fifth | Red | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 001000 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Scott Kirschner | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +2/-2. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
681 | 0680 | Imprison | Imprison | Legends | | Black | Enchant | Creature | Permission | Rare | 000100 | na | na | 1000 | Enchant Creature | Christopher Rush | Pay |1 each time target creature attempts to attack, block, or tap or else Imprison is destroyed. That action is prevented and the creature becomes tapped. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
682 | 0681 | In the Eye of Chaos | The Eye of Chaos | Legends | | Blue | Enchant | World | Counterspell | Rare | 000012 | na | na | 1100 | Enchant World | Brian Snoddy | All instants and interrupts are countered unless their caster pays an additional |X, where |X is the casting cost of the spell being cast. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
683 | 0682 | Indestructable Aura | Indestructable Aura | Legends | Chronicles | White | Instant | na | None | Common | 100000 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Mark Poole | Any damage done to target creature for remainder of turn is reduced to 0. | Theodar strode the battle lines, snatching swords with his bare hands and casting them aside until all cowered before him. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
684 | 0683 | Infernal Medusa | Infernal Medusa | Legends | | Black | Summon | Medusa | None | Uncommon | 000203 | 2 | 4 | 600 | Summon Medusa | Anson Maddocks | All non-wall creatures blocking or blocked by Medusa are destroyed at the end of combat. | None | Stoning | None | None | None | None | None |
685 | 0684 | Infinite Authority | Infinite Authority | Legends | | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Rare | 300000 | na | na | 1250 | Enchant Creature | Douglas Shuler | All creatures with 3 or less toughness blocking target creature are destroyed at end of combat. At the end of the turn target creature gains +1/+1 for each creature destroyed in this manner. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
686 | 0685 | Invoke Prejudice | Invoke Prejudice | Legends | | Blue | Enchant | na | Counterspell | Rare | 000040 | na | na | 1500 | Enchantment | Harold McNeill | If opponent casts a Summon spell that does not match the color of a creature under your control, that spell is countered unless the caster pays an additional |X where |X is the casting cost of the Summon spell. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
687 | 0686 | Ivory Guardians | Ivory Guardians | Legends | Chronicles | White | Summon | Guardians | None | Uncommon | 200004 | 3 | 3 | 500 | Summon Guardians | Melissa Benson | Protection from Red. Gains +1/+1 if opponent controls any red cards. | The elite guard of the Mesa High Priests, the Ivory Guardians were created to protect the innocent and faithful. Some say their actions are above the law. | Protection from Red | None | None | None | None | None |
688 | 0687 | Jacques le Vert | Jacques le Vert | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 111001 | 3 | 2 | 1250 | Summon Legend | Andi Rusu | All your green creatures get +0/+2. | Abandoning his sword to return to the lush forest of Pendlhaven, Jacques le Vert devoted his life to protecting the creatures of his homeland. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
689 | 0688 | Jasmine Boreal | Jasmine Boreal | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 110003 | 4 | 5 | 530 | Summon Legend | Richard Kane-Ferguson | None | ôPeace must prevail, even if the wicked must die.ö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
690 | 0689 | Jedit Ojanen | Jedit Ojanen | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 200014 | 5 | 5 | 600 | Summon Legend | Mark Poole | None | Mightiest of the Cat Warriors, Jedit Ojanen forsook the forests of his tribe and took service with the RObaran Mercenaries, rising through their ranks to lead them in the battle for Efrava. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
691 | 0690 | Jerrard of the Closed Fist | Jerrard | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 021003 | 6 | 5 | 550 | Summon Legend | Andi Rusu | None | Once, the order of the Closed Fist reached throughout th Kb'Briann Highlands. Now, Jerrard alone remains to uphold their standard. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
692 | 0691 | Johan | Johan | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 111003 | 5 | 4 | 2000 | Summon Legend | Mark Tedin | If Johan does not attack and is not tapped, any of your creatures may attack without tapping. | None | xFree Action | None | None | None | None | None |
693 | 0692 | Jovial Evil | Jovial Evil | Legends | | Black | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Rare | 000102 | na | na | 1500 | Sorcery | Christopher Rush | Jovial Evil does 2 damage to opponent for each white creature he or she controls. | ôToday, for a lark, let's visit the plains,. I'm sure we'll find something to entertain us.ö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
694 | 0693 | Juxtapose | Juxtapose | Legends | Chronicles | Blue | Sorcery | na | Control | Rare | 000013 | na | na | 1200 | Sorcery | Justin Hampton | Players exchange two highest casting cost creatures and artifacts in play. Owner chooses in case of ties. Return at game end | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
695 | 0694 | Karakas | Karakas | Legends | | Grey | Land | Legendary | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 500 | Land Legendary | Nicola Leonard | |T: Add |W to your mana pool. ; |T: Return target legend to its owner's hand. | ôTo make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, / One clover and a bee, / And revery.ö --- Emily Dickenson | None | None | None | None | None | None |
696 | 0695 | Kasimer the Lone Wolf | Kasimer the Lone Wolf | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 100014 | 5 | 3 | 550 | Summon Legend | Richard Kane-Ferguson | None | Popular indeed is the tale of how Kasimir was once a Holy man who renounced his order to take up the sword. But this tale is no more likely than any other. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
697 | 0696 | Keepers of the Faith | Keepers of Faith | Legends | Chronicles | White | Summon | Keepers | None | Common | 200001 | 2 | 3 | 100 | Summon Keepers | Daniel Gelon | None | And then the Archangel Anthius spoke to them, saying, ôFear shall be vanquished by the Sword of Faith.ö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
698 | 0697 | Kei Takahashi | Kei Takahashi | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | Healing | Rare | 110002 | 2 | 2 | 1200 | Summon Legend | Scott Kirschner | |T: to prevent 2 damage to any target creature | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
699 | 0698 | Killerbienen | Killerbienen | Legends | Fifth | Green | Summon | Bees | PowerUp | Uncommon | 020001 | 0 | 1 | 3000 | BeschwΣrung von Bienen | Phil Foglio | Fliegend\\|G: +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges | Das gemeine Hirn erzeugt eine grausame Strategie, doch bisher konnte noch niemand voraussagen, da▀diese bΣsartige Kreuzung Stahl erfinden kΣnnte. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
700 | 0699 | Kismet | Kismet | Legends | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | Permission | Uncommon | 100003 | na | na | 900 | Verzauberung | Kaja Foglio | Alle Artefakte, Kreaturen und LΣnder eines Spielers Deiner Wahl kommen getappt ins Spiel. | ôWenn Du Leute auf das, was sie haben wollen, warten lΣ▀t, hast Du Macht ⁿber sie. Das ist nicht nur fⁿr Kaufleute und das MilitΣr, sondern auch fⁿr KΣche und Liebespaare wahr.ö\\ùGwendlyn Di Corci | None | None | None | None | None | None |
701 | 0700 | Knowledge Vault | Knowledge Vault | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | Draw | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 1200 | Artifact | Amy Weber | |2|T: Take a card from you libary and place it under Vault. 0: Sacrifice Knowledge Vault to discard entire hand and draw cards under vault into your hand. If Vault leaves play, all cards under it leave play as well. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
702 | 0701 | Kobold Drill Sergeant | Kobold Drill Sergeant | Legends | | Red | Summon | Sergent | None | Uncommon | 001001 | 1 | 2 | 630 | Summon Sergent | Julie Baroh | All Kobolds you control get +0/+1 and gain trample. | ôJoining this army is easy, boy. Just survive your first battle.ö | xTrample | None | None | None | None | None |
703 | 0702 | Kobold Overlord | Kobold Overlord | Legends | | Red | Summon | Lord | None | Rare | 001001 | 1 | 2 | 1400 | Summon Lord | Julie Baroh | First strike ; All Kobolds you control gain first strike. | ôOne for all and all for one; we strike first and then you're don!ö --- Oath of the Kobold Musketeers | First Strike | xFirst Strike | None | None | None | None |
704 | 0703 | Kobold Taskmaster | Kobold Taskmaster | Legends | | Red | Summon | Taskmaster | None | Uncommon | 001001 | 1 | 2 | 650 | Summon Taskmaster | Randy Asplund-Faith | All Kobolds you control get +1/+0. | The Taskmaster knows that there is no cure for the common Kobold. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
705 | 0704 | Kobolds of Kher Keep | Kher Keep Kobolds | Legends | | Red | Summon | Kobolds | None | Common | 000000 | 0 | 1 | 100 | Summon Kobolds | Julie Baroh | None | Kher Keep is unique among fortresses: impervious to aerial assault but defenseless from the ground. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
706 | 0705 | Kry Shield | Kry Shield | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000002 | na | na | 450 | Artifact | Richard Thomas | |2 |T: Target creature you control gets +0/+X until end of turn, where X is the creature's casting cost. This creature deals no damage in combat this turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
707 | 0706 | Lady Caleria | Lady Caleria | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | DirectFire | Rare | 220003 | 3 | 6 | 1200 | Summon Legend | Bryon Wackwitz | |T: Lady Caleria deals 3 damage to target attacking or blocking creature. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
708 | 0707 | Lady Evangela | Lady Evangela | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 100110 | 1 | 2 | 1200 | Summon Legend | Mark Poole | |B|W |T: Target creature deals no damage in combat this turn. | ôWhen milady was young, the sight of a rainbow would fill her soul with peace. As she grew, she learned to share her rapture with others.ö --- Lady Gabriella | None | None | None | None | None | None |
709 | 0708 | Lady Orca | Lady Orca | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 001105 | 7 | 4 | 600 | Summon Legend | Sandra Everingham | None | ôI do not remember what he said to her. I remember her fiery eyes, fixed upon him for an instant. I remember a flash, and the hot breath of sudden flames made me turn away. When I looked again, Angus was gone.ö --- A Wayfarer, on meeting Lady Orca | None | None | None | None | None | None |
710 | 0709 | Land Equilibrium | Land Equilibrium | Legends | | Blue | Enchant | na | LandDestruct | Rare | 000022 | na | na | 1200 | Enchantment | Jesper Myrfors | If you opponent controls at least as much land as you do, they must sacrifice a land for each land they put into play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
711 | 0710 | Grundsteuer | Grundsteuer | Legends | Fifth | White | Enchant | na | ManaSource | Rare | 100000 | na | na | 730 | Verzauberung | Brian Snoddy | Wenn ein Gegner mehr LΣnder als Du im Spiel hat, kannst Du wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase Deine Bibliothek durchsuchen und bis zu drei StandardlΣnder auf Deine Hand nehmen. Mische Deine Bibliothek danach grⁿndlich. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
712 | 0711 | Land's Edge | Land's Edge | Legends | Chronicles | Red | Enchant | World | DirectFire | Rare | 002001 | na | na | 1350 | Enchant World | Brian Snoddy | Any player may discard a card from hand at any time. Lands do 2 damage to target player of discarding player. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
713 | 0712 | Lesser Werewolf | Lesser Werewolf | Legends | | Black | Summon | Lycanthrope | None | Uncommon | 000103 | 2 | 4 | 500 | Summon Lycanthrope | Quinton Hoover | |B and give werewolf -1 pow until EOT: give creature blocked or blocking wolf -1 tough perm. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
714 | 0713 | Life Chisel | Life Chisel | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | GainLife | Uncommon | 000004 | na | na | 500 | Artifact | Anthony Waters | Sacrifice a creature: gain life equal to the creature's toughness. Use this ability only during your upkeep. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
715 | 0714 | Life Matrix | Life Matrix | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 1200 | Artifact | Amy Weber | |4 |T: Put a counter on target creature. You may remove this counter later to regenerate the creature. Use this ability only during your upkeep. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
716 | 0715 | Lifeblood | Lifeblood | Legends | | White | Enchant | na | GainLife | Rare | 200002 | na | na | 1200 | Enchantment | Mark Tedin | Gain 1 life each time a mountain controlled by target opponent becomes tapped. | ôFoolish wizard! As you tap the power of your lofty keep, so grows my strength.ö --- Malvern Xelionos, Letters | None | None | None | None | None | None |
717 | 0716 | Living Plane | Living Plane | Legends | | Green | Enchant | World | None | Rare | 020002 | na | na | 1400 | Enchant World | Bryon Wackwitz | All lands become 1/1 creatures but still count as lands. Lands may not be tapped for mana the turn they come into play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
718 | 0717 | Livonya Silone | Livonya Silone | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 022002 | 4 | 4 | 1300 | Summon Legend | Richard Kane-Ferguson | First strike, legendary land-walk | Livonya's own nature is a matter of mystery. Nothing is known for sure, merely rumors of unearthly stealth and unholy alliances. | First Strike | Legendary Landwalk | None | None | None | None |
719 | 0718 | Lord Magnus | Lord Magnus | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 210003 | 4 | 3 | 600 | Summon Legend | Mark Tedin | First strike Creatures with plainswalk or forestwalk may be blocked as if they did not have either ability. | None | First Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
720 | 0719 | Verlorene Seele | Verlorene Seele | Legends | Fifth | Black | Summon | Lost Soul | None | Common | 000201 | 2 | 1 | 100 | BeschwΣrung einer verlorenen Seele | Randy Asplund-Faith | |HSumpftarnung | Ihre Hand winkt sanft, sie wispert Deinen NamenùDoch die ihr folgten niemals wiederkamen. | Swampwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
721 | 0720 | Mana Drain | Mana Drain | Legends | | Blue | Interrupt | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000020 | na | na | 1000 | Interrupt | Mark Tedin | Counter target spell. At the beginning of your next main phase, add |X to your mana pool, where X is the casting cost of the spell. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
722 | 0721 | Mana Matrix | Mana Matrix | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000006 | na | na | 1200 | Artifact | Mark Tedin | Pay up to |2 less than required when casting an instant, interrupt or enchantment spell. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
723 | 0722 | Marble Priest | Marble Priest | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000005 | 3 | 3 | 500 | Artifact Creature | Melissa Benson | All walls able to block Marble Priest must do so. Damage dealt to Marble Priest by walls in decresed to 0. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
724 | 0723 | Marhault Elsdragon | Marhault Elsdragon | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 012003 | 4 | 6 | 600 | Summon Legend | Mark Poole | Rampage: 1. | Marhault Elsdragon follows a strict philosophy, never letting emotions cloud his thoughts. No chance observer could imagine the rage in his heart. | Rampage:1 | None | None | None | None | None |
725 | 0724 | Master of the Hunt | Master of the Hunt | Legends | | Green | Summon | Master | None | Uncommon | 020002 | 2 | 2 | 2500 | Summon Master | Jeff A. Menges | |2|G|G: Put a Wolves of the Hunt token into play. Treat this token as a 1/1 creature with bands with other Wolves of the Hunt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
726 | 0725 | Mirror Universe | Mirror Universe | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | DirectFire | Rare | 000006 | na | na | 5000 | Artifact | Phil Foglio | |T: Sacrifice Mirror Universe during your upkeep to trade life point totals with target opponent. Effects that prevent or redirect damage may not be used to prevent life lost in this way. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
727 | 0726 | Moat | Moat | Legends | | White | Enchant | na | None | Rare | 200002 | na | na | 2000 | Enchantment | Jeff A. Menges | Only creatures with flying can attack. | The purpose of any moat is to impede attack. Some are filled with water, some with thistles. Some are filled with things best left unseen. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
728 | 0727 | Mold Demon | Mold Demon | Legends | | Black | Summon | Demon | None | Rare | 000205 | 6 | 6 | 1075 | Summon Demon | Jesper Myrfors | When Mold Demon comes into play, sacrifice two swamps or bury Mold Demon. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
729 | 0728 | Moss Monster | Moss Monster | Legends | | Green | Summon | MossMonster | None | Common | 020003 | 3 | 6 | 100 | Summon MossMonster | Jesper Myrfors | None | After the battle, an eerie silence gripped the forest. The loser's remains were lightly dusted with green. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
730 | 0729 | Mountain Stronghold | Mountain Hold | Legends | | Grey | Land | na | None | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 300 | Land | Tom WΣnerstrand | All your red legends gain bands with other legends. | None | xBanding | None | None | None | None | None |
731 | 0730 | Mountain Yeti | Mountain Yeti | Legends | Chronicles | Red | Summon | Yeti | None | Uncommon | 002002 | 3 | 3 | 500 | Summon Yeti | Dan Frazier | Mountainwalk, protection from white | The Yeti's single greatest asset is its unnerving ability to blend in with its surroundings. | Protection from White | Mountainwalk | None | None | None | None |
732 | 0731 | Nebuchadnezzar | Nebuchadnezzar | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | Discard | Rare | 000113 | 3 | 3 | 1600 | Summon Legend | Richard Kane-Ferguson | |X |T: Name a card. Opponent reveals x cards from hand and discards all those matching named card. Only during controller's turn | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
733 | 0732 | Nether Void | Nether Void | Legends | | Black | Enchant | World | Counterspell | Rare | 000103 | na | na | 1450 | Enchant World | Harold McNeill | All spells are countered. The caster of a spell may pay |3 to prevent this effect. | These days, some wizards are finding that they have a little too musc spell left at the end of their mana. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
734 | 0733 | Nicol Bolas | Nicol Bolas | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | ElderDragon | Discard | Rare | 002222 | 7 | 7 | 3000 | Summon ElderDragon | Edward Beard╕ Jr. | An opponenet damaged by Nicol Bolas must discard entire hand. Pay|U|B|R during Upkeep or Nicol Bolas is buried. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
735 | 0734 | North Star | North Star | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 1500 | Artifact | Kaja Foglio | |4, |T: One spell you cast this turn may be paid for with any type of mana. The spell retains its normal color. Play this ability as an interrupt. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
736 | 0735 | Nova Pentacle | Nova Pentacle | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | Healing | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 1300 | Artifact | Richard Thomas | |3 |T: All damage dealt to you is redirect to target creature of opponent's choice. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
737 | 0736 | Osai Geier | Osai Geier | Legends | Fifth | White | Summon | Vultures | None | Uncommon | 100001 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Beschw÷rung von Geiern | Dan Frazier | K÷nnen fliegen.\\Lege am Ende jedes Zuges, in dem mindestens eine Kreatur auf dem Friedhof gelandet ist, eine Aasmarke auf die Geier.\\|0: Entferne zwei Aasmarken. Die Geier erhalten +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
738 | 0737 | Palladia-Mors | Palladia-Mors | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | ElderDragon | None | Rare | 222002 | 7 | 7 | 3000 | Summon ElderDragon | Edward Beard╕ Jr. | Pay |W|G|R during your upkeep or Palladia is buried. | None | Flying | Trample | None | None | None | None |
739 | 0738 | Part Water | Part Water | Legends | | Blue | Sorcery | na | None | Uncommon | 00001X | na | na | 400 | Sorcery | NΦNΦ Thomas | X target creatures gain islandwalk until end of turn. | ô... and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand and on their left.ö --- Exodus, 14:22 | xIslandwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
740 | 0739 | Pavel Maliki | Pavel Maliki | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 001104 | 5 | 3 | 600 | Summon Legend | Andi Rusu | |B|R: +1/+0 until end of turn | We all know the legend: Pavel wanders the realms, helping those in greatest need. But is this a measure of his generosity, or of his obligation to atone? | None | None | None | None | None | None |
741 | 0740 | Pendelhaven | Pendelhaven | Legends | | Grey | Land | Legendary | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 500 | Land Legendary | Bryon Wackwitz | |T: Add |G to your mana pool. ; |T: Target 1/1 creature gets +1/+2 until end of turn. | ôThis is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks... / Stand lik Druids of old.ö --- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ôEvangelineö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
742 | 0741 | Petra Sphinx | Petra Sphinx | Legends | Chronicles | White | Summon | Sphinx | Draw | Rare | 300002 | 3 | 4 | 1200 | Summon Sphinx | Sandra Everingham | |T: make target player guess the name of the next card of their library. Player then draws card and if correct it goes in hand otherwise it is discarded | What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening? | None | None | None | None | None | None |
743 | 0742 | Grubenskorpion | Grubenskorpion | Legends | Fifth | Black | Summon | Scorpion | None | Common | 000102 | 1 | 1 | 100 | BeschwΣrung von Skorpionen | Scott Kirschner | Wenn der Grubenskorpion einem Spieler Schaden zufⁿgt, bekommt dieser eine Giftmarke. Wenn ein Spieler zehn oder mehr Giftmarken hat, verliert er das Spiel. | Manchmal kann die kleinste Kleinigkeit die grΣ▀ten Schmerzen bereiten. | Poison:1 | None | None | None | None | None |
744 | 0743 | Pixie Queen | Pixie Queen | Legends | | Green | Summon | Pixie | None | Rare | 020002 | 1 | 1 | 1200 | Summon Pixie | Quinton Hoover | Flying ; |G|G|G |T: Target creature gains flying until end of turn. | None | Flying | xFlying | None | None | None | None |
745 | 0744 | Planar Gate | Planar Gate | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000006 | na | na | 1200 | Artifact | Melissa Benson | Pay up to |2 less than required whenever casting a summon spell. | Nireya reached through the Gate, sensing the energies trapped beyond. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
746 | 0745 | Prassende Zigeuner | Prassende Zigeuner | Legends | Fifth | Green | Summon | Gypsies | None | common | 010002 | 1 | 1 | 500 | BeschwΣrung von Zigeunern | Quinton Hoover | |1|G, |T: Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl erhΣlt -2/-0 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | ôEin wirklich erstaunliches Volk. Ihr Ursprung ist so geheimnisbeladen wie ihre Traditionen.ö\\ùLord Magnus von Llanowar | None | None | None | None | None | None |
747 | 0746 | Presence of the Master | Master's Presence | Legends | | White | Enchant | na | Counterspell | Uncommon | 100003 | na | na | 600 | Enchantment | Phil Foglio | All enchantments are countered. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
748 | 0747 | Primordial Ooze | Primordial Ooze | Legends | Chronicles | Red | Summon | Ooze | None | Rare | 001000 | 1 | 1 | 500 | Summon Ooze | Sandra Everingham | Gains +1/+1 each upkeep but must attack each turn. Pay one mana per combined points of power/tuff that the Ooze has gained or it does power in damage to you and is tapped | The thick, moving mass from the beginning of evolution swallows and digests the animate and inanimate as it unthinkingly strives to continue existence. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
749 | 0748 | Princess Lucrezia | Princess Lucrezia | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000123 | 5 | 4 | 600 | Summon Legend | Edward Beard╕ Jr. | |T: Add |U to your mana pool. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
750 | 0749 | Psionische Einheit | Psionische Einheit | Legends | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Entity | DirectFire | Rare | 000014 | 2 | 2 | 1100 | Beschw÷rung der Einheit | Justin Hampton | |T: Die Psionische Einheit fⁿgt einem Ziel Deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte und sich selber 3 Schadenspunkte zu. | Wesen aus der Σther sind dafⁿr bekannt, sich nicht um ihr eigenes Wohlbefinden zu kⁿmmern. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
751 | 0750 | Psychic Purge | Psychic Purge | Legends | | Blue | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Common | 000010 | na | na | 100 | Sorcery | Susan Van Camp | Psychic Purge deals 1 damage to target creature or player. If an effect controlled by an opponent causes Psychic Purge to be discarded, that opponent loses 5 life. Effects which prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter this loss of life. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
752 | 0751 | Puppet Master | Puppet Master | Legends | Chronicles | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000030 | na | na | 450 | Enchant Creature | Sandra Everingham | If target creature is sent to the graveyard, you may instead put creature in your hand. Pay |U|U|U to also put Puppet Master in hand or it is discarded | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
753 | 0752 | Pyrotechnik | Pyrotechnik | Legends | Fifth | Red | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Uncommon | 001004 | na | na | 100 | Hexerei | Anson Maddocks | Pyrotechnik erzeugt 4 Schadenspunkte, die Du beliebig auf Kreaturen und/oder Spieler aufteilen kannst. | ôHi! Ni! Ya! Schau, der Mann aus Feuerstein, das bin ich!\\Vier Blitze zickzacken aus mir, treffen und kehren wieder.ö\\ùKriegsgesang der Navajo | None | None | None | None | None | None |
754 | 0753 | Quagmire | Quagmire | Legends | | Black | Enchant | na | None | Common | 000102 | na | na | 400 | Enchantment | Dan Frazier | Creatures with swampwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
755 | 0754 | Quarum Trench Gnomes | Trench Gnomes | Legends | | Red | Summon | Gnomes | LandDestruct | Uncommon | 001003 | 1 | 1 | 1000 | Summon Gnomes | Dan Frazier | |T: to make target plains produce |1 until end of game. | ôO Great Captain, all is lost. They tunneled, they burrowed, they trenched. They sapped the strength of our defenses.ö --- Sorgus, Chronicles of the Quarum Plains | None | None | None | None | None | None |
756 | 0755 | Rabid Wombat | Rabid Wombat | Legends | Chronicles | Green | Summon | Wombat | None | Uncommon | 020002 | 0 | 1 | 910 | Summon Wombat | Kaja Foglio | Gains +2/+2 for each enchant in play and does not tap when attacking | None | Free Action | None | None | None | None | None |
757 | 0756 | Fⁿrstlicher Geist | Fⁿrstlicher Geist | Legends | Fifth | Green | Summon | Spirit | None | Uncommon | 010003 | 3 | 2 | 500 | BeschwΣrung eines Geistes | Christopher Rush | |T: Eine Kreatur Deiner Wahl verliert ihre FlugfΣhigkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. | ôAus der H÷he scho▀ ich her Im Stern- und Feuerscheine,\\Liege nun im Grase querùWer hilft mir auf die Beine?ö\\ùJohann Wolfgang Goethe, Faust | None | None | None | None | None | None |
758 | 0757 | Raging Bull | Raging Bull | Legends | | Red | Summon | Bull | None | Common | 001002 | 2 | 2 | 100 | Summon Bull | Randy Asplund-Faith | None | ôSometimes the bulls win, and sometimes the bears win. But the bulls have more fun.ö --- Anonymous | None | None | None | None | None | None |
759 | 0758 | Ragnar | Ragnar | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | Healing | Rare | 110010 | 2 | 2 | 1200 | Summon Legend | Melissa Benson | |U|W|G |T: Regenerate target creature. | ôOn the field of honor, a soldier need have no fear.ö | xRegeneration:UWG | None | None | None | None | None |
760 | 0759 | Ramirez DePietro | Ramirez DePietro | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 000213 | 4 | 3 | 600 | Summon Legend | Phil Foglio | First strike | Ramirez DePietro is a most flamboyant pirate. Be careful not to believe his tall tales, especially when you ask his age. | First Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
761 | 0760 | Ramses Overdark | Ramses Overdark | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 000222 | 4 | 3 | 1400 | Summon Legend | Richard Kane-Ferguson | |T: Destroy target creature with an enchantment played on it. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
762 | 0761 | Rapid Fire | Rapid Fire | Legends | | White | Instant | na | None | Rare | 100003 | na | na | 1050 | Instant | Justin Hampton | Target creature gains first strike until end of turn. If the creature does not have rampage, it also gains rampage 2 until end of turn. Play before defense is chosen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
763 | 0762 | Rasputin Dreamweaver | Rasputin | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | ManaSource | Rare | 100014 | 4 | 1 | 1200 | Summon Legend | Andi Rusu | Rasputin gains 7 counters when brought into play. 0: Remove a counter to prevent 1 damage to Rasputin. 0: Remove a counter to add |1 to your mana pool. During upkeep, Rasputin gains 1 counter if he started the turn untapped, up to a maximum of 7. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
764 | 0763 | Wiedergeburt | Wiedergeburt | Legends | Fifth | Green | Sorcery | na | Ante | Rare | 030003 | na | na | 1075 | Hexerei | Mark Tedin | Jeder der Spieler hat die M÷glichkeit, wieder auf 20 Lebenspunkte geheilt zu werden. Entscheidet sich ein Spieler dafⁿr, mu▀er die oberste Karte seiner Bibliothek seinem Einsatz hinzufⁿgen. Nimm diese Karte vor dem Spiel aus Deinem Stapel, wenn ohne Einsatz gespielt wird. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
765 | 0764 | Recall | Recall | Legends | Chronicles | Blue | Sorcery | na | Draw | Uncommon | 00001X | na | na | 1500 | Sorcery | Brian Snoddy | Discard x/2 cards to graveyard and take x/2 cards from graveyard into hand | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
766 | 0765 | Rote Manabatterie | Rote Manabatterie | Legends | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 850 | Artefakt | Mark Tedin | |2, |T: Lege eine Ladungsmarke auf die Manabatterie.\\|T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |R und entferne soviel Ladungsmarken wie Du willst. Pro Marke, die Du von der Manabatterie entfernst, erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat zusΣtzlich um |R. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
767 | 0766 | Reincarnation | Reincarnation | Legends | | Green | Instant | na | Draw | Uncommon | 020001 | na | na | 500 | Instant | Edward Beard╕ Jr. | Exchange one of your creatures which went to the graveyard this turn with any from your graveyard. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
768 | 0767 | Relic Barrier | Relic Barrier | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Uncommon | 000002 | na | na | 500 | Artifact | Harold McNeill | |T: Tap target artifact. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
769 | 0768 | Reliktenbindung | Reliktenbindung | Legends | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | Artifact | None | Rare | 000012 | na | na | 500 | Verzaubere Artefakt | Christopher Rush | Wenn das verzauberte Artefakt Deines Gegners getappt wird, kannst Du diesem Gegner einen Lebenspunkt geben oder mit Reliktenbildung einen Schadenspunkt zufⁿgen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
770 | 0769 | Remove Enchantment | Remove Enchantment | Legends | | White | Instant | na | None | Common | 100000 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Brian Snoddy | Remove all enchantments you control, all enchantments played on permanents you control, and all enchantments on all attacking creatures. Enchantments removed in this way are returned to your hand if you own them; otherwise they are destroyed. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
771 | 0770 | Remove Soul | Remove Soul | Legends | Chronicles | Blue | Interrupt | na | Counterspell | Common | 000011 | na | na | 100 | Interrupt | Brian Snoddy | Counters target summon spell. | Nethya stiffened suddenly, head cocked as if straining to hear some distant sound, then fell lifeless to the ground. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
772 | 0771 | Reset | Reset | Legends | | Blue | Interrupt | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000020 | na | na | 500 | Interrupt | Nicola Leonard | Untap all your lands. Play only during an opponent's turn after his or her upkeep phase. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
773 | 0772 | Revelation | Revelation | Legends | Chronicles | Green | Enchant | World | None | Rare | 010000 | na | na | 1150 | Enchant World | Kaja Foglio | All players place hands face up on playing surface at all times. | ôMany are in high place, and of renown: but mysteries are revealed unto the meek.ö ---Ecclesiasticus 3:19 | None | None | None | None | None | None |
774 | 0773 | Reverberation | Reverberation | Legends | | Blue | Instant | na | DirectFire | Rare | 000022 | na | na | 1200 | Instant | Justin Hampton | Redirect all damage from a sorcery to its caster. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
775 | 0774 | Righteous Avengers | Righteous Avengers | Legends | | White | Summon | Avengers | None | Uncommon | 100004 | 3 | 1 | 500 | Summon Avengers | Heather Hudson | Plainswalk | Few can withstand the wrath of the righteous. | Plainswalk | None | None | None | None | None |
776 | 0775 | Ring of Immortals | Ring of Immortals | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | Counterspell | Rare | 000005 | na | na | 1200 | Artifact | Melissa Benson | |3 |T: Counter target interrupt or enchantment, which must target a permanent you control. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
777 | 0776 | Riven Turnbull | Riven Turnbull | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | ManaSource | Uncommon | 000115 | 5 | 7 | 600 | Summon Legend | Richard Kane-Ferguson | |T: Add |B to your mana pool. | ôPolitical violence is a perfectly legitimate answer to the persecution handed down by dignitaries of the state.ö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
778 | 0777 | Rohgahh of Kher Keep | Rohgahh | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 002202 | 5 | 5 | 1500 | Summon Legend | Edward Beard╕ Jr. | All of your Kobolds of Kher Keep gain +2/+2. Pay |R|R|R during your upkeep, or Roghgahh and all Kobolds of Kher Keep become tapped and come under opponent's control. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
779 | 0778 | Rust | Rust | Legends | | Green | Interrupt | na | Counterspell | Common | 010000 | na | na | 100 | Interrupt | Liz Danforth | Counter target artifact effect, which must require an activation cost. | ôHow dull it is to pause, to make an end, / To rust unburnished, not to shine in use, / As though to breathe were life!ö --- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, ôUlyssesö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
780 | 0779 | Sea Kings' Blessing | Sea Kings' Blessing | Legends | | Blue | Instant | na | None | Uncommon | 000010 | na | na | 400 | Instant | Randy Asplund-Faith | Change the color of one or more target creatures to blue. This change lasts until end of turn. Costs to cast, tap, maintain, or use a special ability of targets remain unchanged. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
781 | 0780 | Seafarer's Quay | Seafarer's Quay | Legends | | Grey | Land | na | None | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 330 | Land | Tom WΣnerstrand | All your blue legends gain bands with other legends. | None | xBanding | None | None | None | None | None |
782 | 0781 | Suchender | Suchender | Legends | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 200002 | na | na | 500 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Mark Poole | Die verzauberte Kreatur kann nur von |Swei▀en und Artefaktkreaturen geblockt werden. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
783 | 0782 | Segovianischer Leviathan | Segovianischer Leviathan | Legends | Fourth | Blue | Summon | Leviathan | None | Uncommon | 000014 | 3 | 3 | 500 | BeschwΣrung eines Leviathans | Melissa Benson | |HInseltarnung | ôFΣngst Du den Leviathan mit einer Angel,\\da▀ ihm die Schnur die Zunge niederdrⁿckt?ö\\ùDie Bibel, Hiob 40:25 | Islandwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
784 | 0783 | Sentinel | Sentinel | Legends | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Rare | 000004 | 1 | 0 | 1200 | Artifact Creature | Randy Asplund-Faith | You may choose to change sentinal's tough to 1+ the power of any creature it blocks or is blocked by at the time of that combat. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
785 | 0784 | Serpent Generator | Serpent Generator | Legends | Chronicles | Grey | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000006 | na | na | 2200 | Artifact | Mark Tedin | |4 |T: create a 1/1 poison snake. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
786 | 0785 | Shelkin Brownie | Shelkin Brownie | Legends | | Green | Summon | Faerie | None | Common | 010001 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Faerie | Douglas Shuler | |T: Target creature loses bands with other until end of turn. | Leave a bowl of milk on your doorstep each night for the brownies or they'll cause you no end of mischief. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
787 | 0786 | Shield Wall | Shield Wall | Legends | Chronicles | White | Instant | na | None | Common | 100001 | na | na | 400 | Instant | Douglas Shuler | All your creatures gain +0/+2 until end of turn | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
788 | 0787 | Shimian Night Stalker | Night Stalker | Legends | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Stalker | Healing | Uncommon | 000203 | 4 | 4 | 600 | Summon Stalker | Jesper Myrfors | |B |T: make stalker take all damage done to you by an attacking creature | ô'Tis now the very witching time of night,/ When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out/ Contagion to this world.ö ---William Shakespeare, Hamlet | None | None | None | None | None | None |
789 | 0788 | Silhouette | Silhouette | Legends | | Blue | Instant | na | None | Common | 000011 | na | na | 400 | Instant | Kaja Foglio | Until end of turn, all damage dealt to target creature by spells or effects that target it is reduced to 0. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
790 | 0789 | Sir Shandlar of Eberyn | Sir Shandlar | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 110004 | 4 | 7 | 600 | Summon Legend | Andi Rusu | None | ôRemember Sir Shandlar! Remember and stand firm!ö --- rallying cry of the Eberyn militia | None | None | None | None | None | None |
791 | 0790 | Sivitri Scarzam | Sivitri Scarzam | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 000115 | 6 | 4 | 600 | Summon Legend | NΦNΦ Thomas | None | Even the brave have cause to tremble at the sight of Sivitri Scarzam. Who else has tamed Scarzam's Dragon? | None | None | None | None | None | None |
792 | 0791 | Sol'kanar the Swamp King | Sol'kanar | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | GainLife | Rare | 001112 | 5 | 5 | 2300 | Summon Legend | Richard Kane-Ferguson | Any black spell cast by any player gives you one life while Sol'kanar is in play | None | Swampwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
793 | 0792 | Spectral Cloak | Spectral Cloak | Legends | | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000020 | na | na | 800 | Enchant Creature | Rob Alexander | As long as target creature is untapped, it cannot be the target of fast effects, sorceries, or enchantments. This effect does not cause enchantments on the creature to be destroyed. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
794 | 0793 | Spinal Villain | Spinal Villain | Legends | | Red | Summon | Villain | None | Uncommon | 001002 | 1 | 2 | 1500 | Summon Villain | Anson Maddocks | |T: Destroy target blue creature. | ôStriking silent as a dream, / Cutting short the strangled scream ...ö --- Tobrian, ôWatchdragonö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
795 | 0794 | Geisteskontakt | Geisteskontakt | Legends | Fifth | White | Enchant | Creature | GainLife | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 1450 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Kaja Foglio | Du erhΣltst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu fⁿr jeden Schadenspunkt, den die verzauberte Kreatur zufⁿgt. | ôEs tut mir leid, Kaerveks Sucht nach Macht fⁿttern zu mⁿssenùes ist viel besser, mit Tieren zu leben, die frei von solchen Gelⁿsten sind.ö\\ùJolrael | None | None | None | None | None | None |
796 | 0795 | Geisterfessel | Geisterfessel | Legends | Fifth | Black | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000200 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Edward Beard╕ Jr. | Lege jedesmal, wenn sie getappt wird, eine -0/-2 Spielmarke auf die verzauberte Kreatur. Diese Marken bleiben auch bestehen, wenn die Geisterfessel entfernt wird. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
797 | 0796 | Spiritual Sanctuary | Spiritual Sanctuary | Legends | | White | Enchant | na | GainLife | Rare | 200002 | na | na | 1100 | Enchantment | Amy Weber | During each player's upkeep, that player gains 1 life if he or she controls any plains. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
798 | 0797 | Stangg | Stangg | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 011004 | 3 | 4 | 1300 | Summon Legend | Mark Poole | When Stangg comes into play a Stangg twin also comes into play. If either leaves play, the other also leaves play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
799 | 0798 | Storm Seeker | Storm Seeker | Legends | Chronicles | Green | Instant | na | DirectFire | Uncommon | 010003 | na | na | 1000 | Instant | Mark Poole | Opponent loses 1 life for each card in their hand | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
800 | 0799 | Storm World | Strorm World | Legends | | Red | Enchant | World | None | Rare | 001000 | na | na | 1000 | Enchant World | Christopher Rush | At the end of each player's upkeep, Storm World deals that player 1 damage for each card in his or her hand fewer than four. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
801 | 0800 | Subdue | Subdue | Legends | | Green | Instant | na | None | Common | 010000 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Brian Snoddy | Target creature gets +0/+X until end of turn, where X is target creature's casting cost. That creature deals no damage during combat this turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
802 | 0801 | Sunastian Falconer | Sunastian | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | ManaSource | Uncommon | 011003 | 4 | 4 | 600 | Summon Legend | Christopher Rush | |T: Add 2 colorless mana to your mana pool. Play this ability as an interrupt. | Sunastian has roots in both sorcery and swordplay; he has learned never to depend too heavily on the latter. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
803 | 0802 | Sword of the Ages | Sword of the Ages | Legends | | Brown | Artifact | na | DirectFire | Rare | 000006 | na | na | 2500 | Artifact | Dan Frazier | Sword of the Ages comes into play tapped. |T: Sacrifice Sword of the Ages and any number of creatures. Remove these creatures and Sword of the Ages from the game instead of putting them in the graveyard. Sword of the Ages deals damage... | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
804 | 0803 | Waldesbibliothek | Waldesbibliothek | Legends | Fifth | Green | Enchant | na | Draw | Rare | 010001 | na | na | 780 | Verzauberung | Harold McNeill | |0: Ziehe zwei Karten, dann wΣhle zwei der Karten, die Du in diesem Zug gezogen hast. Zahle fⁿr jede dieser Karten 4 Lebenspunkte oder lege die Karte zurⁿck oben auf Deine Bibliothek. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur wΣhrend Deiner Kartenziehphase und nur einmal pro Zug. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
805 | 0804 | Sylvan Paradise | Sylvan Paradise | Legends | | Green | Instant | na | None | Uncommon | 010000 | na | na | 400 | Instant | Randy Asplund-Faith | Change the color of one or more target creatures to green. This change lasts until end of turn. Costs to cast, tap, maintain, or use a special ability of targets remain unchanged. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
806 | 0805 | Syphon Soul | Syphon Soul | Legends | | Black | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Common | 000102 | na | na | 100 | Sorcery | Melissa Benson | Syphon Soul deals 2 damage to all players other than you. You then gain 1 life for each 1 damage dealt. | ôHer lips suck forth; see where it flies!ö --- Christopher Marlowe, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus | None | None | None | None | None | None |
807 | 0806 | Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale | Pendrell Tabernacle | Legends | | Grey | Land | Legendary | None | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 1600 | Land Legendary | Nicola Leonard | All players must pay one mana during thier upkeep for each of their creatures in play discarding those creatures not paid for. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
808 | 0807 | Takklemaggot | Takklemaggot | Legends | Chronicles | Black | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000202 | na | na | 500 | Enchant Creature | Daniel Gelon | Target loses 1 tough during each of your upkeep phases until dead. You must then move enchant to another creature of your choice until all creatures are gone. Maggot then becomes regular enchant and does 1 damage to you each turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
809 | 0808 | Telekinesis | Telekinesis | Legends | | Blue | Instant | na | None | Rare | 000020 | na | na | 1200 | Instant | Daniel Gelon | Target creature deals no damage in combat this turn. If that creature is not already tapped, tap it. That permanent does not untap as normal during its controller's next two untap phases. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
810 | 0809 | Teleport | Teleport | Legends | Chronicles | Blue | Instant | na | None | Rare | 000030 | na | na | 1200 | Instant | Douglas Shuler | Target creature cannot be blocked until end of turn. Play after attack is declared and before block are chosen | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
811 | 0810 | Sturm-Ifrit | Sturm-Ifrit | Legends | Fifth | Red | Summon | Efreet | Ante | Rare | 003001 | 3 | 3 | 1050 | Beschw÷rung eines Ifrits | NΦNΦ Thomas | |T: Ziehe eine Karte aus dem Blatt des Gegners und nimm sie auf die Hand. Lege den Sturm-Ifrit dann auf dem Friedhof des Gegners ab. Dieser Besitzerwechsel ist permanent. Spiele diese Eigenschaft wie einen Unterbrechungszauber. Zahlt oder gibt der Gegner 10 Lebenspunkte auf, kann er diesen Effekt verhindern. Dann lege den Sturm-Ifrit auf Deinem Friedhof ab. Wird ohne Einsatz gespielt, nimm diese Karte vor dem Spiel aus Deinem Stapel. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
812 | 0811 | Tetsuo Umezawa | Tetsuo Umezawa | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 001110 | 3 | 3 | 1600 | Summon Legend | Julie Baroh | Tetsuo Umezawa cannot be the target of enchant creature spells. |R|B|B|U: Destroy target tapped or blocking creature. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
813 | 0812 | The Abyss | The Abyss | Legends | | Black | Enchant | World | None | Rare | 000103 | na | na | 2000 | Enchant World | Pete Venters | During each player's upkeep, that player buries target non-artifact creature he or she controls. | ôAn immense river of oblivion is sweeping us away into a nameless abyss.ö --- Ernest Reman, Souvenirs d'Enfance et de Jeunesse | None | None | None | None | None | None |
814 | 0813 | Die Bestie | Die Bestie | Legends | Fifth | Red | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 001001 | na | na | 100 | Verzaubere Kreatur | Mark Poole | Die verzauberte Kreatur erhΣlt +1/+0.\\|R|R|R: Regeneriere die verzauberte Kreatur. | Nachdem er jahrelang nur herumgeschubst wurde, nutzte Fergo seine neugefundene StΣrke weidlich aus: Er traf nie wieder einen Mann, gegen den er nicht kΣmpfen wollte. | xRegeneration:RRR | None | None | None | None | None |
815 | 0814 | The Lady of the Mountain | Lady of the Mount | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 011004 | 5 | 5 | 600 | Summon Legend | Richard Kane-Ferguson | None | Her given name has been lost in the mists of time. Legend says that her silent vigil will one day be ended by the one who, pure of heart and spirit, calls out that name again. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
816 | 0815 | The Wretched | The Wretched | Legends | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Wretched | Control | Rare | 000203 | 2 | 5 | 2800 | Summon Wretched | Christopher Rush | Any creature blocking the wretched comes under your control for the rest of the duel or until the Wretched that it blocked leaves play | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
817 | 0816 | Thunder Spirit | Thunder Spirit | Legends | | White | Summon | Spirit | None | Rare | 200001 | 2 | 2 | 2300 | Summon Spirit | Randy Asplund-Faith | First strike, flying | ôIt was full of fire and smoke and light and ... it drove between us and the Efrafans like a thousand thunderstorms with lightningö --- Richard Adams, Watership Down | Flying | First Strike | None | None | None | None |
818 | 0817 | Zeitelementar | Zeitelementar | Legends | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Elemental | Permission | Rare | 000012 | 0 | 2 | 2200 | BeschwΣrung eines Elementarwesens | Amy Weber | Wenn das Zeitelementar angreift oder blockt, fⁿgt es seinem Beherrscher 5 Schadenspunkte zu und wird am Ende des Kampfes begraben.\\|2|U|U, |T: Bringe eine bleibende Karte Deiner Wahl, die keine Verzauberung auf sich liegen hat, auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurⁿck. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
819 | 0818 | Tobias Andrion | Tobias Andrion | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 100013 | 4 | 4 | 600 | Summon Legend | Andi Rusu | None | Administrator of the military state of Sheoltun, Tobias Andrion is the military right arm of the empire and the figurehead of its freedom. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
820 | 0819 | Tolaria | Tolaria | Legends | | Grey | Land | Legenary | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 500 | Land Legenary | Nicola Leonard | |T: Add |U to your mana pool. |T: Target creature loses banding and all bands with other abilities until end of turn. Use this ability only during upkeep. | ôFairest Isle, all isles excelling, / Seat of Pleasures, and of loves...ö --- Johny Dryden | None | None | None | None | None | None |
821 | 0820 | Tor Wauki | Tor Wauki | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | DirectFire | Uncommon | 001202 | 3 | 3 | 600 | Summon Legend | Randy Asplund-Faith | |T: during attack to do 2 damage to any attacking or blocking creature | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
822 | 0821 | Torsten Von Ursus | Torsten | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Uncommon | 120003 | 5 | 5 | 600 | Summon Legend | Mark Poole | None | ôHow can you accuse me of evil? Though these deeds be unsavory, no one will argue: good shall follow from them.ö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
823 | 0822 | Touch of Darkness | Touch of Darkness | Legends | | Black | Instant | na | None | Common | 000100 | na | na | 400 | Instant | Pete Venters | Change the color of one or more target creatures to black. This change lasts until end of turn. Costs to cast, tap, maintain, or use a special ability of targets remain unchanged. | ôBlack, spirits and white, red spirits and gray, / Mingle, mingle, mingle, you that mingle may.ö --- Thomas Middleton, The Witch | None | None | None | None | None | None |
824 | 0823 | Transmutation | Transmutation | Legends | Chronicles | Black | Instant | na | None | Common | 000101 | na | na | 100 | Instant | Susan Van Camp | Target creatures power is switched with toughness until end of turn killing creatures whose tuff drops below 1 | ôYou know what I was,/ You see what I am: change me, change me!ö ---Randall Jarrell, The Woman at the Washington Zoo | None | None | None | None | None | None |
825 | 0824 | Triassic Egg | Triassic Egg | Legends | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 1200 | Artifact | Dan Frazier | |3, |T: during 2 upkeeps to summon any creature from your hand or graveyard at no casting cost. Discarded after use. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
826 | 0825 | Tuknir Deathlock | Tuknir Deathlock | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 022000 | 2 | 2 | 1200 | Summon Legend | Liz Danforth | Flying |G|R, |T: Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. | An explorer of the Aether, Tuknir often discovers himself in the most unusual physical realms. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
827 | 0826 | Tundraw÷lfe | Tundraw÷lfe | Legends | Fifth | White | Summon | Wolves | None | Common | 100000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | BeschwΣrung von W÷lfen | Quinton Hoover | Erstschlag | Ich hΣrte ein unheimliches Heulen, die W÷lfe versammelten ihre Rudel auf den gefrorenen Ebenen. | First Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
828 | 0827 | Typhoon | Typhoon | Legends | | Green | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Uncommon | 010002 | na | na | 1200 | Sorcery | Anson Maddocks | Typhoon deals 1 damage to each opponent for each island he or she controls. | Fierce winds ripped across the tropical landscape. What they did not destroy with their fiery breath was washed away by torrential rain. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
829 | 0828 | Undertow | Undertow | Legends | | Blue | Enchant | na | None | Common | 000012 | na | na | 450 | Enchantment | Randy Asplund-Faith | Creatures with islandwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
830 | 0829 | Underworld Dreams | Underworld Dreams | Legends | | Black | Enchant | na | None | Uncommon | 000300 | na | na | 1200 | Enchantment | Julie Baroh | Underworld Dreams deals 1 damage to target opponent for each card he or she draws. | ôIn the drowsy dark cave of the mind dreams build their nest with fragments dropped from the day's caravan.ö --- Rabindranath Tagore | None | None | None | None | None | None |
831 | 0830 | Unholy Citadel | Unholy Citadel | Legends | | Grey | Land | na | None | Uncommon | 000000 | na | na | 400 | Land | Mark Poole | All your black legends gain bands with other legends. | None | xBanding | None | None | None | None | None |
832 | 0831 | UngezΣhmte Wildnis | UngezΣhmte Wildnis | Legends | Fifth | Green | Sorcery | na | ManaSource | Uncommon | 010002 | na | na | 500 | Hexerei | NΦNΦ Thomas | Durchsuche Deine Bibliothek nach einem Standardland und bringe dieses sofort ins Spiel. Mische Deine Bibliothek danach neu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
833 | 0832 | Ur-Drago | Ur-Drago | Legends | | Gold | Summon | Legend | None | Rare | 000223 | 4 | 4 | 1300 | Summon Legend | Christopher Rush | First strike Creatures with swampwalk may be blocked as if they did not have this ability. | None | First Strike | None | None | None | None | None |
834 | 0833 | Urborg | Urborg | Legends | | Grey | Land | Legendary | ManaSource | Rare | 000000 | na | na | 400 | Land Legendary | Bryon Wackwitz | |T: Add |B to your mana pool. \\|T: Target creature loses swampwalk or first strike until end of turn. | ôResignedly beneath the sky / The melancholy waters lie. / So blend the turrets and shadows there / That all seem pendulous in air, / While from a proud tower in town / Death looks gigantically down.ö --- Edgar Allen Poe, ôThe City in the Seaö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
835 | 0834 | Vaevictis Asmadi | Vaevictis Asmadi | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | ElderDragon | PowerUp | Rare | 022202 | 7 | 7 | 3000 | Summon ElderDragon | Andi Rusu | Upkeep |B,|R,|G. PowerUp |B, |R or |G to gain +1/+0 until end of turn. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
836 | 0835 | VampirfledermΣuse | VampirfledermΣuse | Legends | Fifth | Black | Summon | Bats | None | Common | 000100 | 0 | 1 | 100 | Beschw÷rung von FledermΣusen | Anson Maddocks | Fliegend\\|B: +1/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Du kannst nicht mehr als |B|B auf diese Art pro Zug ausgeben. | ôDenn etwas ist verkehrt oder fehl am Platze\\Wenn geflⁿgelte MΣuse zeigen eine menschliche Fratze.ö\\ùTheodore Roethke, ôDie Fledermausö | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
837 | 0836 | Venarian Gold | Venarian Gold | Legends | | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Common | 00002X | na | na | 100 | Enchant Creature | Daniel Gelon | Put X sleep counters on target creature. Target creature becomes tapped when Venarian Gold is cast. Creature does not untap as normal if it has any sleep counters on it. Remove one sleep counter during creature's controller's upkeep. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
838 | 0837 | Visionen | Visionen | Legends | Fifth | White | Sorcery | na | None | Uncommon | 100000 | na | na | 500 | Hexerei | NΦNΦ Thomas | Du darfst Dir die obersten fⁿnf Karten irgendeiner Bibliothek ansehen. Du kannst dann die Bibliothek neu mischen, wenn Du willst. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
839 | 0838 | Voodoo Doll | Voodoo Doll | Legends | Chronicles | Brown | Artifact | na | DirectFire | Rare | 000006 | na | na | 1200 | Artifact | Sandra Everingham | |T: and pay 2x colorless mana to do x damage to any target. 1st turn x is equal to 1 and it increases by one on each of your upkeeps. Doll must be tapped on each of your turns or it goes to graveyard and you suffer x as determined above. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
840 | 0839 | Walking Dead | Walking Dead | Legends | | Black | Summon | Dead | None | Common | 000101 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Dead | Dan Frazier | |B: Regenerates | The Walking Dead are the remains of freakish experiments by the Necromantic Lords. | Regeneration:B | None | None | None | None | None |
841 | 0840 | Wall of Caltrops | Wall of Caltrops | Legends | | White | Summon | Wall | None | Common | 100001 | 2 | 1 | 100 | Summon Wall | Brian Snoddy | If Wall of Caltrops and one or more other walls join to block an attacker, and no non-wall creatures block that attacker, Wall of Caltrops gains banding until end of turn. | ôOw! Ow ow ow! Oooh, ow, OW!ö | xBanding | None | None | None | None | None |
842 | 0841 | Staubwolke | Staubwolke | Legends | Fifth | Red | Summon | Wall | None | Uncommon | 001002 | 1 | 4 | 400 | Beschw÷rung einer Mauer | Richard Thomas | Eine Kreatur, die durch die Staubwolke geblockt wurde, darf im nΣchsten Zug ihres Beherrschers nicht angreifen. | Eine unaufh÷rlich umherwallende Staubwolke umgibt und verwirrt alles, was in ihre NΣhe kommt. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
843 | 0842 | Wall of Earth | Wall of Earth | Legends | | Red | Summon | Wall | None | Common | 001001 | 0 | 6 | 100 | Summon Wall | Richard Thomas | None | The ground shuddered violently and the earth seemed to come to life. The elemental force contained in the vast wall of earth was trapped, bent to its controller's will. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
844 | 0843 | Wall of Heat | Wall of Heat | Legends | Chronicles | Red | Summon | Wall | None | Common | 001002 | 2 | 6 | 100 | Summon Wall | Richard Thomas | None | At a distance, we mistook the sound for a waterfall ... | None | None | None | None | None | None |
845 | 0844 | Wall of Light | Wall of Light | Legends | | White | Summon | Wall | None | Uncommon | 100002 | 1 | 5 | 400 | Summon Wall | Richard Thomas | Protection from black | As many attackers were dazzles by the wall's beauty as were halted by its force. | Protection from Black | None | None | None | None | None |
846 | 0845 | Wall of Opposition | Wall of Opposition | Legends | Chronicles | Red | Summon | Wall | PowerUp | Rare | 002003 | 0 | 6 | 1100 | Summon Wall | Harold McNeill | |1: Gain +1/+0 until end of turn | Like so many obstacles in life, the Wall of Opposition is but an illusion, held fast by the focus and belief of the one who creates it. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
847 | 0846 | Wall of Putrid Flesh | Wall of Putrid Flesh | Legends | | Black | Summon | Wall | None | Uncommon | 000102 | 2 | 4 | 500 | Summon Wall | Richard Thomas | Protection from white All damage dealt to Wall of Putrid Flesh by creatures with enchantment cards played on them is reduced to 0. | None | Protection from White | None | None | None | None | None |
848 | 0847 | Wall of Shadows | Wall of Shadows | Legends | Chronicles | Black | Summon | Wall | None | Common | 000201 | 0 | 1 | 100 | Summon Wall | Pete Venters | Damage done to wall by creatures it blocks is reduced to 0 and effects which only target walls may not target Wall of Shadows | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
849 | 0848 | Wall of Tombstones | Wall of Tombstones | Legends | | Black | Summon | Wall | None | Uncommon | 000101 | 0 | 1 | 400 | Summon Wall | Dan Frazier | At the end of controller's upkeep, toughness of Wall of Tombstones becomes 1+ the number of creatures in controller's graveyard. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
850 | 0849 | Wall of Vapor | Wall of Vapor | Legends | Chronicles | Blue | Summon | Wall | None | Common | 000013 | 0 | 1 | 100 | Summon Wall | Richard Thomas | Damage done to wall by creatures it blocks is reduced to 0. | ôWalls of a castle are made out of stone,/ Walls of a house out of bricks or of wood./ My walls are made out of magic alone,/ Stronger than any that ever have stood.ö ---Chrysoberyl Earthsdaughter, Incantations | None | None | None | None | None | None |
851 | 0850 | Wall of Wonder | Wall of Wonder | Legends | Chronicles | Blue | Summon | Wall | None | Uncommon | 000022 | 1 | 5 | 500 | Summon Wall | Richard Thomas | |U|U|2: to make wall +4/-4 and allow it to attack this turn | So confusing is the wall's appearance that few of its victims even see it move. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
852 | 0851 | Wirbelnder Derwisch | Wirbelnder Derwisch | Legends | Fifth | Green | Summon | Dervish | None | Uncommon | 020000 | 1 | 1 | 800 | BeschwΣrung eines Derwischs | Susan Van Camp | Schutz vor |S2Schwarz\\Wenn der Wirbelnde Derwisch einem Gegner Schaden zufⁿgt, lege am Ende des Zuges eine +1/+1 Marke auf ihn. | None | Protection from Black | None | None | None | None | None |
853 | 0852 | Wei▀e Manabatterie | Wei▀e Manabatterie | Legends | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Rare | 000004 | na | na | 750 | Artefakt | Anthony Waters | |2, |T: Lege eine Ladungsmarke auf die Manabatterie.\\|T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um |W und entferne soviel Ladungsmarken wie Du willst. Pro Marke, die Du von der Manabatterie entfernst, erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat zusΣtzlich um |W. Spiele diese FΣhigkeit wie eine Manaquelle. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
854 | 0853 | Willow Satyr | Willow Satyr | Legends | | Green | Summon | Satyr | Control | Rare | 020002 | 1 | 1 | 1200 | Summon Satyr | Jeff A. Menges | |T: Satyr to control target legend until Satyr or legend is destroyed. You loose control of legend if Satry leaves play or becomes untapped. You may choose not to untap Satyr during untap. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
855 | 0854 | Winde des Wechsels | Winde des Wechsels | Legends | Fifth | Red | Sorcery | na | Draw | Uncommon | 001000 | na | na | 600 | Hexerei | Justin Hampton | Alle Spieler mischen ihr Blatt in ihre Bibliothek und ziehen fⁿr sich genausoviele neue Karten, wie sie vorher auf der Hand hatten. | ôEs sind die gesetzten Segel und nicht der Sturm\\Die uns erzΣhlen, wohin es geht.ö\\ùElla Wheeler Wilcox | None | None | None | None | None | None |
856 | 0855 | Wintereinbruch | Wintereinbruch | Legends | Fifth | Green | Sorcery | na | DirectFire | Uncommon | 01000X | na | na | 1400 | Hexerei | Kaja Foglio | Tappe X Kreaturen Deiner Wahl. Der Wintereinbruch fⁿgt jeder dieser Kreaturen, die FlugfΣhigkeit hat, 2 Schadenspunkte zu. | ôBlase, Wind, und puste Deine Wangen auf! Wⁿte! Blase!ö\\ùWilliam Shakespeare, K÷nig Lear | None | None | None | None | None | None |
857 | 0856 | Wolverine Pack | Wolverine Pack | Legends | | Green | Summon | Wolverines | None | Common | 020002 | 2 | 4 | 100 | Summon Wolverines | Jeff A. Menges | Rampage: 2 | ôGive them great meals of beef and iron and steel, they will eat like wolves and fight like devils.ö --- William Shakespeare, King Henry V | Rampage:2 | None | None | None | None | None |
858 | 0857 | Wood Elemental | Wood Elemental | Legends | | Green | Summon | Elemental | None | Rare | 010003 | 0 | 0 | 1100 | Summon Elemental | Brian Snoddy | Wood Elemental's power and toughness are each equal to the number of untapped forests you sacrifice when Wood Elemental enters play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
859 | 0858 | Xira Arien | Xira Arien | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | Draw | Rare | 011100 | 1 | 2 | 1200 | Summon Legend | Melissa Benson | |B|G|R, |T: to draw one card | A regular guest at the Royal Masquerade, Arien is the envy of the Court. She appears in a new costume every hour. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
860 | 0859 | Westwindfalke | Westwindfalke | Legends | Fifth | Blue | Summon | Falcon | None | Common | 000011 | 1 | 1 | 100 | BeschwΣrung eines Falken | Heather Hudson | Fliegend\\Der Westwindfalke wird beim Angreifen nicht getappt. | Obwohl er unter Falknern sehr geschΣtzt ist, ist der Westwindfalke sehr launenhaft und schwer zu zΣhmen. | Flying | Free Action | None | None | None | None |
861 | 0860 | Ruf aus der Gruft | Ruf aus der Gruft | Astral | | Black | Sorcery | na | Draw | Special | 000102 | na | na | 1000 | Hexerei | Quinton Hoover | Bestimme zufΣllig eine Kreatur aus einem Friedhof und bringe diese direkt unter Deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel. Behandle diese Kreatur, als ob sie gerade gesprochen worden wΣre. Der Ruf aus der Gruft fⁿgt Dir Schadenspunkte in H÷he der Spruchkosten der Kreatur zu. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
862 | 0861 | Prismadrache | Prismadrache | Astral | | White | Summon | Dragon | None | Special | 200002 | 2 | 3 | 1000 | Beschw÷rung eines Drachen | Amy Weber | Fliegend.\\Die Farbe des Prismadrachen wechselt wΣhrend der Versorgungsphase des Beherrschers zufΣllig zu einer der fⁿnf Standardfarben.\\|2: Die Farbe des Prismadrachen wechselt zufΣllig zu einer der fⁿnf Standardfarben. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
863 | 0862 | Regenbogenritter | Regenbogenritter | Astral | | White | Summon | Knights | PowerUp | Special | 200000 | 2 | 1 | 1000 | Beschw÷rung von Rittern | Douglas Shuler | Bestimme zufΣllig eine Farbe, wenn die Regenbogenritter ins Spiel kommen. Die Regenbogenritter erhalten Schutz vor dieser Farbe.\\|1: Erstschlag bis zum Ende des Zuges.\\|W|W: Die Regenbogenritter erhalten zufΣllig +0/+0, +1/+0 oder +2/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges. | None | xFirst Strike | xProtection from White | xProtection from Blue | xProtection from Green | xProtection from Red | xProtection from Black |
864 | 0863 | Die Bⁿchse der Pandora | Die Bⁿchse der Pandora | Astral | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Special | 000005 | na | na | 1000 | Artefakt | Amy Weber | |3, |T: Bestimme zufΣllig eine Beschw÷rungskarte aus allen Bibliotheken. Bringe ein oder zwei Spielsteinkreaturen des gewΣhlten Typs ins Spiel. Behandle jede wie eine genaue Kopie der gewΣhlten Kreatur und als ob sie gerade beschworen wurde. Kommen zwei Kreaturen ins Spiel, erhΣlt jeder Spieler die Kontrolle ⁿber eine, kommt nur eine ins Spiel, wird ihr Beherrscher zufΣllig bestimmt. Behandle jede Spielsteinkreatur so als sei ihr Beherrscher auch ihr Besitzer. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
865 | 0864 | Laune | Laune | Astral | | Blue | Sorcery | na | None | Special | 00002X | na | na | 1000 | Hexerei | Anson Maddocks | Wenn die Laune verrechnet wird, werden X Soforteffekte zufΣllig aus der Launen-Effektliste bestimmt und nacheinander verrechnet. Ben÷tigt ein Soforteffekt ein Ziel, wird dieses zufΣllig aus den gⁿltigen Zielen im Spiel bestimmt. Ist fⁿr einen gewΣhlten Soforteffekt kein gⁿltiges Ziel vorhanden, verpufft der Effekt. Es k÷nnen keine anderen Zaubersprⁿche oder Effekte gesprochen bzw. benutzt werden, nachdem begonnen wurde, die Laune zu verrechnen und bevor dies beendet wurde. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
866 | 0865 | Feendrachen | Feendrachen | Astral | | Green | Summon | Dragon | None | Special | 020002 | 1 | 3 | 1000 | Beschw÷rung eines Drachen | NΦNΦ Thomas | Fliegend.\\|1|G|G: Ein zufΣllig bestimmter Soforteffekt aus den Feendrachen-Effekten wird bei einer zufΣllig gewΣhlten Zielkreatur angewendet. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
867 | 0866 | Polkaband der Goblins | Polkaband der Goblins | Astral | | Red | Summon | Goblin | PowerUp | Special | 002000 | 1 | 1 | 1000 | Beschw÷rung von Goblins | Quinton Hoover | |2, |T: Bestimme zufΣllig X Zielkreaturen, wobei X der Anzahl an rotem Mana entspricht, welches Du zusΣtzlich zu den Aktivierungskosten bezahlst. Diese Kreaturen werden getappt. Ein Goblin, auf den auf diese Weise gezielt wird, enttappt nicht wΣhrend der nΣchsten Enttap-Phase seines Beherrschers. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
868 | 0867 | Machtkampf | Machtkampf | Astral | | Blue | Enchant | na | Control | Special | 000032 | na | na | 1000 | Verzauberung | Mark Tedin | WΣhrend der Versorgungsphasen jeden Spielers, tauscht dieser die Kontrolle ⁿber ein Zielartefakt, eine Zielkreatur oder ein Zielland fⁿr eine bleibende Karte gleichen Typs, die ein zufΣllig bestimmter Gegner kontrolliert. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
869 | 0868 | Aswanjaguar | Aswanjaguar | Astral | | Green | Summon | Jaguar | None | Special | 020001 | 2 | 2 | 1000 | Beschw÷rung eines Jaguars | Pat Morrissey | Wenn der Aswanjaguar ins Spiel kommt, bestimme zufΣllig einen Nicht-Artefakt-Kreaturentyp aus dem Deck eines Gegners Deiner Wahl.\\|G|G, |T: Begrabe eine Zielkreatur des Typs, der bestimmt wurde, als der Aswanjaguar ins Spiel kam. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
870 | 0869 | Ork-Katapult | Ork-Katapult | Astral | | Red | Instant | na | DirectFire | Special | 00200X | na | na | 1000 | Spontanzauber | Melissa Benson | Bestimme zufΣllig X Zielkreaturen. Die selbe Kreatur darf hierbei mehr als einmal gewΣhlt werden. Lege jedesmal eine -0/-1 Marken auf eine Kreatur, wenn sie bestimmt wurde. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
871 | 0870 | Edelsteinbasar | Edelsteinbasar | Astral | | Grey | Land | na | ManaSource | Special | 000000 | na | na | 1000 | Land | Liz Danforth | Bestimme zufΣllig eine Manafarbe fⁿr den Edelsteinbasar, wenn er ins Spiel kommt.\\|T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um 1 Mana der fⁿr den Edelsteinbasar zuletzt bestimmten Farbe und bestimme zufΣllig eine andere Manafarbe fⁿr den Edelsteinbasar. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
872 | 0871 | Nekropolis von Azar | Nekropolis von Azar | Astral | | Black | Enchant | na | None | Special | 000202 | na | na | 1000 | Verzauberung | Rob Alexander | Lege eine Leichenmarke auf die Nekropolis von Azar, wenn eine |Snicht-schwarze Kreatur auf dem Friedhof landet.\\|5: Entferne eine Leichenmarke von der Nekropolis von Azar, um einen Brut von Azar Spielstein ins Spiel zu bringen. Behandle diesen Spielstein wie eine |S1schwarze Kreatur mit |HSumpftarnung und StΣrke und Widerstandskraft zufΣllig zwischen 1 und 3 gewΣhlt. | None | xSwampwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
873 | 0872 | Red Guild | Red Guild | Utility | | Grey | Land | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Land | Melissa Benson | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
874 | 0873 | Blue Guild | Blue Guild | Utility | | Grey | Land | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Land | Unknown | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
875 | 0874 | White Guild | White Guild | Utility | | Grey | Land | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Land | Unknown | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
876 | 0875 | Green Guild | Green Guild | Utility | | Grey | Land | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Land | Unknown | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
877 | 0876 | Black Guild | Black Guild | Utility | | Grey | Land | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Land | Unknown | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
878 | 0877 | Artificer's Guild | Artificer's Guild | Utility | | Grey | Land | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Land | Quinton Hoover | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
879 | 0878 | Bright Society | Bright Society | Utility | | Grey | Land | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Land | Unknown | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
880 | 0879 | Grey Society | Grey Society | Utility | | Grey | Land | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Land | Unknown | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
881 | 0880 | Dark Society | Dark Society | Utility | | Grey | Land | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Land | Quinton Hoover | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
882 | 0881 | Gladiator | Gladiator | Utility | | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Special | 000003 | 2 | 2 | 100 | Artifact Creature | Unknown | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
883 | 0882 | Master | Master | Utility | | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Special | 000010 | na | na | 100 | Enchant Creature | Mark Tedin | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
884 | 0883 | Royalty | Royalty | Utility | | White | Enchant | na | None | Special | 100000 | na | na | 100 | Enchantment | Phil Foglio | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
885 | 0884 | Veteran | Veteran | Utility | | Red | Summon | Veteran | None | Special | 001000 | 2 | 1 | 100 | Summon Veteran | Dan Frazier | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
886 | 0885 | Wespe | Wespe | Unlimited | Fourth | Brown | Token | na | None | None | 000000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Spielstein | Sandra Everingham | Fliegend\\Die Wespe zΣhlt als Artefaktkreatur. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
887 | 0886 | Wolves of the Hunt | Wolves of the Hunt | Legends | | Green | Token | Wolves | None | None | 000000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Token Wolves | Mark Tedin | Banding with other Wolves of the Hunt, counts as as a green creature | None | xBanding | None | None | None | None | None |
888 | 0887 | Poison Snake | Poison Snake | Legends | | Brown | Token | Snake | None | None | 000000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Token Snake | Jeff A. Menges | If Poison Snake damages a player, he or she gets a poison counter. If a player has ten or more poison counters, he or she loses the game. | None | Poison:1 | None | None | None | None | None |
889 | 0888 | Minor Demon | Minor Demon | Legends | | Gold | Token | Demon | None | None | 000000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Token Demon | Jesper Myrfors | Counts as a black and red creature | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
890 | 0889 | Sand Warrior | Sand Warrior | Legends | | Gold | Token | Sand Warrior | None | None | 000000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Token Sand Warrior | Richard Kane-Ferguson | Counts as a white, red, and green creature. If Hazezon Tamar leaves play, remove Sand Warrior from the game. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
891 | 0890 | Dschinn aus der Flasche | Dschinn aus der Flasche | Arabian | Fourth | Brown | Token | na | None | None | 000000 | 5 | 5 | 100 | Spielstein | Jesper Myrfors | Fliegend\\Der Dschinn aus der Flasche zΣhlt als Artefaktkreatur. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
892 | 0891 | Tetravit | Tetravit | Antiquities | Fourth | Brown | Token | Tetravite | None | None | 000000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Spielstein | Mark Tedin | Fliegend\\ZΣhlt als Artefaktkreatur. Auf einen Tetravit k÷nnen keine Verzauberungen gesprochen werden. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
893 | 0892 | Rukh | Rukh | Arabian | | Red | Token | Rukh | None | None | 000000 | 4 | 4 | 100 | Token Rukh | Christopher Rush | Flying \\Counts as a red creature. | None | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
894 | 0893 | Stangg Twin | Stangg Twin | Legends | | Gold | Token | Stangg | None | None | 000000 | 3 | 4 | 100 | Token Stangg | Rob Alexander | |3,|T: Choose one of your creatures and your opponent chooses one of his/her creatures. Both target creatures become tapped and do their power in damage to each other.\\Counts as a green and red legend. \\If Stangg Twin leaves play, bury Stangg. If Stangg leaves play, remove Stangg Twin from the game. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
895 | 0894 | Mana Crypt | Mana Crypt | Promo | | Brown | Artifact | na | ManaSource | Special | 000000 | na | na | 500 | Artifact | Mark Tedin | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
896 | 0895 | Nalathni Dragon | Nalathni Dragon | Promo | | Red | Summon | Dragon | PowerUp | Special | 002002 | 1 | 1 | 500 | Summon Dragon | Michael Whelan | Flying, Bands. |R: +1 /+0 until end of turn. If more than |R|R|R is spent in this manner during one turn, Nalathni Dragon is buried at the end of that turn. | These small but intelligent Dragon and their Olesian allies held back the tide of Pashalik Mon's horde of Goblin Raiders. | Flying | Banding | None | None | None | None |
897 | 0896 | Sewers of Estark | Sewers of Estark | Promo | | Black | Instant | na | None | Special | 000202 | na | na | 500 | Instant | Melissa Benson | Targets a creature in play. If target is attacking, it may not be blocked until end of turn. If target creature is blocking, it and all creatures it blocks do no damage during combat this turn. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
898 | 0897 | Windseeker Centaur | Windseeker Centaur | Promo | | Red | Summon | Centaur | None | Special | 002001 | 2 | 2 | 500 | Summon Centaur | Anson Maddocks | Attacking does not cause Windseeker Centaur to tap. | Loyal and passionate in battle, the Windseeker tribe roams the Green Lands near the Honeyed Sea. | Free Action | None | None | None | None | None |
899 | 0898 | Giant Badger | Giant Badger | Promo | | Green | Summon | Badger | None | Special | 020001 | 2 | 2 | 500 | Summon Badger | Liz Danforth | If assigned as a blocker, Giant Badger gains +2 Power and +2 Toughness until end of the turn. | The wizard Greensleeves called a Giant Badger to her aid in a battle with the desert mage Karli. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
900 | 0899 | Arena | Arena | Promo | | Grey | Land | na | DirectFire | Special | 000000 | 1 | 1 | 500 | Land | Rob Alexander | |3,|T: Choose one of your creatures and your opponent chooses one of his/her creatures. Both target creatures become tapped and do their power in damage to each other. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
901 | 0900 | Brut von Azar | Brut von Azar | Astral | | Black | Token | na | None | None | 000000 | 100 | 100 | 100 | Token | Rob Alexander | |HSumpftarnung (Wenn der verteidigende Spieler |HSⁿmpfe kontrolliert, kann diese Kreatur nicht geblockt werden.).\\Die StΣrke und Widerstandskraft der Brut von Azar werden zufΣllig bestimmt und sind nicht kliener als 1 und nicht gr÷▀er als 3. | None | Swampwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
902 | 0901 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
903 | 0902 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
904 | 0903 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
905 | 0904 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
906 | 0905 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
907 | 0906 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
908 | 0907 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
909 | 0908 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
910 | 0909 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
911 | 0910 | Montagearbeiter | Montagearbeiter | Antiquities | Fourth | Brown | Land | na | None | None | 000000 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Land | Kaja & Phil Foglio | |T: Erh÷he Deinen Manavorrat um ein farbloses Mana.\\|1:Bis zum Ende dieses Zuges ist dieses Land eine 2/2 Artefaktkreatur, die Montagearbeiter genannt wird.\\|T: Ein Montagearbeiter Deiner Wahl erhΣlt +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.\\Der Montagearbeiter zΣhlt als Artefaktkreatur. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
912 | 0911 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
913 | 0912 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
914 | 0913 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
915 | 0914 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
916 | 0915 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
917 | 0916 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
918 | 0917 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
919 | 0918 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
920 | 0919 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
921 | 0920 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
922 | 0921 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
923 | 0922 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
924 | 0923 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
925 | 0924 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
926 | 0925 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
927 | 0926 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
928 | 0927 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
929 | 0928 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
930 | 0929 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
931 | 0930 | Messingmann | Messingmann | Arabian | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000001 | 1 | 3 | 100 | Artefaktkreatur | Christopher Rush | Der Messingmann enttappt nicht wΣhrend Deiner Enttap-Phase.\\|1: Enttappe den Messingmann. Du kannst diese Eigenschaft nur wΣhrend Deiner Versorgungsphase einsetzen. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
932 | 0931 | Tanzender KrummsΣbel | Tanzender KrummsΣbel | Arabian | Fifth | Brown | Artifact | Creature | None | Rare | 000004 | 1 | 5 | 330 | Artefaktkreatur | Anson Maddocks | Fliegend | Der KrummsΣbel sprang fr÷hlich von Gegner zu Gegner und begann, kleine, verspielte Schn÷rkel den SchlΣgen hinzuzufⁿgen. Manchmal schlug er sogar PurzelbΣume. | Flying | None | None | None | None | None |
933 | 0932 | Curse Artifact | Curse Artifact | Dark | | Black | Enchant | Artifact | None | Uncommon | 000202 | na | na | 300 | Enchant Artifact | Mark Tedin | Causes 2 damage to artifact's controller unless they choose to bury artifact. | Voska feared the artifact had come too easily. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
934 | 0933 | Electric Eel | Electric Eel | Dark | | Blue | Summon | Eel | PowerUp | Uncommon | 000010 | 1 | 1 | 300 | Summon Eel | Anson Maddocks | |R|R: +2/+0 and controller takes 1 damage. Causes 1 damage when put in play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
935 | 0934 | Festival | Festival | Dark | | White | Instant | na | None | Common | 100000 | na | na | 60 | Instant | Mark Poole | Opponent may not declare an attack this turn. Play during opponents upkeep. | Only after the townsfolk had drawn us into their merry celebration did we discover that their holiday rituals held a deeper purpose. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
936 | 0935 | ▄berflutung | ▄berflutung | Dark | Fifth | Blue | Enchant | na | None | Common | 000010 | na | na | 300 | Verzauberung | Dennis Detwiller | |U|U: Tappe eine nichtfliegende Kreatur Deiner Wahl. | ôEin Spritzer kalten Wassers bewirkt oft Wunder.ö\\ùVibekke Ragnild, Hexen und Krieg | None | None | None | None | None | None |
937 | 0936 | Goblin Digging Team | Goblin Digging Team | Dark | Chronicles | Red | Summon | Goblins | None | Common | 001000 | 1 | 1 | 80 | Summon Goblins | Ron Spencer | |T: and sacrifice self to destroy target wall. | ôFrom down here we can make the whole wall collapse!ö ôUh, yeah, boss, but how do we get out?ö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
938 | 0937 | Steinschlitten | Steinschlitten | Dark | Fifth | Red | Summon | Rock Sled | None | Common | 001001 | 3 | 1 | 80 | Beschw÷rung von Steinschlitten | Dennis Detwiller | Verursacht Trampelschaden.\\Kann nicht angreifen, wenn der Gegner keine |H1Gebirge im Spiel hat. Wenn der Steinschlitten in der vorherigen Runde angegriffen hat, wird er in der Enttap-Phase nicht enttappt. | None | Trample | None | None | None | None | None |
939 | 0938 | Goblin Shrine | Goblin Shrine | Dark | Chronicles | Red | Enchant | Land | None | Common | 002001 | na | na | 80 | Enchant Land | Ron Spencer | If target land is a basic mountain, all goblins gain +1/+0. Does 1 damage to all goblins if buried. | ôI knew it weren't no ordinary pile of---you know.ö ---Norin the Wary | None | None | None | None | None | None |
940 | 0939 | Moorviper | Moorviper | Dark | Fifth | Green | Summon | Viper | None | Common | 010003 | 1 | 2 | 100 | BeschwΣrung einer Viper | Ron Spencer | Wenn die Moorviper einem Spieler Schaden zufⁿgt, bekommt dieser zwei Giftmarken. Wenn ein Spieler zehn oder mehr Giftmarken hat, verliert er das Spiel. | ôEs schwindelt mir, es brennt mein Eingeweide.ö\\ùJohann Wolfgang Goethe, Wilhelm Meister | Poison:2 | None | None | None | None | None |
941 | 0940 | Merfolk Assassin | Merfolk Assassin | Dark | | Blue | Summon | Merfolk | None | Uncommon | 000020 | 1 | 2 | 500 | Summon Merfolk | Dennis Detwiller | |T: to destroy target creature that has islandwalk. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
942 | 0941 | Miracle Worker | Miracle Worker | Dark | | White | Summon | Savant | None | Common | 100000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Savant | Ron Spencer | |T: to destroy target enchantment on a creature you control. | ôThose blessed hands could bring surcease to even the most tainted soul.ö --- Sister Betje, Miracles of the Saints | None | None | None | None | None | None |
943 | 0942 | Spie▀trΣger | Spie▀trΣger | Dark | Fifth | White | Summon | Pikemen | None | Common | 100001 | 1 | 1 | 100 | BeschwΣrung von Spie▀trΣgern | Dennis Detwiller | BⁿndnisfΣhigkeit, Erstschlag | ôAls die Kavallerie sich nΣherte, erwarteten wir sie mit gezⁿckten Schwertern und Spie▀en, die wir im Gras zu unseren Fⁿ▀en verborgen hatten. ∩Keiner schnappt sich seinen Spie▀, bis ich nicht das Kommando gebe', sagte ich.ö\\ùMaeveen O'Donagh, Erinnerungen einer SΣldnerin | First Strike | Banding | None | None | None | None |
944 | 0943 | Lumpensammler | Lumpensammler | Dark | Fifth | Black | Summon | Rag Man | Discard | Rare | 000202 | 2 | 1 | 800 | BeschwΣrung eines Lumpensammlers | Daniel Gelon | |B|B|B, |T: Schaue Dir die Karten, die ein Spieler Deiner Wahl auf der Hand hat, an. Dieser Spieler wirft eine zufΣllige Kreaturenkarte ab. Benutze diese FΣhigkeit nur wΣhrend Deines Zuges. | ôAch, er ist doch nur ein dummer, schmutziger kleiner Mann. Warum soll man da Angst haben?ö | None | None | None | None | None | None |
945 | 0944 | Savaen Elves | Savaen Elves | Dark | | Green | Summon | Elves | None | Common | 010000 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Elves | Ron Spencer | |G|G, |T: Destroy target enchant land. | ôPurity of magic can only come from purity of the land, How can a meal nourish if the ingredients are spoiled?ö --- Sidaine of Savaen | None | None | None | None | None | None |
946 | 0945 | Scarwood Bandits | Scarwood Bandits | Dark | | Green | Summon | Bandits | None | Rare | 020002 | 2 | 2 | 700 | Summon Bandits | Mark Poole | |G|2, |T: Take control of target artifact. Opponent can counter by paying |2. | None | Forestwalk | None | None | None | None | None |
947 | 0946 | Scarwood Goblins | Scarwood Goblins | Dark | | Gold | Summon | Goblins | None | Common | 011000 | 2 | 2 | 50 | Summon Goblins | Ron Spencer | None | Larger and more cunning than most Goblins, Scarwood GOblins are thankfully found only in isolated pockets. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
948 | 0947 | Scavenger Folk | Scavenger Folk | Dark | Chronicles | Green | Summon | Scavengers | None | Common | 010000 | 1 | 1 | 50 | Summon Scavengers | Dennis Detwiller | |G and sacrifice to destroy target artifact. | String, weapons, wax, or jewels---it makes no difference. Leave nothing unguarded in Scarwood. | None | None | None | None | None | None |
949 | 0948 | Squire | Squire | Dark | | White | Summon | Squire | None | Common | 100001 | 1 | 2 | 100 | Summon Squire | Dennis Detwiller | None | ôOf twenty years of age he was, I gesse. Of his Stature he was of even lengthe, And wonderly did deliver, and greete of strengthe.ö ---Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales | None | None | None | None | None | None |
950 | 0949 | Tangle Kelp | Tangle Kelp | Dark | | Blue | Enchant | Creature | None | Uncommon | 000010 | na | na | 300 | Enchant Creature | Rob Alexander | Target creature doesn't untap if it attacked last turn. Kelp taps target creature. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
951 | 0950 | Tivadar's Crusade | Tivadar's Crusade | Dark | | White | Sorcery | na | None | Uncommon | 200001 | na | na | 400 | Sorcery | Dennis Detwiller | Destroys all goblins in play. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
952 | 0951 | Water Wurm | Water Wurm | Dark | | Blue | Summon | Wurm | None | Common | 000010 | 1 | 1 | 100 | Summon Wurm | Ron Spencer | Gains +0/+1 if opponent controls at least 1 island. | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
953 | 0952 | Rubinia Soulsinger | Rubinia Soulsinger | Legends | Chronicles | Gold | Summon | Legend | Control | Rare | 110012 | 2 | 3 | 1800 | Summon Legend | Rob Alexander | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
954 | 0953 | MPS Logo | MicroProse | Utility | | Gold | Enchant | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Enchantment | Frank Frazier | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
955 | 0954 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
956 | 0955 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000001 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
957 | 0956 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000002 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
958 | 0957 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000003 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
959 | 0958 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000004 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
960 | 0959 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000005 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
961 | 0960 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000006 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
962 | 0961 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000007 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
963 | 0962 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000008 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
964 | 0963 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000009 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
965 | 0964 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000010 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
966 | 0965 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000011 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
967 | 0966 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000012 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
968 | 0967 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000013 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
969 | 0968 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000014 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
970 | 0969 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000015 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
971 | 0970 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000016 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
972 | 0971 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000017 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
973 | 0972 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000018 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
974 | 0973 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000019 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
975 | 0974 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000020 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
976 | 0975 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000021 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
977 | 0976 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000022 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
978 | 0977 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000023 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
979 | 0978 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000024 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
980 | 0979 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000025 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
981 | 0980 | Crystal Ball | Crystal Ball | Utility | | Brown | Artifact | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Artifact | Frank Frazier | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
982 | 0981 | Wizard of the Cost Logo | Wizards of the Coast | Utility | | Gold | Enchant | na | None | Special | 000000 | na | na | 100 | Enchantment | Unknown | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
983 | 0982 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
984 | 0983 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000001 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
985 | 0984 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000002 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
986 | 0985 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000003 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
987 | 0986 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000004 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
988 | 0987 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000005 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
989 | 0988 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000006 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
990 | 0989 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000007 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
991 | 0990 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000008 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
992 | 0991 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000009 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
993 | 0992 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000010 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
994 | 0993 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000011 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
995 | 0994 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000012 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
996 | 0995 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000013 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
997 | 0996 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000014 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
998 | 0997 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000015 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
999 | 0998 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000016 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
1000 | 0999 | None | None | None | | None | None | na | None | None | 000000 | na | na | 0 | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None